As cápsulas vegetais vazias da NOW Foods são a solução ideal para quem busca uma forma prática e eficiente de consumir suplementos. Com o modelo duplo “00”, essas cápsulas são projetadas para oferecer uma capacidade de armazenamento que varia entre 700 a 900 mg, permitindo que você preencha com a quantidade exata de pó de vitaminas ou minerais que deseja. A verificação do projeto Non-GMO garante que você está utilizando um produto livre de organismos geneticamente modificados, promovendo uma escolha mais saudável e consciente.
- Cápsulas Veganas Vazias
- Preenchidas por Peso: Essas cápsulas duplas “00” podem conter de 700 a 900 mg da maioria dos pós de vitaminas ou minerais.
- Disponibilidade em Vários Tamanhos: Além das cápsulas “00”, também oferecemos cápsulas vegetais em tamanho “0” e cápsulas de gelatina vazias nos tamanhos “1”, “3”, “0”, “00” e “000”.
Essas cápsulas são ideais para quem deseja personalizar sua suplementação, permitindo que você crie misturas específicas de nutrientes que atendam às suas necessidades individuais. Seja para complementar a dieta, facilitar a ingestão de vitaminas ou até mesmo para atender a restrições alimentares, as cápsulas vegetais da NOW Foods são uma escolha versátil e prática.
1. Personalização da Suplementação: Permite que você crie suas próprias combinações de vitaminas e minerais, adaptando-se às suas necessidades específicas.
2. Praticidade: Facilita a ingestão de suplementos, especialmente para aqueles que têm dificuldade em engolir comprimidos.
3. Sem Organismos Geneticamente Modificados: A certificação Non-GMO garante um produto mais saudável e seguro.
4. Variedade de Tamanhos: Disponibilidade em diferentes tamanhos de cápsulas, atendendo a diversas preferências e necessidades.
5. Ideal para Dietas Especiais: Perfeito para veganos e vegetarianos que buscam alternativas às cápsulas de gelatina.
Para utilizar as cápsulas vegetais vazias NOW Foods, comece selecionando o pó de suplemento desejado. Utilize uma balança de precisão para medir a quantidade exata que você deseja colocar na cápsula, garantindo que não exceda a capacidade máxima de 900 mg. Com as cápsulas abertas, preencha cada uma com o pó utilizando um funil ou uma ferramenta de enchimento específica para cápsulas, assegurando que o conteúdo esteja bem compactado. Após o preenchimento, feche as cápsulas firmemente e armazene em um local fresco e seco. É recomendável consumir as cápsulas com água ou outro líquido, conforme a necessidade.
Justina –
These capsules are amazing because they allowed me to find the perfect combination of oils and to easily administer them internally to take away my 80 year old father’s Diabetes type 2, heal his kidneys so that he did not require dialysis,stop his high blood pressure, stop colds and other viruses when they first appear, help me have a healthy 7th pregnancy and baby and get out of the hospital in 2 days even though I had my 7th c/section at 43, almost 44 years of age, give me energy, help me loose weight, and help my wrinkles go away. Feel free to contact me me details at ruoiled. I’d be happy to help anyone experience a better plan than drugs and surgery for a better life. And I could not have achieved any of that without these capsules! They are so easy to use that I plan on doing a video on Youtube on my channel ruoiled101. They literally saved our lives!
Tatiana –
These are the 1st empty capsules I have ever bought and was very hesitant in trying to use them. They are actually very easy to fill and cap it closed. I don’t fill them with oils or liquids, I use powdered substances. I don’t have a special tool to use so this is how I tried to do it myself. I take apart a capsule and also fill an 1/8 teaspoon of the substance I want to fill it with. Then take the longest part of the cap and scoop it into the teaspoon to fill it then top it off. Make sure you have something underneath to catch anything that falls. Then when the cap is filled push the short part of the cap on and gently push down til you hear it click. This locks it in place.
I have filled the pills and put them in bottles in my bag for work. They get knocked around a lot but have never leaked. Very durable and no problem with digestion either. The only issue is filling them myself, sometimes my hands cramp up. But maybe I’m not doing it right. lol.
Larry K –
We use these capsules to take Essential Oils internally. ** Please make sure the oils you take are clearly labeled for internal use **. These hold up well and do not begin to dissolve before you ingest them. The double “00” veg capsules are a good size, as there is room for the Essential oil and any oil needed to dilute – always follow he label instructions so you always know the correct amount of essential oil to ingest ! These are large enough to hold up to 15 drops of Essential oil and an equal amount of carrier oil ( for dilution ). Because these are Soy Free, Sugar Free, Non-GMO, Vegan/Vegetarian, Made without Gluten, Dairy Free, Egg Free, Corn Free, Nut Free, Kosher, they can be used by just about everyone, regardless of diet or food restrictions.
Linda Cordero-Iglesia –
Muy buena calidad
Larry K –
I like these a lot but they can be a bit hard to line up perfectly and go together. Other than that they work great.
Simon –
Amazon does not appear to sell 00 capsule loaders. I use a Cap-M-Quik which I purchased years ago. I think they are still available online from other vendors. If you have never loaded capsules before, search for a capsule loader first. Trying to load capsules without one is nearly impossible. Be sure the loader you buy is for the capsule size you want. I find 00 to be the most useful. I found three different brands of loaders when I did an online search. When you cap the capsule, press firmly until you feel and hear a click. That keeps them from falling apart. I have only one minor complaint with these; they are more slippery than other brands I’ve used and they slip easily from my fingers.
Jennifer Lakhlani –
I’ve had no problems with these capsules. I’ve seen some people claim they melt and stick together. Some claimedv they cracked. I have stored them properly and have had no such problems. They are quite large but I’ve had no problems getting them down. They do not taste or smell bad to me. I feel like they were a good value and are working well. I will add that I do not use any capsule holding or loading equipment other than my fingers, a bowl, and a tiny funnel. They are plenty large enough to fill without expensive equipment.
Daniel R. –
I love these I use them to fil up a variety of supplements that come as powders or liquids. Sometimes 2 caps get stuck on one of the larger ends of the capsule and I have to set them aside to find the a match, but overall it is worth it to use these.
treewhisperer –
These are excellent quality. They are always a few that might not work, but I find with NOW, most are perfectly intact.
I fine this product a good value and it does the job well.
Eugenia GG –
Pour ingéré des huiles essentielles combiné.