Descrição do Produto: Bluebonnet Nutrition Super Quercetin Vegetable Capsules
As cápsulas vegetais Super Quercetin da Bluebonnet Nutrition são uma fórmula avançada que combina ingredientes poderosos para oferecer suporte à saúde imunológica e proteção antioxidante. Cada cápsula contém uma mistura sinérgica de Quercetina, vitamina C preservada por identidade (IP), hips de rosa, acerola, bioflavonoides cítricos, hesperidina, rutina e bromelina de abacaxi. Esta combinação única é projetada para maximizar a absorção e eficácia, proporcionando um suporte robusto durante as mudanças sazonais e períodos de maior exposição a alérgenos.
Com 60 cápsulas vegetais em cada frasco, o produto oferece 30 porções, tornando-se uma opção prática e conveniente para quem busca manter a saúde em dia. Além disso, as cápsulas são livres de soja, glúten, OGM, e são certificadas como kosher, além de serem isentas de laticínios, veganas e livres de alérgenos comuns como leite, ovos, peixes, crustáceos, nozes, amendoins, trigo e soja. Também não contêm levedura, glúten, cevada, arroz, sódio e açúcar, garantindo uma fórmula pura e segura para todos.
Durante os meses de verão, é possível que os produtos cheguem quentes, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, assegurando a qualidade e integridade do produto.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, especialmente durante as mudanças sazonais.
– Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e o bem-estar geral.
– Fórmula Vegana e Livre de Alergênicos: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
– Praticidade: Com 30 porções, é fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, proporcionando um suporte contínuo.
– Ingredientes Naturais: A combinação de ingredientes como acerola e bromelina oferece benefícios adicionais para a saúde digestiva e metabólica.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas vegetais por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos da fórmula. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Doron Youseflaleh –
Vitamin content
Yavanna J –
So I’ve been taking this for 2 weeks now. Not a drastic change but I notice when I take it, I have relief of sneezing and all related to allergies. I’ll be around my moms dog in a week so I’ll see if it definitely works then.
Julie R –
I’ve been taking this supplement for months to help with my chronic sinusitis in allergy-laden SC (the upstate). It was recommended by my chiropractor, and I’ve definitely found it to be helpful in muting my allergic reactions to season changes. It helps to ward off sinus issues, including acute sinus infections, which I haven’t had since I began taking natural supplements as a preventative help.
Also of interesting note, I thoroughly researched this supplement to find out if it is safe for animals, and after finding that it is and determining the appropriate dosing, I now give this to my cats as well. I have one cat with pretty bad seasonal allergies. During the season changes I would see him scratching like crazy, to the point where he had many patches on his ears that were bare. He would also bite at his legs and belly a lot, and about a week into season changes he would be almost completely bare on his whole stomach. I open one capsule, and use about 1/4 of a pill in the catfood each day, and have seen incredibly pleasing results. He still scratches a minor amount, but since starting him on this supplement there has been no bare belly, only rare and tiny ear patches, and he seems far less irritated.
So for both my cat(s) and myself, I’m really glad to take this supplement. I currently take 2 capsules daily.
FPiper –
I have been amazed. I figured this would be something that had to “build up” over time to work. Not for me and several other people I rescued from allergies with this miracle. Note it did not work for 2 of my friends, but the majority of people I gave a few capsules to found it very helpful. Like anything else, some people don’t respond to a solution, but the reasonable price makes it worth a try.
My allergies were rather mild, but annoying, resulting in a lot of post-nasal drip. Within an hour of taking the quercetin, I felt relief. The first few days, I had ear pops and occasional pain because all the fluid was clearing out of my head. At first I took as directed, 2 capsules at a time and in the morning. However, I found I had a little annoyance at night from the light nasal congestion, so I split the dose, 1 capsule in morning and then 1 at night. Worked like a charm. I used half of my second bottle and then stopped using it and went through my worst allergy season and had no problems…however, I had made radical changes to my diet (higher protein, no grains, using only tiny amounts of sugar) so I cannot say that using quercetin will have this result for you…but it seems to work for a lot of people while they are using it and the effects are near-immediate.
January76 –
A miracle drug for seasonal allergy sufferers!! I have hay fever, grass, pollen, animal/pet dander allergies… Zyrtec has done little to abate them, the months of April- July are usually miserable for me. Taking just one of these pills a day— everyday— and I can literally breathe easier!! My contact lenses no longer feel like knives and I can open my windows!! So happy to have found this natural remedy.
Mary –
Excelent product. Good quality.
Allison Hewitt –
I read the other reviews and decided I would give it a try. My allergies have been so bad the past year. My eyes watered all the time, they itched really bad and they felt clouded over. My arms itched really bad too. I took prescription allergy medicine which helped, but my eyes still watered and itched just not as bad. Plus the prescription meds made me sleepy and at times I felt drugged. I figured if this didn’t help then I really had lost nothing and at least I tried it. I stopped taking my prescription meds the very next day after I took my first one of these. It has been two months. My eyes don’t water, they are not cloudy, they don’t itch. My arms stopped itching, but they took longer to stop than my eyes. I was miserable before. Now, I finally feel normal again. This vitamin has been awesome for me. I only hope it works just as well for others who try it. I feel much better taking something that is natural that some drug from the doctor that I have no clue what is in it or what it is possibly doing to my body. I recommend everyone with allergies at least give this a try. I also take Bluebonnet Stress B Cmplex with this.
DBTfan81 –
I have Asthma and I would become short of breath just by walking up stairs. I had a slight cough and I was always trying to catch my breath – especially when I was engaged in a long conversation. Allergy season was the worst – when I would try and take deep breaths I would start coughing very strongly and I would be wheezing until I used my inhaler. A friend of mine suggested that I start taking quercetin . She lost her health care coverage about 10 years ago and has become quite an authority on alternative medicines to keep herself and her family from becoming ill.
I began taking Super Quercetin in late September 2012 – 2 pills a day. It is now March 3, 2013 and I have not had a cold or been sick all winter. I have had to use my inhaler only on rare occasions – when the air pollution is very bad. Quercetin has changed my life. I will never be without it. Thank you Bluebonnet for your excellent product. I wish it was still available in the 250 vcap size.