Cellfood Concentrado Líquido – 30 ml, 2 Pacotes – Suplemento Nutricional de Oxigênio – Suporta Sistema Imunológico, Energia, Resistência, Hidratação
Cellfood é um suplemento nutricional líquido que contém oxigênio, projetado para otimizar a saúde e o bem-estar. Com apenas 30 ml, este produto em embalagem dupla oferece suporte ao sistema imunológico, energia, resistência e hidratação. Suas principais características incluem a capacidade de fornecer oxigênio ao corpo, melhorar a saúde geral e aumentar a resistência física. Cellfood é reconhecido mundialmente como o suplemento de oxigênio e nutrientes mais vendido, com uma fórmula original desenvolvida por Everett Storey há quase 70 anos. Não aceite substitutos, pois Cellfood é o número um em sua categoria.
A fórmula notável de Cellfood oxigena e alimenta as células, limpando, nutrindo e ajustando os sistemas do corpo ao longo do dia. Além disso, suporta o sistema imunológico e auxilia na redução de radicais livres e estresse oxidativo. Os benefícios para a saúde são extraordinários, pois Cellfood fornece altos níveis de oxigênio e hidrogênio ao corpo, ajudando a melhorar a energia, resistência, digestão, função respiratória, alerta e concentração.
Este produto é ideal para todos, desde aqueles com problemas de saúde desafiadores até atletas em condição física superior. A facilidade de uso é um dos seus grandes atrativos: basta misturar com água ou suco. Cellfood é testado e confiável, fabricado pela NuScience Corporation em uma instalação em conformidade com a FDA e certificada pela GMP pela Natural Products Association e Underwriters Laboratories.
- Suporte ao sistema imunológico: Cellfood fortalece o sistema imunológico, protegendo o corpo contra doenças e infecções.
- Aumento de energia: Com altos níveis de oxigênio e hidrogênio, Cellfood melhora a energia e a resistência, proporcionando uma sensação de revitalização ao longo do dia.
- Melhora a digestão: A fórmula de Cellfood auxilia na digestão, promovendo um sistema digestivo saudável e eficiente.
- Função respiratória aprimorada: Ao fornecer oxigênio adicional, Cellfood melhora a função respiratória, facilitando uma respiração mais eficaz.
- Aumento do foco e concentração: Os nutrientes essenciais de Cellfood ajudam a melhorar o foco mental e a concentração, aumentando a produtividade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 8 gotas de Cellfood Concentrado Líquido em 240 ml de água ou suco, três vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco. Essa dosagem otimiza a absorção dos nutrientes e maximiza os benefícios do suplemento, garantindo que o corpo receba a quantidade ideal de oxigênio e nutrientes necessários para um desempenho ideal.
N. Briscoe –
So I’m going to leave feadback for 3 items that were purchased together to work together. This review is for Cellfood Original, Cellfood Essential Silica Formula, and Cellfood DNA-RNA Cell Regeneration taken together, 2-3 times per day. The same feedback will be available for ALL 3 PRODUCTS. I bought 3 Cellfood products that I’ve been taking internally for the past 8 days. The very first thing that I DID notice was the great sleep. I don’t think that I’ve slept so good and awaken so refreshed in years. So that was definitely a plus. The second thing that I noted was how alert I was both at home before work and until the very end of my 4-12:30 am work shift. Usually, around 8 pm, I begin feeling very lethargic at work and have to fight sleep. I’ve been alert all week, without the need to consume energy drinks at work at all. The third and most remarkable thing was after the 2nd day taking all 3 products, my overactive bladder ceased to exist. I’ve been battling an overactive bladder for years. Sometimes with overactive bladder, you make it to the bathroom, but not without having lost a drop or two first. I’d just assumed that it came naturally with weakened muscles after giving birth to my daughter and with age. Apparently, I was wrong, lol. Not a single drop has made it out before reaching the bathroom since 2 days after I began taking these. It’s like the muscles somehow corrected themselves.
For the naysayers: Some people’s bodies are already working correctly, which means they won’t really see a huge outward change. I just hope that the products are doing as much good internally as they seem to doing with me externally. Some people mention that these products are just lemon juice. While they may contain lemon juice, I seriously doubt that’s all that’s in them. Until someone puts up hard evidence from a laboratory stating that the product tested solely as lemon juice, I wouldn’t believe people judging a product by it’s taste alone. There are several additives and preservatives that can cause a tart taste in liquids. My bet is that citric acid was used as a natural preservative.
