As cápsulas pr2 Muscle and Joint Recovery foram desenvolvidas por Dan Dodson, PhD, ATC, um renomado treinador atlético com experiência olímpica, profissional e colegial, que dedicou sua carreira ao estudo do over-training em atletas. Este produto é a escolha ideal para quem busca otimizar a recuperação muscular e articular, sendo endossado por atletas profissionais e amadores, treinadores de força e personal trainers.
As cápsulas contêm uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes que atuam em sinergia para promover a saúde das articulações e a recuperação muscular. A glucosamina é fundamental para proteger a cartilagem e manter a saúde das articulações, enquanto o MSM (metilsulfonilmetano) fortalece os tecidos conectivos e reduz a inflamação. Os BCAA’s (aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada) e a glutamina são essenciais para melhorar a saúde muscular e acelerar a recuperação após treinos intensos. Além disso, a fórmula é enriquecida com um perfil vitamínico superior, incluindo vitaminas do complexo B, como a Benfotiamina, que contribui para o metabolismo energético e a saúde geral.
Produzido nos Estados Unidos de acordo com os padrões cGMP, o pr2 Muscle and Joint Recovery é respaldado por uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro, permitindo que os consumidores experimentem o produto sem riscos. Cada frasco contém 180 cápsulas, o que equivale a um suprimento para 30 dias.
– Proteção das articulações: A glucosamina ajuda a preservar a cartilagem, promovendo articulações saudáveis.
– Redução da inflamação: O MSM atua como um anti-inflamatório natural, aliviando dores e desconfortos.
– Aceleração da recuperação muscular: Os BCAA’s e a glutamina favorecem a recuperação após exercícios intensos, permitindo treinos mais frequentes e eficazes.
– Suporte nutricional completo: O perfil vitamínico superior contribui para o bem-estar geral e o desempenho atlético.
– Garantia de satisfação: A política de devolução de 100% oferece segurança e confiança na compra.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 6 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente divididas em duas doses de 3 cápsulas, com um copo de água. É aconselhável tomar as cápsulas com as refeições para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Para resultados ideais, utilize o produto de forma contínua por pelo menos 30 dias, integrando-o a uma rotina de exercícios e uma dieta equilibrada.
Drew Dodson –
Great product. I have struggled with joint pain in my elbows and shoulders for years. After taking PR2 for a week, I was able to complete my workout pain free. I Will definitely buy this product again
kindlemom1 (My Guilty Obsession Blog) –
I’m giving these a very neutral three stars because honestly, I can’t tell if they work or not. No noticeable change or difference since using them and in fact for the price, will more than likely not buy again and will look for something else to use. I think using turmeric by itself would be just as effective and whole lot more affordable.
Linda Adair –
As a nurse who needs knee replacement surgery I can say without a doubt this supplement is awesome & effective! I’ve tried numerous supplements without finding much help. I heard about this at my orthopedic office visit who recommended it be used pre-op. It has made my life much better with less pain and I am very grateful!
Ben A. –
I’m skeptical of anything supplement-related, that promises physical results from a “simple” supplement regimen. Well, now I should say I’m skeptical of every *other* supplement. PR2 has made me a believer (in it) and continues to blow my mind.
Once upon a time, I was in incredible shape. Insanity-six-days-a-week-and-why-not-a-6-mile-run-on-the-seventh shape. Then time visited, and brought its friend age, and I had been struggling to get to the gym even 3 times a week. I had time, I was eating well…I just hurt so bad that I couldn’t drag myself out of bed. I mentioned this to a friend, who mentioned having a similar problem before he took this stuff.
My first week of taking PR2, I put 5 straight days in before enforcing a rest day. “Placebo effect,” I thought, rolling my eyes at the silliness of the human brain. Then the second week I went even harder. Some soreness, but background soreness, not the kind that sidelined me for a day. Third week was the same. I felt better. I looked better. I was more precise with my lifting form because I wasn’t compensating for pain. I was in a better mood. I couldn’t wait for my next workout.
I don’t know how this stuff works. I never will…the science is just beyond me. But I don’t have to. All I have to know is: 3 capsules after my morning workout, 3 more with lunch. Get pumped for the next day’s workout.
I never thought I’d spend $40 a month on a recovery supplement. I thought that was for meat heads. Now I can’t imagine my health regimen without PR2. I’ll never get back to my once-upon-a-time fitness level, but PR2 has restored my stamina, my confidence, and my motivation.
I can’t recommend it highly enough.
Edith h. Cohen –
My husband has had two total knee replacements. He is extremely pleased with the product as it has helped tremendously in the recovery process, and during physical therapy. Recovery has been quicker: strength, movement, range of motion, all are responding well. Great product and we will continue to order it indefinitely. Thank you!
Frank Gallant –
Two years ago I had a life changing bicycle accident when I was struck by a hit and run driver. Since then I have been struggling to regain my former strength and stamina. A few months ago I began using the pr2 system for joint and muscle recovery, and recently I began using the neuro supplement. I am feeling much better now, I have begun to lengthen my running stride and lift my knees higher like a true runner once again. It has taken a long time with much trial and error, but I believe I’m on the right track now. These products are worth a try for all recovering and struggling athletes.
Sarah Fassler –
Since having back surgery and complications, I have struggled getting back to exercise and have had chronic pain issues and leg cramping-pretty much every night. Since starting the pr2 system, I have not had a single night with leg cramps, my pain issues with legs and lower back are almost non-existent. I feel better, have more energy and feel so much better after my workouts. I absolutely love this stuff and can’t recommend it enough!
Reading Books –
I pulled a hamstring and never have I been so hobbled…after several doctor visits and 2 courses of steroids (with no relief) and before doing the doctor recommended Airrosti deep tissue manipulation I began taking these on the recommendation of a highly athletic friend. By the time of my scheduled appointment I was feeling better and had better than expected range of motion once on the table. I discontinued that treatment after one visit and continued taking these for another month + and have completely recovered. I can safely say that these helped me get back to normal.