Cellfood Oxygen Gel, 2 fl oz – Nutrient Rich – Provides Moisture
Cellfood Oxygen Gel é formulado especialmente como uma base tópica rica em nutrientes para fornecer suporte fundamental à pele – o mesmo Cellfood que tem sido o suplemento de oxigênio + nutrientes número 1 do mundo há mais de 50 anos. Não aceite substitutos; escolha Cellfood Oxygen Gel para obter resultados excepcionais.
Por que escolher Cellfood Oxygen Gel? Este gel proporciona uma camada ativa de umidade e proteção oxigenada, ao mesmo tempo em que diminui a aparência de linhas finas ao redor dos olhos e da boca. Além disso, ajuda a nutrir a pele danificada, revitalizando e rejuvenescendo a epiderme. Sinta sua pele renovada e radiante com Cellfood Oxygen Gel.
Nossa fórmula contém apenas ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, incluindo Aloe vera, extrato de flor de lavanda, Cellfood e glicerina. Além disso, é hipoalergênico, não oleoso, livre de parabenos, não testado em animais e sem adição de fragrâncias. Garantimos que você está usando um produto seguro e confiável.
Testado e confiável! Por mais de 50 anos, a fórmula exclusiva da Cellfood tem sido fabricada pela NuScience Corporation em uma instalação em conformidade com a FDA, certificada pela GMP pela prestigiosa Natural Products Association e Underwriters Laboratories. Você pode confiar na qualidade e eficácia do Cellfood Oxygen Gel.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Hidratação intensa: Cellfood Oxygen Gel fornece uma camada de umidade ativa, mantendo sua pele hidratada e radiante.
- 2. Redução de linhas finas: Com o uso regular, este gel ajuda a diminuir a aparência de linhas finas ao redor dos olhos e da boca.
- 3. Revitalização da pele: Sua fórmula rica em nutrientes revitaliza e rejuvenesce a epiderme, deixando sua pele com uma aparência mais jovem e saudável.
- 4. Ingredientes de alta qualidade: Aloe vera, extrato de flor de lavanda, Cellfood e glicerina são apenas alguns dos ingredientes premium presentes neste gel.
- 5. Confiança e segurança: Cellfood Oxygen Gel é fabricado em uma instalação em conformidade com a FDA, certificada pela GMP e não testado em animais. Você pode confiar na qualidade e segurança deste produto.
– Para obter melhores resultados, aplique uma fina camada de Cellfood Oxygen Gel na pele limpa e seca, massageando suavemente até a completa absorção. Use diariamente, de manhã e à noite, para uma pele hidratada, revitalizada e com aparência saudável.
Boulware Family 83406 –
This gel works wonders. I use No7 on a daily basis with CeraVe and clinique from time to time…. ive even tried paxiderm skin gel for wrinkles and eye bags. I am 51yo with crows feet, forhead lines, and deep smiles lines along with age spots and freckles….
Cell food gel works so well!!
I am shocked. It does have a slight tightening effect and a smoothing effect that also gives my skin a brightness. These guys could charge a lot more for this product and im so grateful they don’t bc this is my new go to add in skincare.
I reccomend at least trying it for 1 week or more. I saw results after day 2, but u never know. Who knows what it can do over 30days. 1 $30 jar lasts me 4 to 6 weeks. A bargin!
When used with hyaluronic acid, its even better. Love, love, love
Jared Davis –
Makes my face feel so much better, no pimples redness, texture is soft wrinkles have started to fade, helps with oil production without excessive dryness! Been using for 3 days definitely tell a difference will update again in a couple of weeks!
mbbonvec2 –
I have been taking Cellfood silica, Cellfood Sam-e and now I have been using the gel. Let me just start out by saying I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 2 years ago. I self treat thru herbs and supplements with the help of my amazing chiropractor. I stumbled across cellfood and was at a real low with the products I had been trying for my flare ups and up and down in weight gain due to depression with the fibro. I also had my tubes tied with my 3 rd child as I was a c-section deliver and my body could not take another. Little did I know nor was told the horrible side effects with this. I was developing cyst from 5-9 cm in size on my ovaries every other month like clock work. On cue I would be in the emergency room in pain and agony with little to no treatment other than pain medicine (which gives me horrible migraines) and the pill (birth control) which had its on list of things it did to my body. So I was shopping for my regular herbs and seen a pamphlet for cellfood I thought “why not I have tried everything else, if this does not work I am going to have to do pharmaceutical medication”. So I started with the original cellfood,day 1 was a notice of energy by day 30 I was like I was 17 again! My kids had their mommy who could play and swim, go to the park and manage to even make dinner without having to lay down and nap! It was a “miracle” in a bottle! By the 3rd month my chiropractor started taking it she was so amazed with my results. I now have been on the cellfood products for 6 months. I have not had 1 single flare up. To all of our amazement not one single cyst!!! I never even dreamed it would help with that. I now sleep better, I have more energy, my moods have evened out and I do not get sick when my family does. So I came to the fact that cellfood has changed that for my life. But since I had my tubes tied I had the most horrible adult acne you had ever seen. I have lawyas prided myself on my beautiful skin and out of nowhere I started getting acne!! I am a 29 year old woman and had acne like a 15 year old boy! It was devastating. I had kept all of my baby weight on which I truly believe has to do with the tubal because I can not even lose a pound! Whole other story, so at this point from being sick and overweight add acne on it I was a mess! I tried everything and I mean everything! Tea tree oil, coconut oil, acne washes organic, proactiv, I mean all of it. My mom even bought me a really expensive brush that has a vibrating head and is for acne with zero results!! Soooo I thought maybe I shoudl try the gel I mean I have had such amazing results with the liquid and it did start to clear up my face by drinking it but still not the “perfect skin” I once had, plus I now have “pits” from the deep cystic acne, I found out it was NOT adult acne yet here we go again cysts on my face! They hurt, they were huge and it was all I could think of. I bought the gel. It has been a little over 2 weeks. WOW WOW WOW!! IT too is a “miracle” in a bottle. My face, my beautiful face is back! I wish I could put a pic of before and after because it is amazing! I love it! I use it on my kids boo boos, I use it on my kids cuts,scrapes,burns bug bites I mean I have rubbed it on everything on them just to see what it will do. It has not let me down! For me this is so much, this is my life my everyday. I never ever leave reviews and to such this length, and I truly hope that this will help somebody else who has been in my shoes. Good luck! And I know not everything works for everyone but all of my loved ones are now taking it too!
