O creme para os olhos Celimax Real Noni, enriquecido com extrato de Noni, é um produto inovador que proporciona uma experiência de cuidado intensivo para a delicada área ao redor dos olhos. Sua fórmula leve e rapidamente absorvível é projetada para rejuvenescer a pele, oferecendo firmeza e uma aparência jovem, enquanto minimiza visivelmente as linhas finas e rugas. O extrato de fruta Noni, conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, é um poderoso aliado na luta contra os sinais de envelhecimento, ajudando a clarear a região dos olhos que frequentemente sofre com o estresse e a exposição a ambientes agressivos.
Além disso, a inclusão do Bakuchiol, uma alternativa natural ao retinol, proporciona uma proteção adicional à pele sensível, promovendo a restauração da saúde e vitalidade da área ocular. Este creme é formulado para oferecer hidratação intensa sem causar desconforto, sendo ideal para quem busca um produto que respeite a sensibilidade da pele. Com ingredientes seguros e suaves, o Celimax Real Noni é livre de parabenos, SLS e corantes artificiais, garantindo um cuidado eficaz e seguro para todos os tipos de pele.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Revitalização intensa da área dos olhos
- Rejuvenescimento com extrato de Noni
- Restauração completa da pele sensível
- Hidratação eficaz sem desconforto
- Ingredientes seguros e suaves para peles sensíveis
O creme para os olhos Celimax Real Noni oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Primeiramente, sua capacidade de revitalizar a área dos olhos proporciona uma aparência mais descansada e jovem, essencial para quem enfrenta longas jornadas de trabalho ou noites mal dormidas. A redução de rugas e linhas finas é um dos principais atrativos, permitindo que você se sinta mais confiante em sua pele. O clareamento da região dos olhos ajuda a combater olheiras e manchas, enquanto a melhora na elasticidade da pele contribui para um aspecto mais firme e saudável. Por fim, a fórmula suave e segura é ideal para peles sensíveis, garantindo que todos possam desfrutar dos benefícios sem preocupações.
Para maximizar os resultados do creme para os olhos Celimax Real Noni, aplique uma pequena quantidade na área dos olhos previamente limpa e seca. Utilize o dedo anelar para massagear suavemente o produto, promovendo a absorção completa. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, como parte de sua rotina de cuidados com a pele, para garantir que a área dos olhos receba a hidratação e os nutrientes necessários para um aspecto rejuvenescido e saudável.
Jacki H. –
For the reasonable price that they ask for this product, it is a dream come true. Goes on very smoothly and definitely helps with old lady wrinkles.
salleisha –
I used it last evening to wake up with swollen eyes. Never had such a reaction before to any cream. The eyes were swollen so badly as if I had been crying for 24 hrs. Otherwise I love this brand, and used other items and all was ok. It’s a pity this one did not work for me.
R.R. –
I use this product in the morning prior to adding any eye make-up. Just a dab moisturizes the area nicely and absorbs quickly into the skin allowing me easier application of make-up. I have not noticed any firming of the skin yet but I will update my review if I notice any changes. Kind of pricy for an eye cream but a little bit goes a long way so this tube should last a while.
Lyssa Len –
Eye creams vary. Some hydrate, but puff up bags. Some tighten, but leave the skin dry. I am really impressed with this eye cream. Just a small amount (as in picture) is enough for each eye, including my lid. It sinks in quickly and leaves the skin hydrated without puffiness. It’s a little greasy for about a minute, but that dissipates. They do say in the description that this may not be appropriate for oily skin. It quickly corrected some slight crinkles I got from a different product and seem to have toned the eye area. It cools and brightens the eye. The scent is from the natural botanicals (noni, neen, rosemary, holy basil, turmeric, eggplant) and is light and refreshing. There is no added fragrance that lingers. It contains natural antioxidants, peptides, and moisturizers. I will be looking into more products from this line.
moonblossom –
I don’t know, it’s my first time using it. Feel heavy on my eyes.
Kort –
This is a nice eye cream from a Korean brand. I did like the effects of this eye cream and used during my morning skincare routine. I specially liked that it has retinol in it- I’ve been wanting to try something with retinol for my under eyes, but had been a little skeptical, based on the fact that your under eye skin is super sensitive and frail: Upon using, I did notice a tingling/cooling effect, which I liked. It has kept my under eyes moisturized and I do believe that it has helped with firmness.
It does come in a small tube and I am almost halfway done with it, at this point (20 ml).
Kbeauty professsor –
I used a lot of eye creams (including peptide ones) for my crows feet and this is the best of them all. Saw improvement immediately. Been using bakuchiol oil for my face but been hesitant to use it on my eye area. This cream uses bakuchiol and is the secret ingredient!
a2010 –
Skin care is a big deal to me and has been for several years. I’m not always perfect, but I try hard to stick to a good routine especially when it comes to moisturizing. I’ve used products with retinol for years all over and around eyes. This one is definitely concentrated and I would not recommend it for someone just starting to use retinol as it would be too strong. I did feel my skin tingle far longer than I expected and I had to cut my use down to once a week because my skin was becoming irritated. The description does clearly list all percentages of the active ingredients so that was my fault. I over estimated how much I could use safely. I’m hoping mixed with another cream I can build my tolerance for great results.
This does have an odd fragrance.
Kort –
The celimax The Real Noni Ultimate Eye Cream came well packaged in a small 20 ml squeeze tube and box. You only need a small amount to cover the orbital area. I applied it under my eyes and on my eye lids. It has a very slight fruity scent and goes on smoothly. I really like how this cream makes my eye area feel. It provides a cooling sensation upon application while it soothes and depuffs delicate skin. It’s refreshing and nourishes with noni fruit extract and bakuchiol.
My skin looks firmer and refreshed. I like to apply it in the am before my first coffee. It helps to wake up my skin before a busy day. It’s another excellent k-beauty skincare product.
Made in Korea
~ Kort