Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Way Tart Cherry Ultra Capsules
As cápsulas ultra de cereja azeda da Nature’s Way são uma poderosa adição à sua rotina de saúde, oferecendo suporte antioxidante essencial para o seu bem-estar. Com uma formulação que destaca a variedade Montmorency, cada porção de três cápsulas fornece 1.200 mg de cerejas azedas, ricas em antocianinas, que são compostos conhecidos por suas propriedades antioxidantes. Esses antioxidantes desempenham um papel crucial na neutralização de radicais livres, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo contra danos e promovendo um equilíbrio saudável.
As cápsulas são 100% veganas e isentas de glúten, o que as torna uma escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam uma suplementação natural sem aditivos artificiais. Não contêm trigo, milho, soja, laticínios, gelatina ou corantes e sabores artificiais, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o que há de melhor da natureza. Com mais de 50 anos de experiência, a Nature’s Way se dedica a encontrar soluções naturais para a saúde, e suas cápsulas de cereja azeda são um reflexo desse compromisso.
– Suporte Antioxidante: As antocianinas presentes nas cerejas azedas ajudam a neutralizar os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
– Saúde Articular: O consumo regular pode contribuir para a redução da inflamação e o alívio das dores articulares.
– Melhora na Recuperação Muscular: Ideal para atletas, as cápsulas podem auxiliar na recuperação após exercícios intensos.
– Apoio ao Sono: As cerejas azedas são conhecidas por suas propriedades que podem ajudar a melhorar a qualidade do sono.
– Fácil de Incorporar: Com apenas três cápsulas diárias, é uma maneira prática e eficaz de adicionar antioxidantes à sua dieta.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos tomem três cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também integra o suplemento de forma harmoniosa à sua rotina alimentar. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Melissa –
I had been taking 6 capsules daily of another brand and decided to get this one when I ran out. I had never felt any effect from the other brand, but I felt a NOTICABLE drop in blood pressure with just 2 to 3 capsules of this brand! My joint pain has also been getting better over the weeks I’ve been taking this brand. Be careful and start small, but I’m happy to see quick results!
My mom suffered for 3 years with extreme debilitating pain throughout her entire body due to “inflammation from an unknown source” diagnosed by Mayo Clinic. We believe was caused by a series of steroid injections for her sciatica. Her SED rate (which measures inflammation levels) was through the roof. Within 3-5 weeks of taking this everyday, her rates were back to normal. This was the only thing that she introduced differently into her daily routing as we had exhausted all other avenues for finding relief for her pain. It is the type of cherry used (Montmorency) that makes the difference, in my opinion. Iron Men athletes now use this after they complete competitions. I have been taking it for several years now as a joint and muscle preventative.
John E. –
For the last couple years I have had Gout flair ups in my left wrist and occasionally in my left ankle. I went to the doctor and he prescribed anti pain and anti swelling drugs that had only a minor positive effect. After research and some very good reviews as well as recommendations from our local Sprouts store I purchased this product.
I started out as recommended with (3)capsules once a day. After three days of use I received amazing relief.I started taking this product in early Jan. 2012 and have had almost complete healing of this very painful condition. When I say almost, I have had a couple times where I could feel a flare-up starting. In that case I doubled the dose to three at day and three at night and it knocked it out the next day.
Tart cherry extract also has many other benefits. Melatonin that promotes sleep and regulates body function and high levels of antioxidants that in some studies claim to be higher than vitamin C and E. It also is shown to reduce pain and swelling in lab tests. And in my case, personal tests.
After considerable research, I concluded that this brand “Enzymatic Tart Cherry Ultra” offered the highest dose and quality. And no, I don’t sell or rep. this product. Just a very happy consumer that has solved a very painful and debilitating physical problem with this product.
I hope that anyone who uses it receives the same benifits that I have. One thing I recommend, stay with it for at least a full month. My results were fast and dramatic. Just don’t give up fast if yours are not the same. This stuff really works.
As of now, this has been a miracle in a bottle for me and my house will never be without it!
Margo B –
My husband had surgery on his hand in November, 2011. He had 3 procedures done, but one was to remove a lump from the 1st joint of his index finger. The doctor told us it was a build up of gout. My husband has had problems with gout in his ankle and knee, but we were surprised regarding the involvement of his finger.
He was undergoing physical therapy for his surgery and had told one of the therapists about his on-going issues with gout and it appeared to him that the lump on his finger was growing again. She recommended that he try one of the cherry products on the market. We picked up a 30 day supply of Tart Cherry Ultra at a local health food store. I purchased the next 2 bottles from Amazon as it was priced lower.
My husband noticed that the lump began to shrink within a couple of weeks. He has been taking it now for about 3 months and the lump on his finger is gone. His knee, which has been giving him problems for years now, seems to have less pain. He has also had a lump on his right elbow for about 4 or 5 years. The doctor told him it was a bone spur and there really wasn’t much they could do for it. It is now gone as well, we are assuming that it was also a build up of gout.
We would highly recommend this product to anybody who suffers from gout.
Carole A. Cornell –
I hoped this would help with inflammation but it does not.
Melissa the Librarian –
I have severe fibromyalgia and my doctors have experimented with every pain and anti-inflammatory drug they could find for me. I have reached a point that I no longer want to be anyone’s guinea pig. I take an 8 hour formula of acetaminophen and accompany it with this clinical strength cherry supplement which I take once a day and for the most part I am able to function well. Without Tart Cherry Ultra, I am back to using a cane and almost chair bound.
ヌレイエフ –
drinking tea with mittens on –
my uric acid blood test is so high the doctors cannot believe i have never suffered from gout. my brothers do, but i do not. and yet i have very high uric acid. on the advice of my NP, i started taking three of these a day. in three months my uric acid numbers dropped almost to normal range. we’ll test again in three months. i also have what we’d call nerve pain on one side of my body. i was wearing a compression sleeve on my right arm but no longer need to wear it. not sure if this product has anything to do with that (because i am also taking other Renadyl and celery seed)…. but something is working well enough to bring the numbers down. i’ll come back and update my review next time we test my numbers again. EDITED in 2022: my numbers remain normal as long as i take 3 of these each day. the painful inflammation i also experience is way less when i take 3 of these each day. when i don’t, the inflammation gets worse.
Golfmommy13 –
Using this to help my body create its own melatonin, since adding extra melatonin into my system, makes me a little jittery
Amazon カスタマー –