### Cápsulas Host Defense CordyChi – Energia Natural – 60 cápsulas
As Cápsulas Host Defense CordyChi são uma poderosa combinação de cogumelos Cordyceps e Reishi, projetadas para aumentar a energia e promover a saúde geral. Este suplemento inovador é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma fonte natural de vitalidade e resistência física. Os cogumelos Cordyceps são conhecidos por sua capacidade de melhorar a função respiratória e aumentar a absorção de oxigênio, enquanto o Reishi é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades de fortalecimento do sistema imunológico. Juntos, eles formam uma sinergia que não apenas combate o cansaço, mas também apoia uma resposta imunológica saudável.
As cápsulas são feitas com micélio de cogumelo orgânico, cultivado em substrato de arroz integral orgânico, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade, livre de transgênicos e glúten. A Host Defense Mushrooms, fundada pelo renomado micologista Paul Stamets, assegura que cada cápsula contenha os melhores ingredientes para promover o bem-estar. O uso regular das Cápsulas CordyChi pode resultar em um aumento natural de energia, maior vitalidade e um suporte abrangente à saúde.
– Apoia a resposta imunológica saudável
– Auxilia na absorção de oxigênio
– Suporta níveis saudáveis de energia
– Ajuda a combater o cansaço
– Promove o relaxamento
Esses benefícios tornam as Cápsulas Host Defense CordyChi uma escolha ideal para quem deseja melhorar sua qualidade de vida. Ao integrar este suplemento na rotina diária, os usuários podem experimentar um aumento significativo na energia e na disposição, facilitando a realização de atividades cotidianas e a prática de exercícios físicos.
#### –
Como suplemento alimentar, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Cordyceps e Reishi uma vez ao dia, podendo ser consumidas com alimentos ou com o estômago vazio, conforme orientação de um consultor de saúde. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada para garantir a eficácia e segurança do produto.
Andrew –
This is the ONLY BRAND of mycelium supplements that I buy. They’re the only ones that are effective and true to label and made with compassion. After finding this product 3 years ago at a Sprouts, I have included it as a nonnegotiable investment in my health and vitality. Do some research on mushroom mycelium and adaptations-life changing!
Mark –
This really works well specifically for cough and fatigue when fighting and infection. It has aided my recovery with a bout of the flu, and recently some kind of lung and sinus bug which I’m not sure exactly what it was. In both instances, this is the only medicine I took. I would recommend taking it at the first sign of an infection that has those two features. It should either shorten the infection or prevent it altogether. Good luck!
P.S: I also imagine it is good for general physical and mental stamina. Probably a good thing to have on any cold weather outdoor adventure to use at the first sign of fatigue or infection, or just as a prophylactic.
Jay Brown –
High quality product. I can tell a marked difference in my short term and long term recall as well as improved quality of sleep. Very appreciated and needed after 50… Fast shipping too. I got the Lion’s Mane also.
Saltyrella –
Makes you feel calm and clear. Helps with fatigue. I notice the days I skip this!
Sal –
2 in the morning 2 with lunch help get me thru my long work days, and you know it’s high quality cuz Paul Stamets. If you don’t know, check him out
Alex –
I weight train and decided to switch from chemical stimulants to natural supplements to enhance my workouts. I read up on Cordyceps and decided to give it a try. First I tried Onnit Shroomtech and it worked but over time I couldn’t tell if it was just a placebo effect. I tried to save some money and bought the Swanson Cordyceps with equal effects. But….
When I first tried Host Defense Cordychi, I noticed incredible effects! Effects that you will not confuse with placebo! I felt a rush of energy like I can lift double my weight. I felt like my normal speed on the treadmill was a walk in the park. I recovered 3 times faster and pushed at least 4 more reps and 2 more sets. I’ve increased my lifting weight the same day I tried Cordychi.
Don’t bother with any other brand ladies and gentlemen. Don’t try to save a buck elsewhere, this is a quality product. And Fungi Perfecti guarantees the correct strain of cordyceps that boosts your immune system, because there is a strain of cordyceps that does the complete opposite. No other brand guarantees this. I wouldn’t trust mushrooms being grown off shores like Asia. I’ll stick to home grown organic American cordyceps, I’m sure you’ll agree.
Dave H. –
Easy to take but quite pricey.
driveU2craZy –
If I could REALLY rate this, Amazon would have to let me put 6 stars and here’s why…
Originally I was taking this supplement for the testosterone boosting properties in the Cordyceps sinensis; supplementing my workouts with a natural alternative to all the synthetic blends out there for muscle gains. However, this did something much more for me that I wasn’t really expecting.. And that is staying healthy during the worst flu and cold outbreak I’ve ever witnessed–>
Funny how I can say “witnessed” because that’s exactly what I did! I feel like I have some kind of super power and as all fall ill around me at work and in the home, I stay exactly the same**, even with direct contact. Honestly, I think these made my immune system so powerful that I am probably just a carrier because the germs can’t even live long enough inside me to make me ill.
Please know this if you’re considering buying it; there is nothing that can come close the the health benefits these two medicinal mushrooms offer (Reishi and Cordyceps sinensis). I’ve always tried to convince family and friends about it, but it’s very hard for them to accept for some reason. The only reason why I would even suggest something with such “gusto” is because of my own first hand experience using them. I guess the only downside is never having a real excuse for a sick day from work, but I’ll take a healthy body over that any day.
I still can’t believe how ‘super effective’ this is in fighting sickness all around, it almost has me perplexed, even with all the research of Ganoderma Lucidum and Cordyceps sinensis. The quality of this product is absolutely exceptional and I will continue to buy this for the years to come.
If I could make a suggestion, for results I would suggest exercise in conjunction with use. Supplements help big time, but physical exercise like weight lifting or even cardio will really help peak you out with the best possible results. Cordyceps increases oxygen uptake and with exercise your VO2 Max (also maximal oxygen consumption) will be through the charts and you’ll breathe a bit easier while increasing endurance. Of course everyone varies greatly, but the reduction of my heart rate (through very efficient pumping and circulation) has been one of the best investments ever!