Descrição do Produto: Triple Leaf Detox Tea – 20 bags (Pack of 2)
O Triple Leaf Detox Tea é uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada de ervas que promove a desintoxicação do organismo, proporcionando uma experiência revitalizante e purificadora. Cada embalagem contém 20 saquinhos de chá, e ao adquirir o pack de 2, você garante um suprimento prolongado para suas necessidades de bem-estar. Este chá é formulado com ingredientes naturais, como folhas de chá verde, gengibre, dente-de-leão e outras ervas tradicionais que têm sido utilizadas na medicina oriental por séculos.
O processo de desintoxicação é essencial para manter o corpo saudável e em equilíbrio, e o Triple Leaf Detox Tea foi desenvolvido para ajudar a eliminar toxinas acumuladas, melhorar a digestão e aumentar a energia. A infusão é leve e refrescante, tornando-se uma excelente opção para ser consumida a qualquer hora do dia. Além disso, o chá é livre de cafeína, o que o torna ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saudável sem os efeitos estimulantes da cafeína.
– Desintoxicação Eficaz: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar.
– Melhora da Digestão: Os ingredientes naturais favorecem a digestão, aliviando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso natural de energia, sem os picos de nervosismo associados à cafeína.
– Apoio ao Metabolismo: Contribui para um metabolismo saudável, auxiliando na manutenção do peso.
– Hidratação e Refrescância: A infusão é uma excelente forma de se manter hidratado, com um sabor agradável e revigorante.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Triple Leaf Detox Tea, recomenda-se preparar uma xícara do chá utilizando um saquinho. Ferva água e despeje-a sobre o saquinho em uma xícara. Deixe em infusão por 3 a 5 minutos, permitindo que as ervas liberem suas propriedades benéficas. Para um sabor mais intenso, você pode deixar o saquinho por mais tempo. O chá pode ser consumido quente ou frio, conforme sua preferência. Para maximizar os efeitos de desintoxicação, é aconselhável beber de 1 a 3 xícaras por dia, complementando uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
Edna –
The Yogi Detox tastes like liquorish. If you don’t like that flavor, you’ll like this one. I’ve had 254 cholesterol for at least 20 years. I’ve turned plant based 5 years ago and my cholesterol was the exactly the same. I drank this daily and it dropped my cholesterol 60 points. This was suggested by a friend who had the same results. I don’t want to go on cholesterol meds so I’ll keep on drinking this!
medire27 –
The flavor is very pleasant and it definitely produces results as stated. No cramping or discomfort and very gentle to my stomach. I prefer this tea to Triple Leaf’s “Super Slim” variety, which in comparison I didn’t enjoy the flavor quite as much and, for me, didn’t really do anything noticeable. The pamphlet insert shows all the different varieties that Triple Leaf produces and a nice summary of their benefits, which I find very helpful. I originally found Detox in my local Sprouts Market but they stopped stocking it. I’m grateful to find it on Amazon!
Dimi H. –
I’ve drank this tea over 14 years. Its great for helping you curb a cold. It great for cravings. I think it help me prepare for the pregnancy of my 1st child. Helps with bloating, low energy etc.
Amazon Customer –
I used to get headaches at work when exposed to chemicals, now if I drink this after being exposed I don’t get headaches, this proved to me it works, however I am not a doctor also would not recommend using this as a replacement for protective gear but I use it to help get rid of toxins in the body
Mary B. –
This tea is very good for helping my body detox from poor food choices as well as everyday toxic buildup. It has a mild flavor, unlike other detox teas with ginger, pepper and other strong flavors I don’t care for.
I haven’t been able to find it locally, so I am glad to be able to buy it here.
Melody Diggs –
Great product
Paulette –
They arrived on time and met the requirement.
Gabriela Amari –
I Ned to use two teabags in Oder to get the detox effect but it is a nice tea and the price is good for two boxes(40 teabags).
Juaimee –
I can’t believe I love this tea (but I do!).
Two and a half months ago, I started doing green smoothies several times a day. As part of the plan, they recommended a detox tea, such as this one. But, since I was trying to save money, I went with a cheaper detox tea and hated the bitter taste (yeah, yeah, yeah…I know bitter helps with cleaning).
So, I decided to try this tea and got the six-pack of this tea (yes, without trying it) which could have been disastrous. But, I hit the bulls-eye on this one! The tea is flavorful and slightly sweet. And, when I drink 1-2 cups a day, it definitely helps me with my weigh loss goals. I notice that my stomach is smaller. Whether that is due to the tea or the green smoothies (or a combination of both) is difficult to say. And sometimes, I use the seeped tea in place of water in my green smoothies. Since I don’t like the taste of plain water (??), this tea helps me up my water game.
The bottom line is, I really like the taste of this tea. I am already done with four of the six boxes and will order more when I am done. I would recommend that anyone try this tea for themselves if they are starting a similar type plan.
Gaylene Missere –
The taste is really good. I like it