Gabby –
Easy to use and I do see some benefits but I would not buy again. Okay value for money, I think the product is overpriced. Didn’t live up to expectations
V.G. –
Very satisfied
Sandra –
My husband has dry patches on his knee and this is helping. I would say it is a good purchase!
Sara –
Io adopero questo prodotto come siero…prodotto eccezionale….
Rmelt –
Ok so first off let me say that B4 i bought this i was using the cell food drops made by the same company. Then shortly after i began using the liquid drops i decided to try the gel product n purchased that. So i have been using both the liquid drops and the gel in the jar.
I would like to first talk about how this helped w/shingles. Now i don’t generally get sick, i had never had shingles b4, not even remotely, AND i fit none of the criteria for for a person that would get shingles. So i all of the sudden developed shingles on the left side of my front chest area; i was experiencing the symptoms, red bumps, itching, weird nerve prickly feeling. (now i read somewhere where people put this on all diff kinds of skin issues w/good results.) So i only had the cell food drops at the time, i hadn’t purchased this product in the jar yet. I made an appt w/my Dr n had to wait 2days b4 i could be seen. All the while having no clue wut the rash on my skin was all about. So i started applying the drops to the shingles and i noticed that it helped it, but it also burned a little initially, which kinda made it feel worse. So i mixed 1/4 tsp water w/ 2 drops of cell food and applied that to the skin area that was affected by the shingles. WOW! i actually stopped applying it because it was making the shingles better! My reasoning was i’ll show up at the Dr’s office and it will hav cleared and i really need to know what was going on w/this rash that appeared. (i do have to tell u that i also applied Bergamot oil, i rotated application between cell food and bergamot oil. i did this morning, noon and in the evening. I was amazed at how effective it was for the itching, redness and prickly feeling. it was very soothing to the skin and over all helped it immensely.) So i stopped the applications a day b4 my Dr appt. I was intrigued when the Dr kept asking me do i need pain medication. All i felt was slight itching and prickly type slight pain, but nothing that required pain meds. So apparently after lving the dr office and researching shingles i found that it’s very painful and has to run it’s course. Well i refused the pain meds, prior to knowing any of this, but it just wasn’t super painful, uncomfortable ‘at times’ sure, but very bearable. So i took the medicine prescribed to deal w/the shingles virus and i immediately resumed the bergamot oil and the cell food applications. The following day the jar of cell food came in the mail and i started applying that and man the healing really took off after using this gel product. I was amazed and i was pleased to hav a really quick recovery because i also read that it takes a LONG time for the symptoms to go away (run their course). So i was VERY impressed and IF i ever get shingles again, i hope i never do, i will immediately apply this product during the entire duration as it was incredibly invaluable to me during this ordeal. I was very comfortable while dealing w/the shingles. this ordeal alone had me sold on the effectiveness of this product.
Also!!! outside of the aforementioned i apply this to pimples, wounds, i mean every thing, it is amazing at how it heals fast, makes pimples go away quickly. Don’t even get me started on how amazing this stuff is when applied to the skin on my face! OMG! it literally decreased the fine lines under my eyes by at least 1/2, they are no longer noticeable when i squint my eyes to smile…etc. I am super pleased to have found this product. I tell everyone about it. It is incredibly moisturizing and i apply a thin layer to my face EVERY DAY, especially to the skin under my eyes. I don’t miss a day. Give it about 3 wks, i noticed a diff in my fine wrinkles sooner than that but i wanted to give it some time before i reviewed this product. I’ve def been using this for longer than 3wks now.
So my co-worker has lupus and she experiences a form of shingle/nerve type issues w/her skin that comes up now and then and so i was telling her about this product and i just had the bottle of liquid cell food drops so i gave her some to apply to her skin and the next day she was telling me how it really helped her very quickly after the first application so she immediately bought a jar of this stuff for herself and has been applying it to the skin on her face also, and i can even tell the difference in the wrinkles in the skin under her eyes.
It’s crazy….i know nothing is a miracle but this stuff is amazing, i love that it promotes a very healing environment where ever applied. I will be using this for the duration of my life.
(p.s. i put the drops in my water n drink it throughout the day.)
Elizabeth –
Heard about this from a podcast. My skin is ridiculously thin , super pale, & sensitive, but this stuff seems to help. Only need a small dab which feels so good & calms down the weirdness. A bit pricey so will see if end of jar improvement warrants another jar.
Kelly –
I use this product every day and I feel like it has tightened my face and made such an improvement.