Descrição do Produto: PLUM FLOWER CHINESE TEA Xiao Yao Wan/Free N Easy Wande, 200 CT
O PLUM FLOWER CHINESE TEA Xiao Yao Wan, também conhecido como Free N Easy Wande, é uma solução inovadora e prática para aqueles que buscam os benefícios do chá chinês sem a necessidade de preparo. Este produto é apresentado em forma de pequenas pílulas do tamanho de uma ervilha, facilitando o consumo e tornando-o ideal para o dia a dia. Com 200 unidades por embalagem, as pílulas são produzidas por um fabricante que segue as rigorosas normas de GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices), garantindo a qualidade e a segurança do produto.
As pílulas de chá chinês são fáceis de usar, eliminando a necessidade de preparar o chá tradicionalmente. Basta ingerir as pílulas com água, tornando-se uma opção conveniente para quem tem uma rotina agitada. A formulação do Xiao Yao Wan é conhecida por suas propriedades que promovem o equilíbrio emocional e o bem-estar geral, sendo uma escolha popular entre aqueles que buscam alívio do estresse e da ansiedade.
- Chinese Teapills Are Easy To Use, No Brewing Tea.
- Small Pills The Size Of A Pea.
- Gmp Manufacturer.
1. Praticidade: As pílulas são fáceis de transportar e consumir, ideais para quem tem uma rotina corrida.
2. Sem Preparo: Elimina a necessidade de preparar chá, economizando tempo e esforço.
3. Qualidade Garantida: Produzido por um fabricante que segue as normas de GMP, assegurando um produto seguro e eficaz.
4. Equilíbrio Emocional: Auxilia na redução do estresse e na promoção do bem-estar mental.
5. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em qualquer lugar, seja em casa, no trabalho ou durante viagens.
Para utilizar o PLUM FLOWER CHINESE TEA Xiao Yao Wan, recomenda-se ingerir de 6 a 8 pílulas por dia, divididas em duas ou três doses, conforme necessário. As pílulas devem ser consumidas com um copo de água, facilitando a deglutição. É aconselhável seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
cassie –
I was taking this due to a suggestion from a family friend who is an acupuncturist. Told it would help with my intense mood at that time of the month. It did more than that! I have always had some depression. It took away my sadness. To be fair I had a very physically active life at the time I took it. In June of 2017 I was diagnosed with an illness that required opioids & very little activity. I have since had surgery. I am on the mend. As soon as I stop the meds I will resume taking this & only this. I told my therapist once I don’t get depressed. It was true when I added this supplement to my diet. If you suffer from melancholy this really will help.
M. Stewart –
My boyfriend and I are very high strung people! He does construction and drinks coffee and smokes all day and is OCD about everything. He barks and screams all night because we have 4 kids at home that don’t listen. One day i came home and he was calm and relaxed and i told him bad news and his response was ok we will deal with that later and kept doing what he was doing. I didn’t say anything and 10 minutes later he says oh by the way i tried some of your ancient Chinese secrete pills in cabinet and i screamed WOW THEY DO WORK! He now takes them in the morning before work and his co-workers even said he changed. I order these all the time….. it saved our relationship. I take them when im PMSing.
Kindle Customer –
I don’t believe in herbs and vitamins and kelp and smelly oils etc so it took me three months to get around to trying these pills after a friend bought them for me. OH MY HAT, they work so well. If you’re feeling a little (okay, a lot) edgy with PMS or irritating children or a crazy boss, try these things. They work better than xanex, no kidding. So far, four of my friends have tried them and they have all ordered more. The pills are also tiny little things so they’re very easy to take and there are no icky, sicky issues like you get when you take some vitamins. The price is really reasonable so you’ve got nothing to lose by at least trying them. You won’t regret it, total life saver.
Joe –
It takes a little while to do something. There are 8 little beads you’re supposed to take at once. I think this product can provide some level of stress relief, but if you are in a high stress position (such as working), then you probably need something of prescription strength or get out of the situation permanently.
I’ve tried many OTC things like this, and this one actually seems to do something.
Update day 2 – This does help. However, it does cause a certain level of sedation. If you have an active job, then this could be a problem. The effects are very subtle, but you can see a difference in outward behavior in tolerating difficult people. Similar to a benzo, it deceases inner sensitivity and increases outer tolerance when having to deal with difficult people. I’d give it a 5, but the mild sedation can make time seem to pass more slowly.
Jill D. –
Did not say that it is banned in California since it can cause cancer.
A. You –
Surprisingly this makes me feel relaxed and less tense. I needed something for my PMS and irregular period. I think it is working. I have only taken it for about two weeks so I can’t say too much yet but I already started to feel effects within a week. It says to take 8 pills three times a day but I am taking 4-5 pills three times a day instead just to test how my body will react (and since I am light-weight). Eventually I might up the dose. When I had my period few days ago my menstrual cramp pains decreased. For the first time in many years I didn’t have to take pain reliever for my cramps. Coincidence? Not sure. I hate large capsules so these tiny teapills (like little brown pellets) are easy for me to swallow. I heard about Xiao Yao Wan/San for few years now, I should have tried it long ago. Depending on the brand and if it is in powder form, there are many names for this formula… so watch out for that.
Here are the main ingredients if anyone is wondering:
Chai hu
Bai shao
Dang gui
Bai zhu
Fu ling
Sheng jiang
Gan cao
Bo he
There is a “Free & Easy Wanderer PLUS” which add two more ingredients to the original formula but I believe that’s more for people with “heat” problems like hot flashes or organs that need cooling down (e.g. expels heat from liver).
Deanie –
I heard about these pills…Free and easy wonderer Tea Pills from a nurse at my husbands Drs. office. She was mentiong that she had been have some problems with TMJ again and her sister gave her some pills to try. She tried them for one week and she was hooked. I listened to her talk and asked a few questions. She told me where to find them and I ordered that night. Within a week most all of my TMJ pain and stiffness was gone. After about 3 weeks now things are working well. I can tell that I start to have problems if I skip a dose. The bottle calls for 14 or 16 pills a day. I take 2 in the AM and 2 at bedtime. Same as my nurse friend. We both have good results. If you have TMJ problems, I really think you will be pleased with this product.
Buttercup –
This is a great product for balancing female hormones and also for overian poly cyctic syndrom. I have used this product for years to balance my hormones, and it has been very effective for me. I first starting using this product for a hormone imbalance. I tryed almost everything on the market and researched for months and found this to be a wonderful product. I would recommend this to any woman who is suffering with female problems. It is a safe and alternative recommendation to the harmful side effects of hormone pills, that over time can cause alot of problems.