Chá de Chaga do Maine – Pó Fino de Cogumelo
Descubra o poder do Chá de Chaga do Maine, um pó fino de cogumelo que traz a pureza das florestas intocadas do Maine, EUA, e das florestas adjacentes do Atlântico canadense. Este produto é 100% colhido na natureza, garantindo que você receba um ingrediente de qualidade superior, livre de pesticidas e aditivos. O Chaga, conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas, é um cogumelo que cresce em árvores de bétula e é valorizado por suas qualidades nutricionais e medicinais.
- Pó Cru Fino Colhido na Natureza: O nosso Chaga é cuidadosamente colhido nas florestas pristinas do Maine, garantindo um produto puro e natural.
- Não Cultivado em Aveia: Ao contrário de outros produtos, nosso Chaga não é cultivado em aveia, o que significa que ele mantém a importante crosta preta, rica em antioxidantes e compostos benéficos.
- Tamanho de 4oz: Agora disponível em um tamanho de 4oz, que facilita o fechamento e o armazenamento, atendendo aos padrões de Boas Práticas de Fabricação dos EUA.
- Preparação Adequada: É importante notar que os pós de Chaga cru não se dissolvem em líquidos, independentemente da finura da moagem, e devem ser infundidos como um chá para liberar suas propriedades.
1. Rico em Antioxidantes: O Chaga é uma fonte poderosa de antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres e a proteger as células do corpo.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: O consumo regular de Chá de Chaga pode fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a se defender contra doenças.
3. Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: Este cogumelo é conhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias, que podem ajudar a reduzir a inflamação e melhorar a saúde geral.
4. Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: O Chaga pode auxiliar na digestão e promover um trato gastrointestinal saudável.
5. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Estudos sugerem que o Chaga pode ter efeitos positivos na saúde mental, ajudando a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade.
Para preparar o Chá de Chaga, utilize aproximadamente 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do pó fino em 500ml de água fervente. Deixe em infusão por cerca de 15 a 20 minutos, permitindo que os compostos benéficos sejam extraídos. Após a infusão, coe o líquido e aproveite o chá quente ou frio. Para um sabor mais intenso, você pode repetir o processo de infusão com o mesmo pó, adicionando mais água. O uso regular deste chá pode trazer benefícios significativos para a sua saúde e bem-estar.
Jaybird –
Very finely ground. Makes a uniform hot drink every time. It comes from Maine instead of outside the country. I make a hot drink with this, ground cinnamon and turmeric. When I drink it every day I can definitely tell a difference in finger stiffness. The difference is most noticeable when I stop drinking it for a few days.
P Anderson –
1st time user. Love that is has little taste to it. This can go into any drink, can be sprinkled on a salad. Whatever you want. Enjoy!
mother of 4 –
This is the finest ground chaga I’ve found and it lasts for a super long time. I use 1/4 teaspoon for my mug. Glad I found this stuff.
DreamsiclesASMR –
I got sick when I missed a couple days of my chaga routine. Got home and recovered fairly quickly in one way and in others, it’s taken the edge off.
I’m pretty happy with it.
*hot water, coffee grounds, probably 1 tsp of chaga (this is going to last me forever even using this much!)
*steep for about 15 minutes
*strain into coffee mug with mesh strainer
*add hot water to top of mug and either let sit a bit longer or dip in the strainer a few times to help move around the particles
It wasn’t an instant love for the flavor, but now it tastes fine with my coffee in this way. I like clean tasting coffee, and having a strainer I can clean easily being the only thing that could possibly add funky flavor helps. The coffee masks the chaga flavor.
Chaga on its own I liked okay in small amounts in soup (no filter).
I’m fairly susceptible to fine grit, it’s annoying and gross. There’s a miniscule amount of powdery…feel…and a bit condensed goop at the bottom of my coffee cup. I don’t drink that though. I’m sure if a person does keep mixing, it’d be a lot more gritty than what I’m experiencing just letting the excess sediment fall to the bottom. I don’t really experience any grit, just a powdery sensation when I’ve neared the end.
I drink my coffee with chaga black. No sugar. No milk.
Anyway…prevented full blown UTI. That’s pretty great.
Also take multivitamins, Vitamin D, Vitamin C with bioflavanoids, cal-mag, hyland cell salts (trace minerals), and brush my teeth with a calphos powder and tea tree oil. I’m not sure that info will or will not help anyone when choosing this, but just putting that out there for those that think it’s all the chaga or all of something else. I take the vitamin C only for proper absorption of other vitamins.
For my coffee mix, I drink at least 3 cups a day. This is a lot of caffeine for some. If you’re not fond of caffeine, you could feasibly go with decaf as you near bedtime or even all day.
Anyway, biggest point to make is that a good mesh strainer can be rinsed and washed easily and will filter enough big particles with normal ground coffee to not have much issue filtering out the most annoying grit. otoh, using teabags may help some people.
I’ll keep taking this because I’ve been so quickly getting over infections without the use of antibiotics. For me, this is unheard of. I’ve also never gotten rid of a UTI without antibiotics, so that alone should say a lot.
If you are sick, please see a doctor before relying on medicinal mushrooms! I can offer no medical advice as I am not a doctor. Also, once you start, don’t stop if you’ll be around people. That was a huge error on my part! 🙂
T.L.C –
When I noticed that I m having more allergies, that’s when I realize that this product had ran out a few days ago. Makes my respiratory system very stable. I did have asthma, bronchitis in the past, so I have to be extra careful when I get sick. So this keeps me away from cold. It’s a good value for the money. It lasts me a out 3 months for 30 bucks a pack. That’s good right?, if u can’t get sick.
Lilian Nagery –
It took long to arrive but it is effective.
CDP’s Onceagain habit of purchasing –
This is a break from coffee and Tea.
Aaron –
I love medicinal mushrooms, and this is one of my favorites. I blend a scoop into my coffee for all the health benefits, to make my coffee more healthy. Gives me a little extra energy and more clarity of mind. I also read that it’s really good for repairing dna and activating the third eye, and various spiritual benefits. Tons of antioxidants, so really good for immune system. Flavor is great, blends well, great value for money.
Peter K. –
Love that this chaga is a USA organic product, my gripe is that it isn’t fine ground enough. I blend it in with my bulletproof coffee, and it always ends up in the bottom of the cup, making a lot get wasted and not ingested.
Otherwise seems like a very good quality chaga at a fair price