Descrição do Produto: Digestive Advantage IBS Daily Probiotic Capsules
As cápsulas Digestive Advantage IBS Daily Probiotic foram desenvolvidas para proporcionar um suporte digestivo eficaz tanto para homens quanto para mulheres. Com uma combinação única de probióticos e três tipos de enzimas, uma única dose diária pode ajudar a reduzir o desconforto abdominal leve e o inchaço ocasional, promovendo um equilíbrio digestivo saudável. O probiótico BC30, clinicamente testado, é protegido por uma cápsula de proteína natural que o torna 100 vezes mais resistente ao ácido estomacal, garantindo que uma quantidade significativa chegue ao intestino, onde pode apoiar a saúde digestiva e imunológica.
Sabia que cerca de 70% do seu sistema imunológico está localizado no trato digestivo? É exatamente nesse local que o probiótico patenteado BC30 interage com as células intestinais, ajudando a fortalecer a saúde digestiva e imunológica do seu corpo. As cápsulas são feitas com ingredientes confiáveis, sendo livres de OGM e vegetarianas. Os produtos Digestive Advantage são garantidos quanto à frescura, pureza e potência rotulada, oferecendo um suprimento para 96 dias.
– Alívio do Desconforto Abdominal: Reduz o desconforto leve e o inchaço, proporcionando alívio diário.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, que está intimamente ligado à saúde digestiva.
– Alta Sobrevivência do Probiótico: O BC30 é projetado para sobreviver ao ácido estomacal, garantindo que mais probióticos cheguem ao intestino.
– Ingredientes Confiáveis: Fórmula livre de OGM e adequada para vegetarianos, garantindo qualidade e segurança.
– Fácil de Usar: Uma cápsula por dia com uma refeição, tornando a rotina de cuidados com a saúde simples e prática.
Para adultos, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma (1) cápsula diariamente com uma refeição. É importante não exceder três (3) cápsulas por dia. Para crianças a partir de 8 anos, é aconselhável abrir uma (1) cápsula e misturar o conteúdo em alimentos ou bebidas. Este produto não é destinado a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença, e as declarações não foram avaliadas pela Food and Drug Administration.
BobbyDigital –
My review might be embarrassing but I hope I help someone. I am writing this roughly 2 years after I used the product and only though I do so because I found some dig adv ibs pills in the bottom of my vitamin box.
The minute I used to wake up, I had to run to the toilet with diarrhea. If I didn’t feel complete, anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours later… I had to run to the toilet all over again.
If I waked up real early to the point that I was barely awake (like going to my college classes), the minute I “woke up” … I had to run to the toilet. Work was the same deal. There was no hiding from this.
Whenever I had these urges, I used to have the most horrible hot flashes (I am a dude, btw). Just writing this, I am having memories of what I had to deal through. I had to deal with three things… depression, anxiety and ibs. I used to think that all three were linked and it would be a long time before I was to tackle any of them.
I used to fall into panic mode when I saw a class that was only available in the mornings or if I was scheduled to work in the morning. I was already depressed, anxious and this was something that made me basically hate myself. I always avoiding anything before 12 noon.
I dealt with this for almost 8 years. One day… I went onto google and typed something like “diarrhea every morning” and the ibs support website was one of the first links. In it, people described the same issues of me. Here I was thinking I was all alone, knowing now that there were people suffering the same way. I don’t know how it occured but I think I read someone posting about their experience with dig adv ibs pills and mentioned that “it sorta helped.”
I then became very curious and learned that there was a product to help with my exact problem. I was honestly in disbelief “some company was just trying to rip people off.” I read a little and I think the price was around $20, so I gave it a try.
When i first started using it, I was farting and very bloated and thought I just made everything worse. I remember reading that things would go this way before getting better. I was a nervous wreak at this time because I was about to start a school program every morning at 6am.
Then suddenly after around 2 weeks, it stopped. The every morning diarrhea stopped. I was shocked. Class then began and I was worried. I continued taking the pills for about one-two months into the school program and I remember I had one bad episode and that was it. Around the latter of 2011, I stopped the dig adv pills. I have never had a diarrhea problem since (besides eating spicy foods the night before).
I am very lucky and I only hope that others have found success. I still have depression and anxiety issues but the ibs is completely gone. Whatever was in those pills, saved my mornings basically. When i wake up, I still have to use the toilet but its no longer diarrhea and if I wake up so early that I don’t have the feeling, I don’t get problems hours later at work or school.
