BABY GAS AND COLIC TEA: O Chá de Catnip da Secrets Of Tea para bebês e recém-nascidos proporcionará alívio para seu pequeno de cólicas, gases, constipação, refluxo ácido, indigestão e outros problemas estomacais. Este chá para bebês para dormir ajudará seu filho a dormir a noite toda.
NATURALMENTE ACALMA E CONFORTA: Este chá para cólicas de bebê acalma e conforta naturalmente os problemas de barriga do seu filho. Eles dormirão melhor, comerão melhor e se comportarão melhor quando estiverem totalmente descansados. Se usado de 3 a 4 vezes ao dia, os resultados serão vistos em 1 a 3 dias.
TRATAMENTO HERBAL ORGÂNICO: Nosso alívio de cólicas herbal para bebês é certificado como orgânico pelo USDA e livre de cafeína. Um alívio de cólicas totalmente natural para crianças com problemas digestivos típicos. Feito com ingredientes orgânicos. É 100% vegetariano e vegano.
40 PORÇÕES POR LATA: Você recebe uma quantidade generosa de 20 sachês biodegradáveis. Cada sachê pode ser usado duas vezes, totalizando 40 porções. Sem açúcar, sem álcool, sem corantes ou sabores artificiais, sem glúten, sem laticínios, sem soja, sem produtos químicos, sem petróleo.
PROFISSIONAIS E CELEBRIDADES ADORAM: Profissionais como ginecologistas, psicólogos, herbalistas, médicos e até mesmo algumas celebridades estão se interessando pelos nossos produtos. Nossos produtos foram apresentados em revistas como People, Fit Pregnancy, Women’s Day e San Diego Magazine.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio natural para cólicas e gases em bebês e recém-nascidos
- Acalma e conforta problemas de barriga, melhorando o sono e o comportamento
- Certificado como orgânico pelo USDA e livre de cafeína
- Generosa quantidade de 40 porções por lata
- Recomendado por profissionais e celebridades renomadas
Para bebês com cólicas, gases ou outros problemas estomacais, recomendamos preparar uma xícara de chá de Catnip da Secrets Of Tea. Despeje água fervente sobre um sachê e deixe em infusão por 5 minutos. Retire o sachê e deixe o chá esfriar até atingir uma temperatura adequada para o consumo do bebê. Dê ao bebê 1 a 2 colheres de chá do chá de Catnip, 3 a 4 vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Sempre consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer tratamento para seu bebê.
Ang. –
My daughter was very colic, cried every night from 7pm to 10 pm non stop. No matter which milk she was drinking (breast milk or formula), how much rocking and bouncing i did or white noise I played, it was bad. I felt hopeless not being able to help her. After extensive research on this product I decided to give it a try and IT WORKED FOR HER ON THE 1ST FEEDING. She has NOT had a colic episode in 2.5 months (she 4 months now). I mix the tea with her formula and I give it to her 1st thing in the morning and last bottle before she goes to sleep…no more painful cries or grunting in her sleep. Soo happy with this product. It’s worth it!!!!
Vanessa Trevino –
As a mother you understand how hard it gets during the newborn phase. My son was lactose and despite changes in milk etc he was still VERY VERY fussy. I went a few days with very little sleep so I got on goggle to reach natural ways to help soothe baby. This tea was packed with all the herbs it showed so I tried it. HE WAS SLEEPING through the night I had to wake him up after a week on it. He was still very gassy but he was passing it without issues and I never noticed him to be overly tired. He still plays and I still use it when he’s very fussy! I have been using this since my son was 1 week old he’s going to be 3 months. When he’s teething I notice a warm bottle of tea mixed with his formula takes away his pains. I’m so thankful I tried this and I’m sure you will be too.
Vanessa Trevino –
The tea box was crushed and opened at the bottom when I received the tea. I can’t return the item, but if I’m going to buy something full price and I cannot return, I would like it not to look the way it was sent to me.
Amazon Customer –
Awesome products! Customer service outstanding!! I have ordered this tea as well as “Toddler Magic” and both work well and the taste is relaxing. I drink it as well since when making a cup only a little goes to her then I will finish the cup (sometimes I will save a little and refrigerate in a capped mason jar for the next night). It is a caring and reassuring feeling to know that baby is relaxed naturally, healthily and safely before bed so sleep can be of good quality for everyone. Whether nursing or giving it to a baby or both, it is great. I aim for a holistic and natural approach for my children and grandchildren and this fits the bill wonderfully.
Gracie172 –
My 3 week old baby was constipated and I found this tea. It worked marvelous for her a day after I gave her her first dose. After a week on the tea, she no longer needs to drink it!
GH –
My 1 month old was screaming, uncomfortable, and fighting sleep. I read up on catnip tea and decided to give this a try. I give her 1 ounce and I drink the other 7 ounces. It is definitely a taste you have to get used to but eventually I liked it. This works. We both sleep so so good. Not sure if it really hell’s her belly but it does work to make her sleepy. I recommend trying this if you’re on the fence at all.
Amazon Customer –
My 1 year old has always had trouble falling asleep and this tea definitely helped him fall asleep fast. He still doesn’t sleep through the night but he definitely stays asleep longer and wakes up less with this tea.
Courtney –
It works so good, it calms him right down and he has been sleeping so much better! My boyfriends grandmother said she used to be able to buy a catnip concoction for babies at the pharmacy so when I found this I had to try it! Works wonders but wish it didn’t take so long to ship, just ordered more now
All the 1 star reviews worry me for their babies because the reviewers are not using this tea correctly and clearly not reading the directions. This tea needs to be used INSTEAD of water when mixing formula. Never give straight tea to a baby.
Also I have drank this tea myself and it’s delicious so people saying it taste gross are possibly not tea people? I drank it with no sugar or milk and it’s yummy. And also, do not use the same bag twice, it obviously loses its effectiveness. Someone gave a 1 star review because it was too clear after using the same bag twice. Not supposed to do that, stop penny pinching!
If tea is used correctly. It is magical!!