Carlyle Electrolyte Concentrate: A Revolução na Hidratação e Bem-Estar
O Carlyle Electrolyte Concentrate é uma solução inovadora que combina a ciência da nutrição com a simplicidade do dia a dia. Com 16 fl oz de um líquido eletrolítico de espectro completo, este concentrado é a resposta para quem busca uma hidratação eficaz e equilibrada. Formulado com uma mistura única de minerais essenciais como Magnésio, Cloreto e Sódio, o Carlyle Electrolyte Concentrate é ideal para atletas, pessoas ativas e qualquer um que deseje manter um nível ótimo de hidratação.
A fórmula não contém ingredientes geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e é livre de glúten, tornando-se uma escolha segura para aqueles com restrições alimentares. O produto é testado em laboratório, garantindo ingredientes confiáveis e de qualidade superior, com uma promessa de 100% de satisfação. A conveniência do líquido iônico permite que você o adicione facilmente à sua rotina diária, seja antes, durante ou após atividades físicas, ou mesmo em dias quentes, quando a hidratação é crucial.
– Hidratação Eficiente: Reposição rápida de eletrólitos essenciais para manter o equilíbrio hídrico do corpo.
– Fórmula Limpa: Livre de glúten, trigo, levedura, leite, lactose, soja e adoçantes artificiais, ideal para dietas restritivas.
– Suporte ao Desempenho: Melhora a performance atlética, ajudando na recuperação muscular e na redução da fadiga.
– Facilidade de Uso: A forma líquida permite uma absorção rápida e prática, perfeita para o dia a dia.
– Compromisso com a Qualidade: Produzido por uma marca confiável, com ingredientes testados e garantidos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, dilua uma porção do Carlyle Electrolyte Concentrate em água ou sua bebida favorita. A dosagem recomendada é de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa por dia, dependendo da intensidade da atividade física ou das condições climáticas. Agite bem antes de usar e consuma imediatamente após o preparo para garantir a máxima eficácia. Este produto é ideal para ser utilizado antes, durante ou após exercícios físicos, ou sempre que você sentir a necessidade de uma hidratação extra.
Tanysha –
95 servings is a great amount to get for the price. I’m really impressed. For the product itself, I like it. I had electrolytes to anything and everything I can. I like this product. I dilute any electrolytes with a lot of water and sip on it all day. For me this product is effective. I dilute it a lot so I can’t really comment on the taste.
Leo –
This seems to be a concentrate meant to remineralize or supply missing electrolytes from severely purified water. However, I have some questions. The label says it’s pure concentrated lake water from the Great Salt Lake (in Utah). What is the concentration method? How is this concentrate purified? Someone else mentioned this being a “well known” company but their lab certifications have some missing gaps and I would love for that information to be directly supplied in the listing. I want to know exactly how they determine what is in this concentrate, so I can be sure of what I’m putting in my water. The listing does little to answer those questions.
Doug Blasco –
If you are familiar with the benefits of Ionic Electrolyte Liquid, this performs as you would expect.
If you are not familiar, then I would suggest to the reader that you do a basic search for – Health Benefits, Ionic Electrolyte Liquid and then decide if this supplement is right for you.
Cheers 🍷
Jennifer Jones –
I was a little dubious of the liquid form of this item, however I was pleasantly surprised that the taste was good and it worked well. I thought it was unique that this came from the Great Salt Lake and I would definitely get this again.
Nicole –
Absolutely false advertisement it sucked
JJ –
Our municipal water is pretty gross from being rushed through settlement ponds (lots of sedimentation that leaves residue all over everything) and also has failed quality tests from time to time, so we bought an RO system for our kitchen a few years ago and started drinking RO water. I learned subsequently that plain RO water isn’t good for you for the same reason it isn’t good for metal pipes. It’s extremely corrosive because it is devoid of minerals and wants to pick them up as it goes, whether it’s going through piping or through your body, and it can cause mineral deficiencies if you are drinking RO water frequently or exclusively.
Anyway, that’s a long-winded way of saying that I now know you have to remineralize your RO water before drinking it, and this is a great way to do it. This product is very reasonably priced and easy to add to a pitcher of water. I also learned the hard way that if you are getting an upset stomach after using this product, it’s because you are using too much. I would repurchase!
Beardy –
This… is surprisingly good! Especially for lake water!
Not only does a teaspoon or so allow you to turn anything into an electrolyte drink, but it actually tastes GOOD on its own, so, oddly enough… I might actually say that this is worth cooking with? Really odd thing to say, I know, but sometimes you have a dish that you won’t be able to dissolve salt in. This? This is liquid saltiness.
Anyway. This is not only a great electrolyte, but it’s a great deal. Ninety-five servings, for $8.50? I’ve seen powdered drink mixes with a similar electrolyte profile, selling less than half as many servings for twice the price.
Amazon Customer –
When I received this product it was packaged in a paper mailer. Not a wise choice at all for a plastic bottle of liquid. I won’t count that against Carlyle though because it wasn’t their fault and should not affect their rating. However, there was a packaging issue that needs to be mentioned. I thought the bottle had been damaged in shipment and that’s why it was leaking; however, that was not the case. The bottle has two layers of protection to ensure the product has not been tampered with. There is a foil seal and a plastic wrap. The plastic wrap was in place but the foil seal was not fully adhered to the bottle. The cap was extremely loose instead of being screwed on securely which is why the product was able to leak. Packaging definitely needs to be addressed so this doesn’t happen to others in the future.
Carlyle is a well-known supplement company so I felt safe purchasing their product. I did not take the time to compare the ingredients to my current bottle of Ionic Trace Mineral Drops. I wish I had. The serving size of this product is double the other brand. Magnesium is 40 mg vs 250 mg, Chloride is 785 mg vs 650 mg. Sodium is 390 mg vs 5 mg. Potassium is 20 mg vs 3 mg. Sulfate is 30 mg vs 40 mg. As you can see, the composition is very different. To be honest, I prefer the other brand. The Carlyle brand is super heavy on sodium. I do appreciate that it is made in the USA with water from the Great Salt Lake in Utah. It is free of gluten, wheat, yeast, milk, lactose, soy, artificial color, artificial sweetener, and preservatives. It’s Non-GMO and Vegan.