Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder da natureza com o nosso suplemento de Cúrcuma Curcumin com BioPerine. Cada cápsula vegana contém impressionantes 700mg de cúrcuma, oferecendo uma formulação de máxima potência que se destaca no mercado. Ao contrário de muitos suplementos que exigem a ingestão de 2 ou 3 cápsulas para alcançar uma dosagem elevada, a Nu U Nutrition proporciona 700mg de cúrcuma curcumin em apenas uma cápsula, garantindo um suprimento para quatro meses.
A inclusão de BioPerine, um extrato de pimenta preta, é um diferencial que potencializa a absorção dos curcuminóides presentes na cúrcuma. Sem a pimenta preta, o corpo pode ter dificuldades em absorver todos os benefícios da cúrcuma, tornando este suplemento ainda mais eficaz. Reconhecido mundialmente, os suplementos de cúrcuma têm sido elogiados pela imprensa nacional e por profissionais de saúde, solidificando sua reputação como um aliado na promoção do bem-estar.
Nossas cápsulas são 100% veganas e vegetarianas, livres dos alérgenos mais comuns, como milho, laticínios, ovos, glúten, lactose e nozes. Comprometemo-nos a não utilizar ingredientes geneticamente modificados, aromatizantes artificiais ou conservantes em nossos produtos. A Purely Holistic se orgulha de oferecer suplementos naturais e nutritivos, sem aditivos ocultos, garantindo pureza e qualidade. Fabricados nos Estados Unidos, nossos produtos seguem os padrões mais rigorosos, assegurando que você receba apenas o melhor.
– ✔ Potência Máxima: Cada cápsula oferece 700mg de cúrcuma, proporcionando uma dosagem eficaz em uma única ingestão.
– ✔ Melhor Absorção: A presença de BioPerine aumenta significativamente a absorção dos nutrientes, potencializando os efeitos da cúrcuma.
– ✔ Aprovado Globalmente: Reconhecido por profissionais de saúde e pela mídia, garantindo confiança e credibilidade.
– ✔ Livre de Alergênicos: Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, sem ingredientes prejudiciais ou alergênicos.
– ✔ Pureza Garantida: Compromisso com a qualidade e a naturalidade dos ingredientes, sem aditivos desnecessários.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Cúrcuma Curcumin com BioPerine diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição que contenha gordura saudável, para otimizar a absorção dos compostos ativos. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Lee –
Truthfully, I’ve lost track of how many times I have order Turmeric from Holistic. This last order only came after extensively looking at other turmeric offers. No one offers the dosage equivalent that Holistic does. Now does it matter? That I don’t know. All I know is that though Holistic can be twice as expensive as other brands, it works for me. I ran a 7:28 mile at 67! All I can say is that though I have some joint discomfort from my rigorous exercise routine, I simply couldn’t do any of it without the Turmeric. If you’re not living off your last dime, buy this brand and don’t look back. Hopefully you’ll get the same results that I do.
4th & 5th reorder. What can I say but that this is a miracle drug! I’m 67 and now running sub 8min miles when I could barely walk a mile. I only buy from Purely Holistic because unlike cheaper bottles where turmeric powder is the major ingredient, with Purely Holistic, turmeric extract is major ingredient. You get what you pay for. 5 stars.
3rd reorder. This stuff works. I mostly take in the morning but if I need to, I’ll take another in the afternoon. I’m running up to 6 miles a day now non-stop, in 54min. This if from where I was two yrs ago where I couldn’t jog 100 yards because of knee pain. All gone except when I really over push myself. I’m in my late 60’s and this product helps me act and feel like I’m in my 40’s. I’ve upped my rating for 4 stars to 5. Just buy it and use it and never look back.
Its a difficult thing to say whether the product actually reduces joint pain. But though I jog 2-5 mi/day @ 65, I must say I’m in very little discomfort. Will I purchase again? Probably. 120 pills per bottle certainly has me leaning in that direction! B)
2nd order: We recently had our 48 high school reunion. In an all-class correspondence, I noted your product with a weblink. Two
responded stating they already were using your product where several others stated they were in need of it replied they had already place orders for it. It truly has helped me, and apparently also my classmates.
Oregonian –
I put off writing this review until I had gone through an entire bottle of capsules and began a second one. I’m sorry to report that I can’t tell any difference in my joint pain, in fact my wrist and thumb pain has worsened and my knee pain is certainly no better. After reading the literature on this product I had great hopes for it alleviating my symptoms. The ingredients are pure and the quality seems very good. However, since it’s doing me no good, I think I need to stop taking it. Perhaps it’s only me and for another it might make a big difference in health and comfort. I truly have nothing negative to say about this company or the product and really wish it would have worked for me. Since the product appears to be so well made, I would still recommend it to others and suggest they give it a try!
An additional note:
It seems my post was not understood by everyone so I will add a further comment: I REALLY like this product and this company! Hence, my four stars! Sometimes certain foods don’t work well for one person because of stomach issues or food allergies and yet work quite well for another person without those issues. Unfortunately for me, this healthy product was not compatible with my particular physiology. So five stars for the product and three stars for my stomach, that makes four stars!
Aidan –
I take turmeric products very seriously due to how significantly they have improved my quality of living. Personally I formulate my own product for daily use, but I am always trying new formulas in order to improve my own technique and offer recommendations to others. I place this product in the top 3 I am aware of.
-The main thing that sets this formula apart from other bioperine containing products is the fact that it uses raw turmeric powder in addition to the extract. Almost all plant extracts are most effective when they are taken in conjunction with the plant in its whole form. This is common knowledge among people who know medicinal plants well, and yet so rare in commercial preparations. Turmeric is not an exception to this rule. Bioperine is great, particle size reduction (available in other high quality products) is great, but just adding a little turmeric powder is the most overlooked and effective means to enhance the effects of curcumin.
-All indications are that Purely Holistic is a great company which is worth supporting. After buying I got an email from the owner offering a free sample of a different product, as well as a refreshingly personal note. Regardless of whether this is sincere care or clever marketing (or both), I am impressed.
-I personally think the ratio of Bioperine to active ingredients is off. I would reduce the amount of Bioperine to 3 or even 4 mg. My reasoning is this: 350 mg of 95% curcuminoids is not a particularly large dosage. While at 1-3 times daily it will be more than enough for many people, it simply isn’t enough for some people treating serious anti-inflammatory conditions. These individuals (under their doctors supervision) could easily take up to 2-3 capsules 4-5 times a day. In this case, the amount of Bioperine would be large enough that the potential for stomach upset would be significant.
It comes down to this:
3 mg is an acceptable amount of bioperine for a single dosage. The difference between 3 and 5 mg is negligible. In the case of taking 3 pills at once, this difference is no longer negligible. The difference between 9mg and 15mg (if someone takes 3 pills) is significant enough that it could mean the difference between successful treatment and intolerable side effects.
The difference between 3-5 mg is fairly insignificant, however the difference between 9-15mg can be the difference between succes
Bottom line:
This is a good product. Most people should be very pleased with it. The only caveat I offer is that if you are going to be taking large doses of Curcumin under a doctors supervision, this may not be the ideal product for you due to the ratio of bioperine to active ingredients.