Descrição do Produto: Natrol Pycnogenol Capsules
As cápsulas de Natrol Pycnogenol são um suplemento inovador que oferece proteção antioxidante essencial para a saúde celular. Extraído da casca do Pinheiro Marítimo Europeu, este produto é conhecido por suas propriedades que combatem a oxidação celular e os danos relacionados à idade. O Pycnogenol é um poderoso antioxidante que ajuda a proteger as células contra o estresse oxidativo ambiental e o desgaste natural do tempo. Com uma formulação que contém 60% de proantocianidinas, pertencentes à família dos flavonoides, este suplemento é reconhecido por seus benefícios à saúde.
- Especificamente conhecido por apoiar o sistema imunológico e auxiliar na circulação saudável.*
- O Pycnogenol é um antioxidante que ajuda a proteger as células do estresse oxidativo ambiental e relacionado à idade.*
- Extraído com materiais não tóxicos da árvore de Pinheiro Marítimo, cultivada sem herbicidas ou pesticidas.
- O Pycnogenol contém 60% de proantocianidinas, que são conhecidas por seus benefícios à saúde.*
- Natrol é a marca número 1 em auxílio ao sono sem drogas^ e líder em humor e estresse.
1. Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, reduzindo o risco de doenças crônicas.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir infecções.
3. Melhora da Circulação: Promove um fluxo sanguíneo saudável, essencial para a saúde cardiovascular.
4. Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a manutenção da elasticidade e aparência jovem da pele.
5. Apoio à Saúde Mental: Pode ajudar a reduzir o estresse e melhorar o humor, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Natrol Pycnogenol diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações do rótulo e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades benéficas.
Mike –
After almost 20 days of 100-150 mg/pd I can say the skin on the back of my hands appears tighter and smoother as well as the rest of me. Years of sun does take a toll… I have also noticed two small patches of psoriasis on the back of my lower legs which usually flare up in the dry winter months have yet to start that ridiculous need to scratch. Although I could itch them – they are actually disappearing and now resemble the final stages of a dying poison ivy rash (small skin colored bumps with dead tops). This problem has been a yearly thing with me for the last decade and I can say this winter is thankfully different (Sunlight in the spring kills it). A month ago they were that darkish irritated skin color about half the size credit card on each leg and now they are barely noticeable skin colored dime sized spots. I haven’t really noticed anything else but the official gov’t claim is it takes 3 months of use for the super sex and better blood flow. I’m just wondering if we are all paying for the trademark name and regular oligomeric proanthocyandin tablets (100 mg’s/ 300 caps for less) would be a better option. The reviews for the cheaper versions suggest that might be the truth. In any case, this stuff does it for me so I will order again.
James Crowley “sJames” –
Hey Guys and Gals. What’s going on? I am here to tell you I’ve been using Natrol Pycnogenol for about four years now. Originally, it came up on Internet Searches when I was searching for supplements that would enhance my libido. I was 70 then and worried I was getting less interested in having sex which I have always enjoyed even as the frequency slowly dropped from four or five times a week in my forties and early fifties to once or occasionally twice a month at 70.
BTW after I started taking it, the first thing I noticed was an immediate beneficial effect on my skin and hair in about a month. Smoother, more hair, younger looking skin.
I decided to test its efficacy to enhance libido by weekly alternating two capsules with one capsule and noted I was consistently harder and thought more about having sex much more on the days I took two.
Then I took two daily or one daily for a week and on the two a day per week often had three or even four orgasms vs two or occasionally three on the one a day regimen. Still what an improvement!
Probably, like everything not all supplements work the same way for everyone and maybe I got lucky.
But I say, give these Natrol Pycnogenol capsules a try for at least 3 or 4 months! It’s worth it if they end up helping you even a bit if it takes awhile. Or you might get the result I got. Totally fabulous!
Good luck!!
Patty R. –
I first reviewed this product in July after having used it for 1 month. 1st review ..I gave 3 stars…..I chose this rating since I have only been using this product for less than one month. I like the capsule form of the product as opposed to the tablet. I trust the manufacturer and the price is less expensive than at my local pharmacy. I plan to use this product for at least six months so I can give it a fair trial and then will re-evaluate my rating.
2nd, and hopefully final review. I took pycnogenol for the months of June and July and only the first week of August. After a few days of not taking the supplement, I noticed my eczema, which had completely disappeared, had returned with a vengeance on my arms, back, stomach, and scalp. The itching was driving me crazy! My skin felt much drier than when I was taking the supplement and the only difference to my regimen was that I had stopped taking pycnogenol. After about 1 week I ordered 2 more bottles of pycnogenol (which was delivered very fast) and now have been taking it morning and night for almost 30 days. My flareup of eczema has considerably subsided, along with the flakiness and itchiness. A few rough patches remain, however I am confident that these problems will be resolved in a short time. I think it is safe to say that for me pynogenol is the best supplement I have found (and I have tried many RX and OTC products) to treat my eczema and will continue to take it as long as I can afford it. For these reasons I give Natrol Pycnogenol 5 stars and a huge thank you.
lexxx09 –
For the first time in 4 years I was able to go to our beach house in the dead of July and not swell ONE BIT!!!!! Begun taking this supplement 2x daily, roughly a month prior. Before finding this miracle worker- I DREADED our yearly beach trip the 4th of July. No matter what I did my entire lower half (beginning from my thigh down to my ankle) would stay so swollen I couldn’t even wear my regular pants size!! Forget walking in the sand.. my shins would ache so badly it was hell. Also being a hairstylist I was forced to only taking a couple appts each day .. At 27! If experiencing any circulation related issues, definitely worth trying. I could not be happier with my results so far.