Descrição do Produto: Carlson Vitamin D3 5,000 IU, Saúde Óssea, 360 Soft Gels
A saúde óssea é fundamental para o bem-estar geral, e a Carlson Vitamin D3 5,000 IU se destaca como um aliado poderoso nesse aspecto. Com 360 soft gels em cada frasco, este suplemento fornece uma dose robusta de 5,000 IU de vitamina D3, essencial para a manutenção de ossos saudáveis. A vitamina D3 é conhecida por seu papel crucial na regulação do metabolismo do cálcio e do fósforo, dois minerais vitais para a formação e a manutenção da estrutura óssea. Além disso, a vitamina D3 promove um sistema imunológico saudável, ajudando o corpo a se defender contra infecções e doenças.
A qualidade e a potência do produto são confirmadas, garantindo que cada cápsula atenda aos mais altos padrões de eficácia. É importante ressaltar que, durante os meses de verão, os produtos podem chegar quentes, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, assegurando que a integridade do suplemento seja mantida.
- Suporta ossos saudáveis
- Promove um sistema imunológico saudável
- Ajuda a regular o metabolismo de cálcio e fósforo
- Fornece 5,000 IU de vitamina D3
- Potência e qualidade confirmadas
- Durante os meses de verão, os produtos podem chegar quentes, mas a Amazon armazena e envia produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, quando fornecidas.
1. Fortalecimento Ósseo: A vitamina D3 é essencial para a absorção de cálcio, ajudando a prevenir doenças ósseas como a osteoporose.
2. Apoio Imunológico: Contribui para um sistema imunológico robusto, reduzindo a incidência de resfriados e outras infecções.
3. Regulação Mineral: Ajuda a equilibrar os níveis de cálcio e fósforo no organismo, promovendo uma saúde óssea ideal.
4. Fácil de Consumir: Os soft gels são fáceis de engolir e podem ser incorporados facilmente à rotina diária.
5. Qualidade Garantida: A potência e a qualidade do produto são confirmadas, oferecendo confiança ao consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma soft gel de Carlson Vitamin D3 5,000 IU diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição que contenha gordura, pois isso pode ajudar na absorção da vitamina. É importante seguir as orientações do seu médico ou nutricionista, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros suplementos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Julie Ferris –
I am trying to stay healthy.
Carol S. –
The most complete and effective vitamin E available. Indispensible!
James Quin –
I always check before buying supplements. Until you have a professional test a supplement, you have no idea if what it says on the label is the reality of what is inside. Carlson is a fairly ordinary looking brand, but they consistently score high on Labdoor. They are more like the best for the money brand. There are higher scores but those brands cost an arm and a leg, while Carlson is very reasonably priced.
No I don’t work for Labdoor, I just take a lot of supplements and know a good testing site when I see it. Search for the products directly if you think the links are affiliate, which they might be. I almost always try to bypass affiliate links.
If I don’t take Vitamin(hormone) D3, I get depressed. I spend most of my time inside and I rarely get enough sunlight to make D in my skin. I recently moved to a more northern area and am receiving even less sun, especially in the winter. When I was younger I would get depressed in the winter and I didn’t know why. But since I started taking D3, I haven’t had a depressing winter.
I’ve bought cheaper Rite-aid low-end brands of D3 and they didn’t work nearly as well as Carlson’s D3. These aren’t that expensive, but cheaper is definitely not better when it comes to D3. I can feel the difference in my mood when taking a cheap brand versus a top brand. And no, I’m not talking about the placebo effect ‘I feel it working’ crap. I’m a highly scientific person with decades of supplement experience, if I tell you its effective, its effective.
Btw, all the nonsense about taking too much D3 is crap. I take 5000 or even 10000 IU with no issues. The studies that said it was an issue are old and were looking at people with other disease issues. Sure it causes kidney issues… if you already have kidney issues. Duh.
Also, you definitely want to be taking D3 with vitamin K2, get a brand with Mk4 and Mk7 variants. D3 and K2 work together, and a large dose of D3 will max out its effectiveness if you don’t take K2 as well. Its like they are symbiotic, one helps the other. And do not take K1, unless you don’t eat salads. You want K2 to help D3. If the bottle just says K, its going to be K1.
D3 is often called the Happy Hormone, as its not strictly a vitamin. It definitely makes me more level headed and less anxious emotionally.
I had a friend tell me she was depressed a couple years ago and she was having trouble getting motivated to get a job after going to school for years. I gave her a bottle of D3 and within a month she got a career-making job and moved to a new city. It just got her out of the rut. Her whole mood changed. From being a victum to being self motivated. Your response may vary.
Vicki P –
Excellent product with great results. My Vitamin D levels had been running 14 to 19 on the last two tests. After researching this product and getting the ok from my doctor to use this product instead of a prescription, I purchased this. I went from a reading of 19 in December to a reading of 48 on April 9th. My doc was very pleased needless to say and so am I. I continue to use this product at only 5000 IU’s a day instead of 10000 since I am now in the normal range. I highly recommend this product.
Bobrad –
Great for immune system.
Tommy D Gibson –
I switched to these from another name brand product they seem to be working equally as well as the other brand I was using that was about twice the price
Meghan M. Tobin –
Vitamin D3 deficiency impacts so many levels of our health. INCLUDING mental health. If you live where the sun goes away and feel it emotionally, have your doc check your d levels. And for the sake of your health, don’t use drugstore brands! They are not pure and have all kinds of additives and fillers. Carlson is the real deal.
Bookwyrm –
Awesome, pure vitamin D3 with no soy or olive oil, which is a miracle. So hard to find a pure vitamin D3 without those in it. Luckily this is safe for my daughter’s allergies. No more itching or nausea… High quality vitamin D that’s very pure. Vitamin D without soy or other basic allergens is harder to find than you would think, as so many contain tocopherols which are almost always soy.)