Ecnarf –
I’ve been taking Cellfood for over a year now. I first came across it at Whole Foods. I was browsing the vitamin section and, while waiting to be helped, I looked down at the counter and saw these bottles of Cellfood staring up at me. Oddly enough, I was drawn to this stuff. I kept coming back to that display and reading the description of what it was and how it worked. I wasn’t willing to fork over nearly $30 for that little bottle, but the Whole Foods guy that was helping me saw how interested I was in it, so he gave me a booklet that went into quite a bit of detail about how it worked. I took it home, read it, and then went online and found it for a little less money (@ the Vitamin Shoppe), so I decided to try it.
Let me say this: That was one of the best things I ever did for myself. I’m 36, and have gone my whole life not knowing what it’s like to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, and feeling as though I got enough sleep. A perfect day for me involved sleeping. All day long. I’ve always struggled to find the energy to get up and do things, and thought lethargy was just an unfortunate personality trait of mine.
So I started taking Cellfood, and didn’t really notice any effects until my husband asked me why I turned into the Energizer bunny all of a sudden. Then I realized that he was right. We have 2 small children, and from the time I get up (early) til the time I go to bed (late), I’m going going going non-stop. *And I’m not tired.* I’m not wired, I’m not jittery, and I don’t have a bunch of nervous energy. I just have energy, and mental clarity. And it feels AMAZING. I open my eyes in the morning, and I’m awake and alert. There’s no grogginess, there’s no wanting to roll over and go back to sleep. I hardly recognize myself these days!
After I started taking Cellfood, and before I noticed any effects, the reason I was motivated to keep taking it was because a day or 2 after I bought it, I burned my thumb pretty badly while taking a pot out of the oven. It hurt like crazy and looked and felt like it was going to form a mean blister. As was suggested in the booklet I got, I put a drop of Cellfood on the burn, and half an hour later I realized my thumb wasn’t hurting anymore, and the blister never formed. That told me I was on to something.
I’m the only one in my household who takes Cellfood, and I’m the only one who doesn’t get sick. There could be (and often are) miserably sick people coughing, sneezing, and wiping their little runny noses on me, and I walk away from it unscathed. This is key for all you moms out there, because who’s gonna take care of YOU when you get sick? Nobody, right?
You can use Cellfood on cuts and scratches, and it heals them quickly and beautifully. The down side is that putting a drop of Cellfood on a cut is the pain equivalent of rubbing a supercharged lemon all over it. It hurts. A LOT. So much so, that I will usually just let it heal on its own.
My mom, who is in her early 70’s, has also been taking Cellfood for about a year, and says that it really helps her arthritis.
Cellfood is very sour and tastes a lot like lemon juice, so it’s a pleasant kind of sour. Depending on your affinity for sour tastes, you can dilute it as much or as little as you want. As a gauge, 12 drops of it in a pint of water tastes similar to squeezing a lemon wedge into the same amount of water. You’re supposed to take 24 drops a day, on an empty stomach (at least 20 min before eating, or at least 45 min after eating, I think it is). I put 12 drops in a pint glass, fill it up with water and down it first thing in the morning before I start getting breakfast ready. I do that again before going to bed. I do it this way because it’s hard for me to remember to take it when I’m in the middle of my day. If you take 24 drops/day, a bottle will last you for about a month.
For me, that’s less than $1/day to feel the best I’ve ever felt in my life.
Tan Kok Wah –
To be diluted for external use. To spray on cuts, burns, wounds from falls, etc. Will leave minimal scarring when continuously sprayed from fresh wound. Heals quickly.
Sonia Santos de Treviqo –
Lo uso para mineralizar mi agua y oxigenar y nutrir mejor las celulas de mi cuerpo
Esteban Peiro Monzo –
Ha sido muy rápido y muy bien enviado
Jules –
I’m very happy with my purchase!
Syed Shahmeer Quadri –
Onnaseattle –
I have been using cellfood for over 15 years before it was available on amazon. The product itself is just amazing, it helps with energy levels, alertness, and immune health. Taste does not interfere with anything I put it into, it has a slight lemon zing to it if you put a drop on your tongue. This duo pack is the most reasonable priced as it will last almost two months in my household depending upon how many people remember to put it in their drinks 🙂 we use ultima electrolyte hydration powder and just drop them in there.