As cápsulas de gelatina vazias Capsuline Tamanho 4 são a escolha ideal para quem busca qualidade e controle na criação de suplementos personalizados. Produzidas em instalações certificadas cGMP, essas cápsulas são feitas de gelatina bovina de grau farmacêutico, garantindo que não contenham aditivos, contaminantes ou ingredientes de origem suína. Com a garantia de serem livres de glúten e alérgenos, essas cápsulas são Kosher e Halal, atendendo a uma ampla gama de necessidades dietéticas. A tecnologia Farma Lock, exclusiva da Capsuline, assegura que nenhum dos seus valiosos ingredientes seja desperdiçado durante o processo de enchimento, mantendo a integridade do conteúdo contra poeira e umidade.
Com a possibilidade de criar seus próprios suplementos e vitaminas, você tem total controle sobre os ingredientes e dosagens, permitindo uma personalização que se adapta perfeitamente às suas necessidades. As cápsulas são ideais para ervas e pós, oferecendo uma aparência excepcional e um desempenho superior em máquinas de enchimento. Disponíveis em opções de compra em massa, com contagens que variam de 100 a 5000 cápsulas, a Capsuline se compromete a facilitar sua experiência de compra, oferecendo também cápsulas vegetais e veganas.
– ✅ Qualidade Superior: Fabricadas com gelatina bovina pura, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
– ✅ Personalização Total: Permite a criação de suplementos sob medida, adaptando-se às suas necessidades específicas.
– ✅ Tecnologia de Bloqueio Exclusiva: Minimiza o desperdício de ingredientes, otimizando o uso de cada cápsula.
– ✅ Variedade de Opções: Disponíveis em diferentes quantidades, facilitando a compra conforme a demanda.
– ✅ Satisfação Garantida: Compromisso com a satisfação do cliente, oferecendo suporte e soluções para qualquer insatisfação.
Para utilizar as cápsulas Capsuline Tamanho 4, comece selecionando os ingredientes que deseja encapsular, como ervas ou pós. Utilize uma máquina de enchimento de cápsulas para garantir um processo eficiente e preciso. Certifique-se de que as cápsulas estejam limpas e secas antes do enchimento. Após o preenchimento, feche as cápsulas utilizando a tecnologia Farma Lock para garantir que o conteúdo permaneça seguro e livre de contaminação. Armazene as cápsulas em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade dos ingredientes.
Chris D.K. –
Excellent product. Size 3 and 4 perfect for my feline companions medications where I’m able to crush the pills and use the capsules to put them in… A lot easier that trying to get a dry tablet down him. Thank you.
Linda –
I’ve been using these capsules for many years. I give meds to my cats and dogs using them as it makes it easier. Sometimes the cat or dog may be taking human meds that have to be cut into smaller pieces and the size of the capsule makes it easier. You can, of course, use them for your own meds.
gwendolyne –
Happy with product. It is as described
Linda –
I am using these empty gel capsules to give my elderly cat his nasty-tasting metronidazole pill, plus prednisone and cyproheptadine. These size 4 capsules are TINY (smaller than a dime; see Photo #1) and are hard to handle, but unfortunately, it’s necessary because the pills need to be small for the cat.
I’m able to get 1/2 of a 50mg metronidazole pill, plus EITHER 1/2 of a 5mg prednisone pill OR 1/2 of a 4mg cyproheptadine pill. I started out just putting the split pills into the capsule (left and right pills in Photo #2), but then decided to see if I could get all three meds in by crushing them all into a powder (center pill in Photo #2). I was able to get MOST, but not all of the crushed 3-pill powder in the capsule. I did try tamping the powder down, but it didn’t help much.
If you try to put powder in these pills, be aware that it is very difficult. The openings are tiny, and the capsules are nearly transparent when they’re empty, so they’re hard to see. I made a little pill holder out of cardboard to hold the pills (Photo #3), although it isn’t a great solution. You can see an empty capsule on the right, and a partially-filled one on the left. Photo #4 shows the tip of a ball point pen as a reference for the size of the opening.
All in all, this was a good purchase, as my cat no longer foams at the mouth from the metronidazole. And since he’s (relatively) happy, then I’m happy too. No issues with quality control on the batch that I received, bought in May 2022.
I’ve gotten a lot of big capsules before finding this size! Perfect for my own supplements and small enough to be easy to swallow. I need them for an oily substance that keeps very well packed in glass jars.
SMLopera –
They work fine
Ellie –
So I use essential oils and I use these to put my oils and make my own vitamins and it holds the perfect amount and they’re not big
Ness –
I use these capsules to put medications in for my sick cats. They can’t taste the meds so they don’t get upset and freak out when I give them their medications. I don’t know what they taste like but apparently they don’t taste badly because my cats don’t object. They have made my life so much easier & highly recommend them. I use two different sizes of these capsules because sometimes the pills are too large for the tiny ones. Either way, they are a great tool for what I need.
Kindle Customer –
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I was very nervous and stressed out a month ago when my cat’s cardiologist told me that my kitty had to take 4 pills (2 in the morning and 2 at night) for the rest of her life… she is only 3 years old. 😞
After watching “all” the videos that are in YouTube about giving pills to a cat and trying them, getting frustrated, stressing my kitty and myself.
Getting broke by taking my kitty 2 times a day for a week to the vet for them to giver her the medication.
And after trying everything posible, I was able to find the right combinations of things that now is so so so easy and actually my Penélope let me know when is time for her treat (pills) 🤩
I never thought that I was going to be able to do this by myself and stress free!!!
I bough gelatin capsules (size 4), I put the pills inside of the capsule and then I put it at the end of the pill popper, I cover the end of the capsule that is sticking out with “Churu” (cat go crazy for it!). I do this twice and at the end she get to eat the rest of the “Churu”.
All of these together are a game changer for Penélope and I. 😻
I really hope I can help other people that are having hard time giving pills to their kitties with my video.
SMLopera –
If you are becoming part of the self medication world, then these are the capsules for you. The only problem is once the bag is open you better have a better place to put them or eventually they’ll be all over the ground