Descrição do Produto: SkinnyBoost 28 Day Detox Daytime Tea
O SkinnyBoost 28 Day Detox Daytime Tea é uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada de ervas naturais, projetada para apoiar o seu metabolismo e promover um detox eficaz ao longo de 28 dias. Com 28 saquinhos de chá, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma abordagem saudável e natural para melhorar a sua saúde e bem-estar. Cada xícara deste chá não apenas ajuda a aumentar o metabolismo, mas também atua como um supressor de apetite, proporcionando um impulso de energia que pode ser sentido ao longo do dia.
- 28 Day Detox: Um programa de detoxificação que promove a eliminação de toxinas acumuladas no organismo.
- Aumento do Metabolismo: Ingredientes selecionados que ajudam a acelerar o metabolismo, facilitando a queima de calorias.
- Supressão do Apetite: Fórmula que ajuda a controlar a fome, tornando mais fácil manter uma dieta equilibrada.
- Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso energético natural, ideal para enfrentar o dia a dia com mais disposição.
- 100% Natural, Não-OGM, Vegano e Amigo da Dieta Keto: Uma opção saudável que se alinha com diferentes estilos de vida e preferências alimentares.
1. Detox Eficaz: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar.
2. Aceleração do Metabolismo: Contribui para a queima de gordura, facilitando a perda de peso de forma saudável.
3. Controle do Apetite: Reduz a vontade de comer entre as refeições, auxiliando no controle da ingestão calórica.
4. Aumento de Energia: Melhora a disposição e a vitalidade, tornando as atividades diárias mais fáceis de serem realizadas.
5. Adequado para Diversas Dietas: Por ser vegano e não conter ingredientes geneticamente modificados, é uma escolha segura para quem segue dietas específicas, como a Keto.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o SkinnyBoost 28 Day Detox Daytime Tea, recomenda-se consumir um saquinho de chá por dia. Coloque o saquinho em uma xícara de água quente e deixe em infusão por 3 a 5 minutos, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos liberem suas propriedades benéficas. Para um efeito otimizado, é aconselhável acompanhar o consumo do chá com uma dieta equilibrada e a prática regular de exercícios físicos. Mantenha-se hidratado ao longo do dia e evite o consumo excessivo de açúcar e alimentos processados para maximizar os benefícios do detox.
Keri Dunlap –
I absolutely LOVE this detox tea. I’ve been drinking it consistently for over a year now, and it’s become essential to my morning routine. Don’t ask me how, but I’ve just noticed since taking it my period cramps decreased dramatically. I used to have really bad cramps before this but now it’s barely there. I also didn’t buy this tea for weight loss purposes, but I will say it did increase my metabolism so that’s a plus. It taste really good —especially with honey. It’s definitely a staple in my home for sure.
Cwalks –
I have been drinking this tea for 3 weeks now and I must say, with eating healthier it does make a difference. I have been eating healthier for the past 7 weeks and I felt like I needed a boost to help with my metabolism. This definitely helped with that and I’ve lost 6 pounds in the 3 weeks I’ve been using it. Which is better than I was doing before drinking the tea. I use it day and night with a little bit of honey.
Bee Vue –
The first day I tried the tea it was at night. The flavor was good. I felt great. I awake the next morning and my lip was a little swollen.( not pictured)*Day 2 of swelling in pictures). I thought maybe something bit me that night. Took meds and went on about my day. That evening I had another glass of tea. Again, I felt great. Later that night while watching a movie, I began to itch like crazy! I can feel my bottom lip swelling. I took some allergy meds and the itching subsided but my lip kept swelling (*pictured). I was over the tea. I thought I could return it but I can’t. I’m not sure what could have caused the allergic reaction but I would not recommend this tea.
Keri Dunlap –
Love this product. Every few months I do a tea detox and if it curbs your appetite and gives you plenty of energy. No upset stomach or gross taste! It stabilizes my mood bc I dint deal with the withdrawal anger of fasting! I’ve been able to lose weight and keep it off with the help of this tea. The coffee is amazing as well, I normally get vanilla and use collagen creamer but the tea gives just as much energy. Love this company and the packaging is gorgeous!
Alexis O –
I drink tea daily for the past 30 years. I know a lot about tea and these teas are great. The evening tea helps put me to sleep and I struggle to fall asleep and the morning tea has a citrus taste but very smooth. I take probiotics to be more regular if you know what I mean and since using these detox teas I’ve improved and my body feels a lot lighter. It’s a little pricey but I’ve been drinking it for a month and I felt the difference a week in and I enjoy the taste and how my body feels in the morning with the morning detox and the evening with the evening detox.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve drank it for 5 days, and didn’t see any difference. The taste was not too bad but it didn’t do anything to me. It definitely didn’t curb my hunger. I had high hope for this but unfortunately it didn’t work for me
Alexis O –
I’ve been drinking for one week now and I can say it helps me use the bathroom daily. Taste like any other tea. Would purchase again in the future.
Cwalks –
I was skeptical to try this and my mom had bought it and never used it. I decided to try it anyways and while I didn’t necessarily shed tons of pounds it definitely helped me drop a couple and that was without changing my diet. I could for sure see a difference in my appetite. I didn’t feel the urge to snack all the time and I really loved that it wasn’t a laxative tea or anything like that. I ended up ordering it again through amazon since I liked it so much. I also really dig the flavor.