Descrição do Produto: Carlson Labs Zinc Ease Tasty Lozenges, 10mg, 84 Lozenges
Os pastilhas de zinco Carlson Labs Zinc Ease são uma solução inovadora e saborosa para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico e promover a saúde geral. Cada pastilha contém 10mg de zinco, um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções biológicas, incluindo a manutenção da função imunológica, a síntese de proteínas e a cicatrização de feridas. Com um sabor agradável, essas pastilhas tornam a suplementação de zinco uma experiência prazerosa e fácil de incorporar na rotina diária.
- A PESQUISA CIENTÍFICA MAIS RECENTE: Nossa equipe de desenvolvimento está sempre atualizada com as últimas pesquisas científicas. Com suas descobertas, continuamente introduzimos novos produtos inovadores e atualizamos fórmulas existentes.
- OS MELHORES INGREDIENTES PRIMÁRIOS: A Carlson se orgulha de ir além das regulamentações de testes da FDA para garantir que nossos clientes recebam apenas os suplementos nutricionais da mais alta qualidade.
- AS TÉCNICAS DE MANUFATURA MAIS RIGOROSAS: Para proteger a eficácia dos nutrientes encontrados em nossos produtos, a Carlson emprega técnicas de fabricação que evitam o uso excessivo de calor, umidade e solventes, preservando o conteúdo nutricional.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: O zinco é conhecido por sua capacidade de reforçar as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir resfriados e outras infecções.
2. Melhora na Saúde da Pele: O zinco é essencial para a cicatrização de feridas e pode ajudar a tratar condições de pele, como acne e eczema.
3. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Estudos sugerem que o zinco pode ter um papel importante na saúde mental, contribuindo para a redução da ansiedade e da depressão.
4. Facilidade de Uso: As pastilhas são práticas e saborosas, tornando a suplementação de zinco uma tarefa simples e agradável.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Com rigorosos padrões de fabricação e ingredientes de alta qualidade, os consumidores podem confiar na eficácia e segurança do produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma pastilha de Carlson Labs Zinc Ease diariamente, preferencialmente após uma refeição. Deixe a pastilha dissolver lentamente na boca para maximizar a absorção do zinco. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
E –
I take one per day (don’t want to overdose) and have so far survived this winter without getting sick *knock on wood*. I am a middle school teacher and recommend them to everyone who is in germ-sharing environment. The only other vitamins I take are a daily dose of Vitamin D3 and an occasional fish oil supplement. I credit the zinc and lots of probiotics (from food sources–kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt, kombucha) as the reasons why I have been healthy.
Kathryn Missildine –
I had a hard time finding a zinc lozenge without added Vitamin C until I found zinc-ease and I couldn’t be happier! The flavor is pleasant and mild and these are great for a scratchy throat!
Maggzee –
Been using these lozenges for over a decade. Keep them by my bedside for the occasional dry tickle cough and carry a small tin in my purse. Make sure I have them in winter for extra protection against cold germs. I hardly ever get sick from cold or flu but that probably is a lucky genetic feature. However, I believe zinc is a very protective aid against colds and for me helps getting over them a little more quickly.
CarterFSU –
I bought these Zinc tablets while we were in Utah, then couldn’t find them anywhere when we returned home. Thanks to Amazon I was able to remedy that. They taste great and dissolve well, and I will buy them again when needed.
D.C. Cranston –
Maybe “tasty” isn’t the right word here, but its not bad tasting. There’s not really much of any taste at all except ever so slightly sweet. I’m OK with that.
Rebeca Thompson –
My daughter is using these to help bring her levels back up and so far she is getting better. I myself took a couple at the first sign of a cold and it was gone very quickly. It is also nice because my daughter has trouble swallowing pills so it is great if you have that issue.
Chris –
I am a student at a major university and come into contact with many door handles, people, elevators, etc. The worst part of the year for colds and other ailments is the first month of school because many kids are traveling back via airplane. I take one of these as soon as possible when I feel a little tickle in my throat.
A whole bottle lasts about a year for me. I have prevented a few nasal colds from progressing into chest colds via these guys. They are also significantly cheaper than other zinc lozenges and they have a pleasant taste.
Highly recommended!
fd-m –
I won’t pretend to be an expert on biochemistry or nutrition. However, I do try to do my homework, and I recently found myself engrossed in this […] and other articles about Zn vs. The Common Cold. This article at NIH presented the best information I have found.
As a non-expert without unlimited free time, I am simply trusting some of what the authors say. And now I will lay out a partial distillation of this study that you, my fellows, may trust, ignore, or independently verify as you see fit.
First, the authors of this, and some other cited studies, list several compounds which bind zinc (i.e. make it unavailable). These are: citrate, tartrate, glycine, palm kernel or cotton seed oils. I am sure this list is not exhaustive, but it’s a start. What this says to me is that supplements and lozenges which contain these compounds will have less available zinc.
Another bit which is of interest in regards to Cold treatment (but not general dietary supplementation), is that effectiveness is only shown in high dose studies, which are defined by the authors as daily 75 mg or greater.
The authors also make mention of zinc availability from different forms of zinc (as it relates to treatment of Cold; perhaps long term availability differs; again, I am not an expert), with zinc acetate being highest by a good margin.
I hope this proves helpful to some.