Descrição do Produto: Carlson Labs Zinc, 15mg, 250 Tablets
O Carlson Labs Zinc é um suplemento essencial que fornece 15mg de zinco por comprimido, apresentando uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada para promover a saúde integral do corpo. O zinco é um mineral fundamental que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções biológicas, sendo vital para a saúde esquelética, proteção da pele, defesa antioxidante e fortalecimento do sistema imunológico. Este mineral é necessário para mais de 100 sistemas enzimáticos diferentes no organismo, o que o torna indispensável para o funcionamento adequado do corpo humano.
Além de suas funções imunológicas e antioxidantes, o zinco também é um aliado na produção de energia, contribuindo para a vitalidade e disposição do dia a dia. Sua importância se estende ao desenvolvimento normal dos órgãos reprodutivos, sendo um elemento traço essencial para o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável. Cada comprimido de Carlson Labs Zinc é formulado com uma base de alfafa, que não só potencializa a absorção do zinco, mas também oferece um suporte nutricional adicional.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: O zinco é conhecido por sua capacidade de reforçar as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir infecções e doenças.
– Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a manutenção de uma pele saudável, auxiliando na cicatrização de feridas e na redução de inflamações.
– Produção de Energia: Ajuda na conversão de nutrientes em energia, proporcionando mais disposição e vitalidade ao longo do dia.
– Desenvolvimento Reprodutivo: Essencial para o crescimento e desenvolvimento adequado dos órgãos reprodutivos, beneficiando tanto homens quanto mulheres.
– Suporte Antioxidante: Protege as células contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres, promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido de Carlson Labs Zinc por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção do mineral. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Nitty’s Mom –
My whole family takes these when they feel a cold coming on and it works to either stop the progression or shorten the duration. Carlson is a trusted brand having used some of their fish oils in the past and was always happy with the quality and results. The Amazon Prime price is excellent. Highly recommended.
chaser –
Good product, felt a difference. Time delivery good.
Lulu C. –
This is the only Zinc I’ll buy for lots of reasons. Only positive no negative. 1st off it’s a great price deal (even when it goes up a little it always goes back down so watch for the drop in price when it does go up from time to time) & it’s the only safe Zinc mg wise to take. I’m 64 & basically ur only suppose to take 11mg lowest & 15mg highest daily due to toxicity reasons. How these co.s get away with doing 50mg of Zinc (health & legally) is beyond me. If u don’t know the dosage safety u won’t know any better & you’ll be taking way too much of it (& of any product) & if ur not sure (as I’ve been not sure lots of times) Google it B4 u buy it. Better safe than sorry. Also I was down to the last 6 pills & wasn’t near payday yet b4 I’d of ordered so I tried GNC & @ times they carry it but they were out & the guy said no GNC within 25 miles had it. Ugh. So I was gonna have to order it from them & they’d take 2wks for me to get it. No way. Plus they charge like $10.00 shipping absurd. Anyway so I go I’ll just order from Amazon & take a chance. So free shipping was there & it would of been delivered normally the day of my last pill. But praise God for favor I got it a wk (7 days) b4 my last pill. Low price under $10.50 free shipping super fast delivery (just a few days to be delivered) & 8 & 1/2 mo.s doseage. 1 pill a day of 250 days. Plus I had 6 left so I had 256 pills so I’m set. Praise God. I take em for lots of reasons & mainly cause they have to do w/the healing of my tissue damage of a broken ankle. Around my damaged ligaments & tendons of my ankle. Great product & the body really needs Zinc cause it works in connection w/Collagen too. It’s a vital nutrient ur body REALLY needs. Thanks guys so much & thanks Amazon. Keep up the good work
David T. –
I like that these are the maximum daily value as determined by the USDA at 15 milligrams. As Zinc is a heavy metal, you can overdose from too much Zinc. I have stopped taking these for that very reason but
they came in very handy during the recent, past invasion of our healthcare system by our federal government. That, along with upping the body’s natural immune system with vitamin D helped me to avoid exposing myself to the dangers of being made into a human guinea pig by our not-so-altruistic government.
Maudelle –
I have been taking this product for several weeks and I think it is effective in making sure I get my RDA of zinc. I like that the pill is not a megadose, but reasonably close to the actual RDA for zinc. I have no idea if this formulation is more or less absorbable than others that are sold online. What I don’t like about this supplement is the actual tablets themselves. Something about the shape, size and texture makes them difficult for me to swallow, and in fact, ignites my gag reflex every time I try to swallow one. For that reason, I won’t be re-ordering this product.
Maudelle –
Seems to be a good product.
Raphael Garcia –
Great zinc supplement great price amazing quality 👌
Amazon Customer –