Carlson – Baby’s Super Daily D3, Gotas de Vitamina D para Bebês, 400 UI (10 mcg) por gota, Suprimento de 1 ano, Vegetariano, Vitamina D líquida para bebês e crianças pequenas, sem sabor, 365 gotas
As gotas de vitamina D3 Baby’s Super Daily D3 da Carlson são a escolha perfeita para ajudar a fortalecer os ossos do seu bebê. Com 400 UI (10 mcg) de vitamina D3 concentrada em cada gota, essas gotas diárias fornecem a quantidade recomendada de ingestão diária de vitamina D pelo American Academy of Pediatrics.
A vitamina D desempenha um papel crucial na absorção eficaz de cálcio pelo corpo do bebê, o que é essencial para a saúde óssea. Além disso, a vitamina D3 também promove a função cardíaca e apoia a saúde muscular, garantindo um desenvolvimento saudável do coração e dos músculos do seu bebê.
As gotas Baby’s Super Daily D3 são seguras e convenientes de usar. Você pode facilmente adicionar uma gota na comida ou fórmula do seu bebê, ou usá-la durante a amamentação. A embalagem contém um suprimento de 1 ano, garantindo que você tenha vitamina D suficiente para o seu bebê durante todo o ano.
A qualidade dos produtos Carlson é garantida desde 1965. Todos os produtos são testados por um laboratório registrado na FDA para garantir a potência e qualidade. Portanto, você pode confiar que está fornecendo ao seu bebê um suplemento de vitamina D de alta qualidade e eficácia.
É importante ressaltar que a exposição ao calor ou à luz solar pode levar ao derretimento ou danos do produto. Portanto, é recomendado que os clientes estejam disponíveis durante a entrega do produto para evitar qualquer problema.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Fortalece os ossos do bebê
As gotas Baby’s Super Daily D3 ajudam o corpo do bebê a absorver o cálcio de forma eficaz, promovendo a saúde óssea e garantindo um desenvolvimento saudável dos ossos.
2. Promove a saúde do coração
A vitamina D3 desempenha um papel importante na função cardíaca, garantindo um coração saudável para o seu bebê.
3. Suporta a saúde muscular
A vitamina D3 também é essencial para a saúde muscular, garantindo um desenvolvimento adequado dos músculos do seu bebê.
4. Fácil de usar
Com as gotas Baby’s Super Daily D3, você pode facilmente adicionar uma gota na comida ou fórmula do seu bebê, ou usá-la durante a amamentação.
5. Qualidade garantida
Todos os produtos Carlson são testados por um laboratório registrado na FDA, garantindo a potência e qualidade do suplemento de vitamina D para o seu bebê.
1. Desenvolvimento Ósseo Saudável: A vitamina D3 é fundamental para a absorção de cálcio, essencial para a formação de ossos fortes e saudáveis.
2. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: A vitamina D3 ajuda a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, protegendo o bebê contra infecções.
3. Facilidade de Administração: A forma líquida e sem sabor permite que os pais adicionem facilmente ao alimento ou fórmula, tornando a suplementação prática.
4. Suprimento Prolongado: Com 365 gotas, o produto oferece um ano inteiro de suporte nutricional, evitando a necessidade de compras frequentes.
5. Compromisso com a Qualidade: A confiança na marca Carlson, com mais de 50 anos de experiência e testes rigorosos, garante um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para bebês e crianças pequenas, adicione uma gota diariamente na comida, fórmula ou diretamente na boca do bebê. Agite bem antes de usar. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação para garantir que atenda às necessidades específicas do seu filho.
Annika R –
My son’s pediatrician prescribed him some vitamin D drops from the pharmacy. I picked them up and my son gagged so badly when I tried to get him to take a whole dropper full. After trying to give it to him several times, I FINALLY looked at what was in the drops. i found out there was also some other flavoring in it. I decided it wasn’t worth the pain of dealing with all of that and I did some research on Google and Amazon and found these. They came highly rated and the fact that they were only to be given as one drop and didn’t have any extra flavors were massive attractions. I haven’t had an ounce of trouble giving them to my infant. He doesn’t even seem to notice it when I put it on his pacifier. I don’t know how well the vitamin D itself works since I haven’t taken my son to get a blood test, but to me, it seems like a great product. Coming in a bottle that lasts a whole year is a huge perk too. Highly recommend.
Mickenzie Willis –
The other supplement I was using was like 2-3 ml a dose. It was a pain to try to give to my little guy and I’m sure he wasn’t getting a full dose because he’d spit it out and whatnot. This is so much easier to give him one drop and saving money since this should last a year! Just a win win all around.
Mickenzie Willis –
Original, buen servicio y tiempos de entrega, recomendable
Heather Fink –
So glad we bought this! It is so much easier for our newborn to take rather than what was prescribed. The only complaint I have is that the dropper is SUPER slow. It takes almost 10 seconds for the drop to come out.
Amya Clark –
Troubleswingman –
Our baby is a little over 2 weeks old. From the time we left the hospital with our traditional 1mL vitamin D drops, we had issues with spit up. Every time we gave him the drops, he would inevitably spit up, and usually choke a little. For the first little while I thought that this was just normal. After a couple of days, however, we noticed that he only spit up after the drops (a little dribble after really big meals, but nothing like what we were seeing from the drops). We tried everything (that a breastfed only infant could) – we tried dividing up the dose so that we were doing multiple smaller amounts a day, we tried before meals, during meals, and after meals, etc to no avail. At our first follow-up appointment I mentioned the issue to the pediatrician. She recommended that we switch from the D-Vi-Sol to the Tri-Vi-Sol because the flavor was better and it should help with the spit up. I’m not a fan of shoving more vitamins down my child’s throat than absolutely needed, so I didn’t follow the recommendation and continued with the D-Vi-Sol.
At our two week appointment I mentioned it again (we had a different pediatrician this time). The new doctor told me that it doesn’t happen often, but in a handful of cases the baby doesn’t handle the 1mL dose very well, and that we should switch to the one drop version. She said that the two previous places she’d worked stocked the single drop type of vitamin D and she wasn’t sure why the hospital we are using didn’t, but that you could get it over the counter and it was readily available. Well, I went to go see how readily available it was, and quite honestly, it wasn’t, so I purchased it on Amazon and had it overnighted to the house. SO glad we did.
The bottle is a little difficult because as previous posters have said, there is no dropper. As patience is not one of the virtues that I was graced with, I can get a little impatient waiting for the bottle to give me the one drop we need for the daily dose. After that, however, this is probably one of the top 5 products I’ve used for my baby boy. I’ve applied it directly to my nipple, have applied it to his pacifier, and starting next week when we add bottles to his diet, we’ll add the drop to the bottle. Baby hasn’t noticed a thing. His stomach hasn’t gotten upset once, and he’s still receiving the vitamins he needs to grow. I could not be happier.
diamon –
This is the vitamin D supplement our pediatrician recommended and I love it! I love the simplicity of being able to just put a drop on my breast before feeding baby! So much easier than using a syringe to give baby her vitamin D! For any parents looking for a good vitamin D supplement this is it! 😊 Came in great condition no leaks!
Jazhiel Ramírez –
Must buy if you are looking for very pure and without additives baby product
Andy Guo –
Used this for all of my kids. Only downside (which is also an upside) is that the drop takes a long time to come out so my kid has to keep their mouth open waiting for a while but I think this helps prevent accidental overdose. This hasn’t been an issue for us.
Kailee Cruz –
No complaints! Came as advertised, quality was great and no problems from using.