Carvão Ativado Natural para o Corpo – 100g
O Carvão Ativado Natural para o Corpo é um produto inovador que utiliza o poder do carvão ativado para limpar e purificar a pele de forma eficaz. Com suas propriedades únicas, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma pele mais saudável e livre de impurezas. O carvão ativado é conhecido por sua capacidade de absorver toxinas e impurezas, proporcionando uma limpeza profunda que vai além da superfície da pele.
Além de remover as impurezas, o Carvão Ativado Natural também ajuda a controlar a oleosidade, tornando-se um aliado perfeito para quem tem pele oleosa ou propensa a acne. Sua fórmula é enriquecida com ingredientes que promovem a suavidade e a hidratação da pele, resultando em uma aparência saudável e radiante. Ao utilizar este produto, você notará uma pele mais limpa, suave e revitalizada, com uma textura melhorada e um brilho natural.
O Carvão Ativado Natural é fácil de usar e se adapta perfeitamente à sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Com ele, você pode desfrutar de um tratamento completo que não só limpa, mas também melhora a aparência geral da sua pele, reduzindo a aparência de poros dilatados e promovendo uma sensação de frescor e leveza.
- Limpeza Profunda: Remove impurezas e toxinas, deixando a pele limpa e purificada.
- Controle da Oleosidade: Ajuda a regular a produção de óleo, ideal para peles oleosas.
- Suavidade e Hidratação: Promove uma pele macia e hidratada, melhorando a textura.
- Redução de Poros: Minimiza a aparência dos poros dilatados, proporcionando um acabamento mais uniforme.
- Tratamento Completo: Combate acne, cravos, cicatrizes e rugas, oferecendo uma solução abrangente para problemas de pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Carvão Ativado Natural para o Corpo, aplique uma quantidade adequada do produto na pele úmida. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, permitindo que o carvão ativado atue na absorção de impurezas e toxinas. Enxágue bem com água morna. Recomenda-se o uso de 2 a 3 vezes por semana, ou conforme necessário, para manter a pele limpa, suave e revitalizada. Evite o contato com os olhos e, em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso imediatamente.
Amy –
I cannot believe all the negative reviews for this product. I think people who aren’t really familiar with activated charcoal should do some research before blasting an ingredient they are clearly not educated in using. It is coal black & will leave a black hue until fully rinsed off. To me this is obvious so I am going to apologize on behalf of the negative reviewers about that specifically. How silly.
I also would NEVER use a body scrub while taking a bath. Always in the shower because I don’t want any of the oils or in this case charcoal residue to hang around. Again, to me this is obvious.
Activated Charcoal has multiple positive characteristics so if your complaint is a dark hue or residue than switch to another ingredient. If it doesn’t leave any black or dark color that something is wrong it.
Anyway, I will agree that the sugar crystals are NOT consistent in shape throughout & some are quite large & are very abrasive, especially on the face. But it did wonders for my dry flaky legs. I thought the smell was nice & clean. Again if you are not familiar with activated charcoal, it has a smell.
I think that whenever you use a scrub it would be helpful to use a spoon of sorts to get it out of the container. It was a little harder to get out because I have fingernails but that isn’t the manufacturers fault. Yes, you do need to turn it upside down if it has been right side up for a while. HELLO GRAVITY.
Overall I do like this product. Again I would recommend something less abrasive for the face, sticking to salts versus sugar scrubs. But on my upper arms & legs it was great.
Jen Eidsvoog –
After trying many face washes over the years, this is by far my favorite one for the end of the day. I love how clean my face feels after washing my face. I feel like I’m able to wash off all the things. Definitely recommend
Liz Hellams –
I didn’t use it every day and it still dried my skin out.
Brittany Jo –
Super good quality, packaged with care and works amazing.
Liz Hellams –
I love this scrub! It leaves my skin feeling silky smooth and seriously hydrated. I use it on my face like a mask/scrub combo and my skin felt soft, smooth, and moisturized. It’s working really well for my face now that the weather is colder, not sure how it will do in the summer when my face is more oily, but I like this scrub and hope to still use it in hotter weather. The oils in the scrub are really helping my combat my dry, flaky, itchy winter skin. I have even been able to shave my legs without an additional product after using the scrub on them. The detoxing power of the activated charcoal is a great addition to the awesomeness of the scrub. One thing I will mention is that like with most oil-based products and products containing charcoal, I do need to wipe down my bathtub after I use the scrub. But it comes off easily and the scrub’s effect on my skin is totally worth a quick tub wipe-down.
Blair –
It thoroughly cleanses and revitalizes my face. Gets rid of all the blackheads on my nose, removes all of the dead skin and oils. My face feels amazing afterwards. I’ve used it before shaving and my legs and under arms have never felt this smooth before. So, why the 4 stars? The smell. Not a fan. But it works, so I’ll buy it again.
Kaden –
I bought this for her for Christmas and it’s gone now, so it lasted about 6 months of daily use. It smells very strongly but I think that’s a good thing, since you’re going to be using it in the shower. Going off of what she says, it makes your skin feel softer and visibly reduces the appearance of some small scars. Overall nothing to rave about, though. You could buy avocado oil and it would do the same thing. Good product!
Ravi –
It leaves your face silky and smooth after you use it just as promised.