Descrição do Produto: Blue Bear Melatonin Sleep Drink
O Blue Bear Melatonin Sleep Drink é uma bebida inovadora projetada para proporcionar um suporte eficaz ao sono, combinando o sabor suave do chá de pêssego branco com ingredientes naturais que promovem o relaxamento e a tranquilidade. Cada porção contém 5mg de melatonina, um hormônio natural que ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, tornando-se uma excelente opção para quem enfrenta dificuldades para adormecer. Além da melatonina, esta bebida é enriquecida com lavanda, ashwagandha, camomila, GABA e L-Theanine, todos conhecidos por suas propriedades calmantes e relaxantes. Com uma fórmula livre de cafeína e zero açúcar, o Blue Bear é ideal para ser consumido antes de dormir, sem preocupações com efeitos estimulantes. Desfrute de uma experiência de sono mais tranquila e reparadora com o sabor delicado do chá de pêssego branco.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: A melatonina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
2. Ingredientes Naturais: Combinando lavanda, ashwagandha e camomila, a bebida oferece um efeito calmante sem aditivos artificiais.
3. Café Livre: Ideal para quem busca evitar a cafeína à noite, permitindo um relaxamento sem interferências.
4. Fácil de Preparar: Pronto para consumo, basta misturar com água quente ou fria, tornando-se uma opção prática para a rotina noturna.
5. Redução do Estresse: A presença de GABA e L-Theanine auxilia na diminuição da ansiedade, promovendo um estado de relaxamento antes de dormir.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma porção de Blue Bear Melatonin Sleep Drink cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Misture uma dose do produto em água quente ou fria, conforme sua preferência. Agite bem para garantir a homogeneização dos ingredientes. É importante evitar o consumo de alimentos pesados ou estimulantes nas horas que antecedem o sono, para maximizar os efeitos relaxantes da bebida. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Savannah –
Thank God for blue bear. I literally drink this on a nightly basis and don’t know what I would do without it typically melatonin style sleep aids leave me groggy and give me horrible side effects. This special blend doesn’t give me any of those.. I wake up early, feeling refreshed and I fall asleep quickly and I don’t have crazy or lucid dreams. I would recommend this to anybody and everybody that has issues falling asleep or staying asleep. My husband and I split a can every night or sometimes I drink the whole can myself lol thank you blue bear!
Hannah –
I was pleasantly surprised when I received my blue bear sleep in the mail. I had been having trouble sleeping the past few nights (I could not get my brain to relax and stop thinking about all the things I need to do) so I decided to try this. I hate carbonation so this was perfect for me with a pleasant peach flavor and no bubbles! I put the cans in the fridge right when I received them. I drank one can about an hour before bed, and about 45 mins in, I felt like was yawning a lot and started to feel tired. I fell asleep pretty quickly and I slept all the way till my alarm and stayed asleep the whole night! I also really enjoyed the packaging and felt as though it is a very high quality product. I will definitely be purchasing again!! Thank you blue bear!! 🙂
TessSpender –
Barely any taste. Giving 2 star only for the pretty packaging. Rather take a melatonin pill with water.
George Melochick –
Okay. This may not be everyone’s cup of tea (yes a poor pun) but for me this works great. No grogginess in the morning. Better sleep quality. I do take with magnesium tablets (any brand). Taste is pleasant with little sweetness (which I like). Semi-expensive but worth the money for a good night’s sleep. I’ve been taking it for around 48 nights now and no side effects including no higher BP (I have high BP controlled with medication). I drink it ice cold out of the fridge about 30-45 minutes before bedtime with two magnesium tablets. I’m pretty sure you can get the ingredients in some other form or separately, but this tea is a winner for me.
chris RN –
Made me drowsy but not a big fan of the taste.
Savannah –
It’s been a great addition into my routine. I’ve been drinking it over ice with my dinner since I eat pretty late at night. It is SO GOOD cold. I can’t emphasize that enough. One of the reasons I love it so much is because it’s not sickly sweet. It has this subtle peachy, floral taste to it which is why I can drink it with food. It’s also a great alternative to taking melatonin in pill form especially if you struggle swallowing them. The drink has 5mg of melatonin so it’s effective but you don’t wake up groggy like you sometimes can from taking sleep supplements. I highly recommend — it is well worth the money!
TessSpender –
Blue Bear is an aphrodisiac for the soul. I’ve tried these kind of drinks before and they’ve never worked for me. Blue Bear is unlike any other drink on the market that helps you fall asleep and stay asleep. Blue bear revitalized me where I woke up feeling like a new person. It doesn’t leave me groggy at all. Blue Bear is best served over ice and cold. It’s not syrupy and it’s not unhealthy for you. It’s made with all natural ingredients that leave even me, one of the most health-conscious people I know, satisfied with the recipe. I have suffered with insomnia for 25 years and don’t think I’ve ever had as good of a night sleep as I had after drinking a Blue Bear before bed. Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co, Anheuser Busch … Blue Bear. 10/10.
lana –
So glad I found this drink on Amazon. This little sleep tea has become my new favorite part of my bedtime routine, hands down. My boyfriend and I actually get excited to share a can together before we watch a show and fall asleep. We like taking a few cans with us when we travel too, for nights we just can’t fall asleep, and especially when we need to wake up alert for an important workday.
It’s SO refreshing and has a perfectly balanced flavor (I’m picky about sweetness and taste!!) that’s absolutely delicious and a just-right amount of sweet. Like a healthier lightly sweet version of the Snapple peach tea I grew up loving. I always have a carafe of water next to my nightstand for hydration before sleep – now my Blue Bear Sleep can sits right next to it. Honestly, I could drink it all day if it didn’t knock me out – it’s that good.
Background: I used to have a chronic problem of waking up in the middle of the night and lying awake for about half an hour to 2 hours. I tried Olly extra strength melatonin 10g capsules, CBD/CBN gummies and tinctures (yuck), Yogi sleep tea, even got prescribed Ambien. Then I started getting more interested in more natural supplements, like adaptogens for sleep. I personally like that Blue Bear Sleep tastes delicious, has no sugar, and is made with natural and organic ingredients that are good for you like adaptogens and nootropics. I wake up these days feeling refreshed, calm, and (I swear) less stressed during the morning rush.
What my boyfriend and I like most with Blue Bear Sleep is you really feel this gentle lull into relaxation, like you’re melting into the bed, and suddenly you’re falling gently asleep. It makes me feel more in control if that makes sense? It also feels great for me to wake up and just feel… so ready for the day ahead, instead of tired and grumpy. It’s really important for me since I often have days packed with meetings and have to be “my best self.”
10/10 recommend. I’m going to buy a case for my dad who really needs a regular sleep schedule while he undergoes physical therapy post-injury.