So with my ibs no longer an issue I have managed to figure out two things with my bowels. I never had issue with drinking milk. My stomach has always tolerated milk well. I never knew this because I always had diarrhea every morning so I didn’t know what was good or not. After everything “fixed,” I noticed my bowels acted very good to milk. Spicy foods, not good. I now have a habit of drinking a full glass chocolate milk anytime I eat anything spicy. Its the only way I can eat spicy foods and works wonders for me. That has just about dealt with my bowel issues with spicy foods.
So thanks dig adv for your ibs pills. I have batch number 10F025 which expires 6/2013 here in front of me. Last time I used it I believe was almost two years ago and I don’t think I need them again. I can’t even believe that when I went to my doc 3-4 years ago (a Sutter Health physican), he said that my nerves were “hyper active” and I might need nerve suppressing meds when I brought the issue up.
Best of luck to you all!
Betty Mae –
It is so easy to use, and it works perfectly. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality product.
Teresa tramontano –
Ho usato questo prodotto che già conoscevo ,molto efficace per coliti e gonfiori addominali
Andreas M –
Habe mir die Coagulans Kapseln zur Herstellung des SiboJoghurts auf Empfehlung eines gewissen Doktors aus den USA gekauft. Habe den Inhalt einer Kapsel als Test 36h im Joghurtfermenter mit 1 L Milch + Inulin gären lassen. Hat wunderbar geklappt, derJoghurt schmeckt wie im Buch und den Foren beschrieben sehr mild, fast blumig. Kann man also getrost kaufen und den Wunderjoghurt ansetzen oder als Einzelkultur verwenden.
Wer Frischkäse mag und Verwendung für die Molke hat, kann auch 2 Kapseln auf 1 L Milch probieren. Dann aber am besten mit Käsesiebeinsatz.
seisgrados22 –
Tenia muchos gases acidez y me sentía bastante mal he probado varios productos de farmacia para los gases y no me funcionaban y eso que no tomo nada de gas ni alcohol, era un poco exceptico con este producto pero después de unos días me encuentro mucho mejor expulso los gases sin problemas y todos mis problemas digestivos han desaparecido muy contento con la compra y sin duda repetiré
Lookin’Up –
I had IBS so badly that when it struck it was completely debilitating! It started when I was 14 and wasn’t well understood then so everything that they gave me would ultimately or immediately make it worse! Aspirin, ouch! Opiates helped till they themselves would trigger it, same with Xanax and other benzos, Prilosec, Nexium like meds are not FOR IBS, but they kept giving them to me till I developed a sensitivity to THEM and would get headaches!
Finally we found a doc who at least knew which meds were FOR IBS and I finally began to improve and get off all the garbage meds.
About this time we also found this product and tho it’s not covered by insurance we were kinda desperate, after about a month I found that I wasn’t having as many attacks to be controlled by the other meds that gave me such a dry mouth and other side effects so I began to slowly withdraw from them…I was on THREE! Bentyl and two different Hyoscyamines(sp?) Within six months I was off all of them! 🙂
I can’t seem to stabilize my gut flora or whatever is off balance yet so I still need to take two of these daily but after 30 years of increasing agony that’s ok, at least this works with no side effects! I’m now on a Dr recommended probiotic supplement full of high doses of lots of different ones, but not these…Bacillus coagulans, Protease, Amylase and Lipase.
And every time I try to wean myself off of this formula the pain will begin within at least a week! So I’m a committed consumer.
Just remember, if you are plagued by this potentially agonizing syndrome that this product takes at LEAST a week of regular use before you begin to feel better, give it a full month before you cash in your chips.
I have almost forgotten how I had to live my life around the pain. Trying to be ready at all times to try and control it or give up and have a place I could lie alone in agony for hours on end, even speaking hurt! NOW, if I feel a warning twinge or two all I have to do is chug a glass of ice water which will stop it in it’s tracks! (But it is just a stopgap, we tried ice before, WITHOUT this product it couldn’t even stop an attack much less keep it at bay like now!)
There was a bit of a “speed bump” when they changed the formula and name a bit, and now I have to take two a day where one used to be sufficient…hence only four out of five stars… but there’s no other product I or my pharmacist knew of that was interchangeable, so I’m still “here”!
This may not be a universal cure for IBS, but, it certainly is worth a shot if you or someone you love is struggling like I was!
Leon –
Donna FC –
Getting relief after just 1 week! Awesome!!!
Opl –
Felt worse