O Carlson – Salmon Oil Complete é um suplemento premium que oferece uma combinação poderosa de ácidos graxos essenciais, projetado para promover a saúde e o bem-estar de todo o corpo. Com 700 mg de ômega-3 por dose, este óleo de salmão norueguês é uma fonte rica e natural de nutrientes que são fundamentais para o funcionamento adequado do coração e do cérebro. A fórmula exclusiva do Carlson inclui 15 ácidos graxos diferentes, abrangendo as categorias de ômega-3, 6, 7 e 9, garantindo que seu corpo receba uma ampla gama de benefícios nutricionais.
Um dos destaques deste produto é a presença natural de astaxantina, um poderoso antioxidante que ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a proteção celular e contribuindo para a saúde geral. A frescura, potência e pureza do óleo de salmão Carlson são garantidas, assegurando que você receba um produto de alta qualidade que atende aos mais rigorosos padrões de fabricação. Com o Carlson – Salmon Oil Complete, você não apenas nutre seu corpo, mas também apoia sua saúde cardiovascular e cognitiva de maneira eficaz.
– Promove a saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de colesterol.
– Contribui para a função cerebral, melhorando a memória e a concentração.
– Fortalece o sistema imunológico, aumentando a resistência a doenças.
– Melhora a saúde da pele, proporcionando hidratação e elasticidade.
– Ajuda na redução da inflamação, aliviando dores articulares e musculares.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas do Carlson – Salmon Oil Complete diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos ácidos graxos essenciais e da astaxantina, garantindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios deste suplemento. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
Audia Reyes –
I’ve been taking fish oil for quite sometime but the natures made brand. I purchase this brand due to the quality and third party testing. I really don’t see a difference but I’m pretty sure it’s working lol
S.O.S. –
Not sure why
Sandy –
I was told cold-water salmon oil was good for joint inflammation. I’ve been taking Carlson Lab’s for 20 years. A couple of times when I ran out, my lower back ache returned. I’m not saying this is the reason why, BUT, I’m taking twice daily just tin case. Two times could be coincidences, but I’m not taking any changes.
HappyCamper –
A co-workers doctor recommended this brand to her so I thought I’d try them. I have only been taking them for 2 weeks and will update after I’ve been on them for awhile. I will say though, that I have not had any issues with “fish burps”.
Benjamin Anderson –
Based on my research collected from 2 of the best independent sources for fish oil review: The International Fish Oil Standards Program (IFOS) and Consumer Lab.
First of all, I’m going with the natural (TG) form of fish oil over the artificial (EE) form of fish oil for a few reasons: #1 I am not worried about contaminants in this product. #2 I want the benefits from the natural compounds lost in the EE conversion process. #3 TG absorption of Omega3s is slightly better than EE (when taken without a meal containing fatty foods).
The following data is from the IFOS review of this product (Carlson Labs Virgin Salmon Oil Complete), which does not expire until 07/2016, which means their test was done recently:
EPA 182 mg/softgel.
DHA 160 mg/softgel.
Total Omega-3s 431 mg/softgel.
PCB 2.3 ppb
Dioxins And Furans 0.198 ppt
Dioxin Like PCB’s 0.279 ppt
These numbers are some of the highest Omega-3s per softgel, as well as lowest toxins per softgel, that I came across for natural (TG) fish oil (although, the high Omega-3 content is partially because these softgels contain 1250mg while most others only have 1000mg).
Consumer Lab:
This product (Salmon Oil Complete) was unfortunately not specifically tested by Consumer Lab, but a very similar product was (Super Omega-3 Gems). Consumer Lab found that Super Omega-3 Gems matched the claims made by Carlson. The price per 100mg of Omega-3s was also found to be very well priced compared to other fish oils. It also passed purity and freshness tests. Also, “Carlson Laboratories was ranked as the top rated fish oil brand based on consumer satisfaction. These results were based on responses from over 10,000 ConsumerLab.com e-Newsletter subscribers collected in November and December of 2012”.
Leona –
I like everything about it – I wish it came in liquid form rather than capsule as I have to
cut open the capsule to release the liquid and give it to him on bologna so he will eat it.
Capsules are not his thing. The one ingredient that stops his seizures is only included in
this particular capsule – you can read the back label to see if it’s present. It’s called linoleic acid.
Linda N –
I really see a big difference in my hair and nails when I do not remember to take this daily. My nails have gotten strong and
my hair is doing well. I am happy I found this fish oil.
J –
This is a repeat order for me