Descrição do Produto: Cellucor C4 Ultimate Shred Pre Workout Powder
O Cellucor C4 Ultimate Shred é um suplemento pré-treino projetado para aqueles que buscam maximizar seu desempenho físico e otimizar a queima de gordura. Com um sabor irresistível de Frozen Bombsicle, cada porção oferece uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes que potencializam a energia, o foco mental e a performance atlética.
- TRI-STIM ENERGY: Prepare-se para treinos intensos com nossa mistura potente de tri-estimulantes, que inclui 300mg de Cafeína, TeaCrine e Dynamine. Essa combinação proporciona um aumento significativo de energia, permitindo que você treine mais forte e por mais tempo.
- FAT-BURNING BOOST: O C4 Ultimate Shred é enriquecido com Extrato de Pimenta Caiena, CaloriBurn (Grãos do Paraíso), MitoBurn e Oligonol, que juntos apoiam a perda de gordura e promovem a saúde metabólica, ajudando você a alcançar seus objetivos de composição corporal.
- UNRIVALLED PUMPS: Com VELOX, uma mistura patenteada de L-Arginina e L-Citrulina, você experimentará bombas musculares inigualáveis, resultando em um desempenho superior e satisfação durante os treinos.
- AI-POWERED PEPTIDES: O PeptiPump, um peptídeo projetado com inteligência artificial, é uma exclusividade do C4, proporcionando benefícios adicionais para a performance muscular e recuperação.
- ENHANCED MENTAL FOCUS: Mantenha o foco laser em cada treino com a combinação de Tyrosine, Huperzine A e Cafeína, que melhora a clareza mental e a concentração, essenciais para maximizar seu desempenho.
1. Aumento de Energia: A combinação de tri-estimulantes garante energia duradoura para treinos intensos.
2. Apoio à Queima de Gordura: Ingredientes como o Extrato de Pimenta Caiena ajudam a acelerar o metabolismo e a queima de gordura.
3. Melhoria na Performance Muscular: A fórmula avançada proporciona bombas musculares excepcionais, aumentando a eficácia dos treinos.
4. Foco Mental Aprimorado: Aumenta a concentração e a clareza mental, essenciais para treinos produtivos.
5. Recuperação Acelerada: Os peptídeos projetados ajudam na recuperação muscular, permitindo treinos mais frequentes e intensos.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Cellucor C4 Ultimate Shred, recomenda-se misturar uma colher (scoop) do pó em 240ml de água gelada. Consuma aproximadamente 20-30 minutos antes do treino. É importante não exceder duas porções em um período de 24 horas e evitar o uso em combinação com outros produtos que contenham cafeína ou estimulantes. Para iniciantes, recomenda-se começar com meia porção para avaliar a tolerância. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
Chloe –
No stranger to c4 products, I’m pleased yet again with the quality of this pre workout. My boyfriend loves it a lot, I tend to use it on more strenuous workout days where I know I am going to want to phone it in. The flavor is really tasty, you definitely feel the spicy burn when it’s going down the back on your throat, but not initially when drinking. I recommend drinking it as quickly as possible before the powder settles.
Sabreezy Aint Easy –
This was very strong so if you are sensitive to this type of product, use half to start out. I have been using pre-workouts for years and could only use half because it made me very itchy. I don’t know why but stuff like this really gets me itchy until it wears off. But it really helped my workouts and I always got a nice pump and sweat every time I used this. I also liked the way it tasted. It is a bit pricey but it always is for health products. Still worth it. I would recommend this product.
Cassandra Drake –
Loved that if you need to get that kick and go extra in your workout you will get it! The only downside is the spicyness, it’s not noticeable while drinking it but instead of an aftertaste, you are greeted with something akin to pepper and you get the itch and the itch won’t go unless you go full beast mode in your workout or it will go away after 3-4 hours. I’m used to the other versions of C4, I could get up to 4 scoops and they would do their job but this one, 1 scoop is all you need.
AT –
I use C4 products and was excited to use and try this one, This is a Beast Super mode version! Tastes fine with the normal C4 artificial flavors you expect and goes down fine with water easily dissolved. The caffeine will hit to give you more energy to power through your gym routine and the tingling means it is working to keep going to burn some fat. Use sparingly at first is what I suggest
I’ve been a fan of C4’s canned energy drinks, but I’ve never tried their workout powders until now. This one offers a potent energy boost with 300mg caffeine, TeaCrine, and dynamine, helping power through intense workouts. Its fat-burning ingredients like cayenne extract and MitoBurn support metabolism, and while I’m not a huge fan of the cayenne, it certainly helps. Could chalk it up to placebo effect, but it helps me stay better focused too. This particular frozen bombsicle flavor is sweet, but my favorite of their choices. Ideal for experienced users, it’s a solid choice for performance and fat loss—just be mindful of the strong stimulant effect.
John Oliver –
Not only is the flavor great, but the effect on your workout is outstanding. When lifting weights, I have more energy and get a better pump. My muscles feel rejuvenated and hydrated. The caffeine substitutes for my coffee on work out days. C4 is a great value for the money, and very effective for athletes.
David Little –
Perfect if you’re into this thing!
John Oliver –
My husband and I have been getting C4 for years now. We were not disappointed with this. This is not for the weak. It gets you very energized (as one would expect), and can effect your sleep, no matter what time you take it. So keep that in mind! One thing we were VERY surprised about was the spicy flavor you get..why?! That part suckss. But with any pre-workout, you suck it up. Chug it and get going to the gym. Fair price. Recommended!