Descrição do Produto:
O Centenarius Nutrition Grass Fed Whey Protein Powder Isolate é uma proteína de soro de leite isolada de alta qualidade, proveniente de vacas alimentadas com pasto. Este produto é formulado com aminoácidos naturais que promovem um crescimento muscular otimizado e uma recuperação eficiente após os treinos. Com um perfil de aminoácidos completo, este whey protein é ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam maximizar seus resultados. A proteína isolada é rapidamente absorvida pelo organismo, garantindo que os músculos recebam os nutrientes necessários no momento certo. Além disso, o Centenarius Nutrition é livre de aditivos artificiais, conservantes e açúcares, tornando-se uma opção saudável e limpa para quem se preocupa com a qualidade dos suplementos que consome.
1. Crescimento Muscular Acelerado: A combinação de aminoácidos essenciais favorece a síntese proteica, promovendo um aumento significativo na massa muscular.
2. Recuperação Rápida: A rápida absorção da proteína isolada ajuda na recuperação muscular após treinos intensos, reduzindo a dor e a fadiga.
3. Qualidade Superior: Proveniente de vacas alimentadas com pasto, garante uma proteína de alta qualidade, rica em nutrientes e livre de hormônios e antibióticos.
4. Fácil Digestão: A fórmula isolada é de fácil digestão, minimizando desconfortos gastrointestinais comuns em outras proteínas.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em shakes, smoothies, receitas de bolos e panquecas, facilitando a inclusão de proteína na dieta diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de 30g (aproximadamente uma colher medida) do Centenarius Nutrition Grass Fed Whey Protein Powder Isolate em 200-250ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal. Agite bem em uma coqueteleira ou liquidificador até que a mistura esteja homogênea. O ideal é consumir a proteína logo após o treino para otimizar a recuperação muscular, mas também pode ser utilizada como um lanche saudável ao longo do dia ou como complemento em refeições. Ajuste a quantidade de líquido conforme a consistência desejada.
maximino grantham –
I don’t know where to start. I have never seen another company prioritizing the source of their whey before… Pure Irish raised, grass-fed cows??? 0 metals, all-natural, no excess flavors, sugars, or preservatives chemicals…. just wow. I have seen outsized gains at the gym since switching to centenarius. I have the freedom to choose an orange juice creamsicle protein shake or an almond milk banana. There is absolutely 0 bloating, You can literally TASTE the quality after it’s blended, like cream that rises to the top. Smooth, creamy, delicious. I look forward to my cent shake every single day. It pushes me to work out just so I can have some. I mix it with their Japanese, lab-grade glycine for a natural sweetener. I am a customer FOR LIFE! Can’t wait to see what they come out with next. It’s rare you see a company prioritize this high of a quality grade in their ingredients…. I feel like this brand could be huge one day, and it’s my little secret I share with everyone!
Andrew –
Best protein ever!!
Grizelle P. –
I started taking this a few days ago and it has made my stomach hurt so bad it gave me diarrhea, just being honest here. I also didn’t like that it has no type of flavor. The price could be less for the amount of product it is.
Tatiana Reynolds –
The powder is decent but not worth the price… I mean come on $58?! I’ve had less expensive whey powders that worked better.
AP –
I’m extremely picky with flavor, have ibs, and can get gassy easily. I’ve tried sugary protein powders you have to blend to dissolve and hated them. This one is perfect, good taste, no added sugar/flavor, no upset stomach/bloating/gas, and it easily dissolves in water or blends seamlessly into a shake. Thanks to the snobbery on Erewhon’s shelves I found this protein powder. Despite the cost it is well worth it.
Ryall G. –
LOVED this whey and I’m so thankful I found this protein powder. I feel GOOD taking it physically (I’ve always struggled with gas and bloating with whey but not this one) and feel good about taking it as well as it’s so pure and clean. It blends super easy and also has a creamy consistency and nice taste, which surprised me as it’s flavorless. No artificals, tested for heavy medals and certified organic from grass-fed cows! I’m hooked for life. You will be too!
Dario T. –
I was introduced to these Isolate grass-fed proteins from a popular health & fitness influencer in the LA area and wanted to give it a shot. Since the package opening, I could understand the higher quality of the proteins due to the more “airy” consistency and pure white color. No preservatives, chemicals, or added flavoring were added. Remarkable taste when simply used in water or added on smoothies or kefirs drinks. No bloating or discomfort for lactose-intolerant people. Highly recommended and suggested in mixing with your favorite drinks to thicken your favorite recipe!
Kelsea Smith –
Pros: no flavor, soy free, carb free
Cons: too thick to the point it was hard to swallow, had to water the powder down a lot to get a good consistency, too expensive & results may vary. Won’t work for everyone.