As cápsulas vegetais vazias da Capsule Connection, modelo 1000, tamanho “00”, são a escolha ideal para quem busca praticidade e qualidade na hora de encapsular suplementos e medicamentos. Com um design inovador, essas cápsulas são separadas, permitindo que você economize até 40 minutos por cada mil cápsulas preenchidas. Isso significa mais eficiência e menos tempo gasto em um processo que pode ser tedioso e demorado.
Produzidas pela Capsule Connection, LLC, uma empresa com mais de 50 anos de experiência no mercado, essas cápsulas são kosher e halal, garantindo a pureza e a conformidade com diversas práticas alimentares. Compostas apenas por ingredientes naturais, elas não contêm conservantes, aditivos, organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM), glúten ou produtos de origem animal, tornando-as uma opção segura e saudável para veganos e vegetarianos.
Cada cápsula do tamanho “00” tem a capacidade de armazenar aproximadamente 700 mg ou 1/5 de colher de chá, o que a torna perfeita para uma variedade de substâncias, desde ervas até vitaminas e minerais. As cápsulas são embaladas de forma prática: os corpos são armazenados em um saco, as tampas em outro, e ambos são acondicionados em um terceiro saco externo, garantindo a integridade e a organização do produto.
– Economia de Tempo: O design separado das cápsulas permite um preenchimento mais rápido, economizando até 40 minutos por mil cápsulas.
– Pureza e Qualidade: Sem aditivos ou conservantes, as cápsulas garantem um produto final limpo e saudável.
– Versatilidade: Ideal para encapsular uma ampla gama de substâncias, desde ervas até suplementos vitamínicos.
– Conformidade Alimentar: Kosher e halal, atendendo a diversas necessidades dietéticas.
– Praticidade na Armazenagem: A embalagem em múltiplos sacos facilita o manuseio e a organização.
Para utilizar as cápsulas vazias da Capsule Connection, comece separando os corpos e as tampas. Com um funil ou uma máquina de encapsulação, preencha cada corpo com a substância desejada, garantindo que não exceda a capacidade de 700 mg. Após o preenchimento, encaixe cuidadosamente a tampa em cada corpo, pressionando firmemente para garantir um fechamento seguro. Armazene as cápsulas preenchidas em um recipiente hermético, longe da luz e da umidade, para preservar a qualidade do conteúdo.
Dave –
As described fir the most part. I’ve bought many packs of these over the years and I’m pretty sure I’ve never got 1000 exactly. I’ve never counted but there’s always an uneven amount of halves leftover. They are quality though and I’ll keep buying em.
Aryn Duncan –
I’ve had good success with these capsules! They work great in my capsule machine. Every single one has joined. In the past, I’ve had some capsules that wouldn’t go together but these capsules do. I recommend getting capsule that are already separated. It is a real time saver!! I will be buying these as long as they’re available!
flyingmike –
Never buying these again complete garbage. Deformed and barely half were usable. Usually they are coated and shiny but this time you can tell its missing that coat. Lost a repeat customer with this last batch. Don’t waste your time buying these.
Krista –
I have been using these capsules – for all of my encapsulating needs -exclusively. They do the job, and they do it well. The fact that they’re veg caps makes me feel more at-ease and like I’m doing my body a favor with my frequent consumption of a fair amount of encapsulated goods on a regular basis. Hey, we gotta take the “wins” where we can! OH Yeah! These caps are separated, folks! If you’ve made the same rookie mistake I made once and just ordered capsules – the already-inconveniently assembled for you so you get to dismantle the whole bag one by one until you have all 10,000 or whatever caps separated into 2 precise piles of cap ends finally almost ready to load hours and hours after you began separating caps, you will make the change, I guarantee it! Yeah these are a few cents more than the put-together containing-nothing caps, but you make that back quick in the time you save that you used to be wasting separating capsules. Highly recommend!
Olga Wells –
I purchase thousands of capsules per year for my business, and have been happy with the quality of this company above all others. They are made in the US which is huge for me! Once in awhile there are some issues, but overall the capsules click well, are easily filled, and fit together perfectly in most cases. They do not stick in my capsule maker, and are vegan which most of my customers prefer.
I highly recommend this company for all of your capsule needs.
IntothewildUSA –
Easy to use. Encapsulated 10,000 kratom, cayenne and Brigham tea.
Dawna –
I use a capsule making apparatus which involves joining the tops and filled bottoms together all at once for 100 capsules (I got it on Amazon a few years ago). Withe the standard capsules the fit is so tight and unforgiving that some of the capsules won’t go together and they get mashed. But with these vegetarian capsules they are flexible enough that they all go together unfailingly.
Olga Wells –
Love that these capsules are already separated. Saves so much time. Had purchased the Capsule-It machine so I can make my own capsules as I want to stay healthy.
Purchased ground, fine tumeric, beet root and miringa powders. Capsule size must match size of machine you purchase. I opted for 00 size capsules. Very happy with them.
I also made batches and gave them to family in a pretty jars. Keep mine on my kitchen counter to remind me to take them daily.