Descrição do Produto: Bluebonnet NAC 500 mg Cápsulas de Vitamina, 90 Contagem
Descubra o poder do N-Acetil-L-Cisteína (NAC) com as Cápsulas de Vitamina Bluebonnet, que oferecem 500 mg de NAC em cada cápsula. Este suplemento é formulado para promover a saúde celular e imunológica, sendo uma escolha ideal para quem busca fortalecer suas defesas naturais. Com 90 cápsulas vegetais em cada frasco, você terá um suprimento de 90 porções, garantindo que sua rotina de bem-estar esteja sempre em dia.
As cápsulas são não-OGM, certificadas como kosher, e isentas de glúten e soja, tornando-as uma opção segura para diversas dietas. Além disso, são livres de alérgenos comuns, como leite, ovos, peixes, crustáceos, nozes, amendoins, trigo, soja, gergelim, milho, cevada, arroz, sódio e açúcar. Essa pureza garante que você possa se concentrar em sua saúde sem preocupações.
O NAC é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, ajudando a neutralizar os radicais livres no organismo e promovendo a desintoxicação. Ele também desempenha um papel crucial na produção de glutationa, um dos antioxidantes mais poderosos do corpo, essencial para a saúde celular e a função imunológica. Com a adição de NAC à sua rotina, você pode apoiar sua saúde respiratória e melhorar a função hepática, tornando-se um aliado valioso em sua jornada de bem-estar.
– Apoio à Saúde Imunológica: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Propriedades Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e a longevidade.
– Desintoxicação Eficiente: Auxilia na eliminação de toxinas, especialmente no fígado.
– Saúde Respiratória: Contribui para a função pulmonar saudável, aliviando a congestão.
– Sem Alergênicos Comuns: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Bluebonnet NAC 500 mg diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas maximiza a absorção do NAC, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal que possa ocorrer ao tomar suplementos em jejum. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Yossi –
Sylvia –
I bought these because a friend suggested I try NAC for my breathing/asthma issues. I think it may have helped a bit with my breathing, but not anything life changing. I have an issue where sometimes it is very hard for me to get a “good” breath – I will breathe in as deep as I can, but it still feels like I took a shallow breath. Since I’ve been taking the NAC, that still happens, but slightly less frequently. Other than that, I have noticed no real difference. The capsules smell really bad (but somehow don’t taste bad). When I open the bottle to take one, my bathroom reeks, but only temporarily (luckily!).
I was a little paranoid about the hair loss claims I’ve read about these and I’ll tell you this. I recently started taking prenatal vitamins (before the NAC), and I noticed that I no longer lost ANY hair in the shower, etc. Once I started taking the NAC, I did start losing a bit of hair again in the shower. Not an extreme amount, but about the same amount I normally lost before I started the prenatal vitamins. I’m not balding by any means, but I did think that was strange.
I probably won’t continue taking the NAC once this bottle is gone, because for the price, smell, and possible hair loss, the slight possible increase in my breathing isn’t worth it. But this product was absolutely fine for anyone who wants to try NAC.
Lindsay –
NAC helps open my airways. I take half cap in morning and half cap before bed on empty stomach. I usually open caps and pour in my mouth and drink aloe vera juice or water afterwards. It has really really help with bronchial and asthma issues. Non-GMO and kosher capsules.
MamaDoc –
Was as advertised
Yossi –
I’d been using NAC for years now and this same brand, however, I was not able to take these due to a very strong horrible smell that I had never experienced.
Adara –
Many years ago I had an issue with annoying chest congestion following a bout with bronchitis. The (conventional) Dr at the time had told me that chest congestion is common following bronchitis. The prescription for that condition did nothing for me. Consequently, I spoke with the manager of the health food store that I had patronized at that time. Right away, he recommended Bluebonnet NAC 500 mg taken with CoQ10. (Now I take ubiquinol instead). He had assured me that this combination would most defintely clear up the chest congestion right away. I proved it to be the truth! In no time the lingering chest congestion was gone!! In fact it was not necessary for me to continue with this regimen as the issue had been resolved. However, since then I have learned that NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) is a dynamo for the body. It provides tremendous support to the liver. That said, one can understand how important NAC is to one’s healthy functions in general. Particularly, I really like Bluebonnet NAC 500 mg due to the purity of its ingredients. First of all, these easy to swallow vegetable capsules are of pharmaceutical grade quality. Second of all, the description on Amazon speaks for itself.
Wishing each and every one of you good health!
jesus morales –
Highly recommend everyone taking this product
Daniel –
like this NAC