Detox Cleanse Tea Natural Herbal Tea Bags Oolong Leaf
Descubra o poder revitalizante do Detox Cleanse Tea, uma infusão de folhas de oolong cuidadosamente selecionadas, projetada para promover a saúde dos pulmões e aliviar a congestão. Este chá herbal, livre de cafeína e feito com ingredientes orgânicos não-GMO, é a escolha ideal para quem busca um detox natural e eficaz. Com seu aroma delicado e sabor suave, o Tie Guan Yin oolong tea proporciona uma experiência sensorial única, com uma cor âmbar dourada que encanta os olhos e um perfume de orquídea que acalma a mente.
A versatilidade do Detox Cleanse Tea permite que você o aprecie de diversas maneiras: quente, gelado ou como base para kombucha. Cada método de preparo revela nuances diferentes de sabor, tornando cada xícara uma nova descoberta. As folhas de oolong são 100% naturais e não contêm glúten ou aditivos agressivos, garantindo uma infusão pura e deliciosa. Com 30 saquinhos de chá em cada embalagem, você pode compartilhar momentos especiais com amigos ou desfrutar de um ritual diário de autocuidado.
– Limpeza Pulmonar: Ajuda a desintoxicar os pulmões, promovendo uma respiração mais leve e saudável.
– Alívio da Congestão: Proporciona alívio natural para a congestão, facilitando a respiração.
– Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para a saúde intestinal, promovendo uma digestão equilibrada.
– Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Experiência Sensorial: Oferece um sabor e aroma únicos, tornando o momento do chá mais prazeroso.
Para preparar o Detox Cleanse Tea, coloque um saquinho de chá em uma xícara e adicione água quente (aproximadamente 90°C). Deixe em infusão por 3 a 5 minutos, dependendo da intensidade desejada. Para uma bebida gelada, prepare o chá quente e, em seguida, resfrie na geladeira ou adicione gelo. Experimente também como base para kombucha, permitindo que o sabor do oolong se destaque em sua bebida fermentada favorita. Aproveite diariamente para maximizar os benefícios de desintoxicação e bem-estar.
Yarilyn –
I am a big fan of Oolong tea and was therefore eager and pleased to try this one. It’s okay, but I admit the grassy under taste of it was not all that pleasing to me. I can drink it–it’s better hot to me but I have drunk some of it as iced tea. it’s all a matter of personal taste and others clearly enjoy the flavor.
It’s certified organic and the tea bags are nicely filled and do not give off a lot of dust. Still, there’s that odd grassy taste to it. Different teas have different flavors, of course, and growing conditions, etc can impact them, and there is nothing–mind you–actually wrong with this tea. It just was not as good as I had expected.
It is very easy to use as the tea bags work well (the pyramid bags don’t float at top like some bags). I appreciate the bags are made of “degradable corn fiber” instead of bleached paper or plastic.
So, yeah, it’s a decent tea with much to comment about it. And it is a beautiful amber color.
Sara T. –
I really love tie guan yin and I have tried many. This is a decent starter in a tea bag. I don’t think it will make anyone fall in love with the tea but if you need to scratch that itch this will do. I don’t love the silk teabags because they’re not compostable
Thomas Salzman –
This is a great pack of 30 oolong tea bags. The tea bags do not have the little strings on them, so you have to fish them out of your drink with a spoon, but the tea comes out nicely just the same. The tea bags make a nice cup of tea that tastes very good. The teabags are not individually wrapped in the bag, they are just free-floating, but the bag is resealable so it helps to keep the tea fresher longer. Overall, I would order this tea again.
Stephanie H. –
Really enjoyed this. I have already used almost the whole bag and I will get it again. I love this taste and found it to be very relaxing and just the perfect cup of tea!
Jian Yu –
Guter Service und Qualität . Schnelle Lieferung
Jian Yu –
Der Tee schmeckt sehr gut. Alles bestens
LeNoir –
Very disappointed. Had high hopes for this tea, but even with long steep it takes like nothing.
K. J. –
Flavorful, robust tea. It stimulates the mouth (at least how I brew it). Roasty taste, in a good way. I didn’t detect any fruitiness. I agree with another reviewer this would be great iced but I am enjoying it so much as brewed tea, I’ll drink it brewed for now. Read the listing to see more information about the tea, the tea bag/sachet, and different ways to prepare it.
My brewing method: 200degF water, rinse the cup, pour 8 ounces water over the tea bag, steep for 2 minutes. If you are interested, rinse and repeat for a second cup that is good, too, but different than the first cup.
Resealable mylar bag for storage. It’s marked with a best by date (in 2027) and lot number. There’s a seller’s name /address /phone number /website on the bag and an email address.
The quote on the package is great: “Smile and let everyone know that today you’re a lot stronger than you were yesterday.” Do that if you can! and if not today, then maybe you’ll be able to do it tomorrow.
I take tea seriously. This is the tea that I choose without thinking when I want strong, flavorful tea.
Customer Review –
The TieGuanYin Oolong tea is green type with a nice self sealed packaging bag. The size of each tea bag is sufficient for a big cup and there was no noticeable tea debris falling from the bag. The tea flavor is quite decent on the first couple of steeps, but I like the flavor on the second steep. The first steep is a little bitter but the second was Okay to me. The floral flavor is slight light comparing with other TieGuanTin brands I drank before. I drank the tea without any sweetener in each afternoon, it kept me refresh, worth a try.
Yarilyn –
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Delicious tea. Love how I could resealed the bag. Great taste and aroma.