Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas de Suplemento para Cuidados com a Pele da Vitaminer Shop são formuladas com uma combinação poderosa de Nicotinamida/Niacinamida/Niacina (500mg) e Extrato de Polypodium Leucotomos (480mg), oferecendo uma solução antioxidante rica para a saúde da pele. A Nicotinamida, uma forma ativa da vitamina B3, é conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e por ajudar a melhorar a textura da pele, reduzindo a aparência de rugas e linhas finas. O Extrato de Polypodium Leucotomos, uma planta tropical, é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades fotoprotetoras, ajudando a proteger a pele dos danos causados pela exposição ao sol e promovendo uma aparência mais saudável e radiante. Juntas, essas substâncias atuam sinergicamente para promover a hidratação, uniformizar o tom da pele e combater os sinais de envelhecimento, tornando este suplemento uma adição essencial à sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
1. Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, ajudando a prevenir o envelhecimento precoce da pele.
2. Melhora da Textura da Pele: A Nicotinamida promove uma pele mais suave e uniforme, reduzindo a aparência de poros dilatados.
3. Ação Anti-inflamatória: Ajuda a acalmar a pele irritada e a reduzir vermelhidão, ideal para peles sensíveis.
4. Fotoproteção: O Extrato de Polypodium Leucotomos oferece proteção contra os danos causados pela radiação UV, complementando o uso de protetores solares.
5. Hidratação Profunda: Contribui para a manutenção da umidade da pele, resultando em uma aparência mais saudável e viçosa.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para obter os melhores resultados. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine o uso deste suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e a aplicação de protetores solares adequados. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
lori –
That I don’t have to worry so much about being in the sun
Amazon Customer –
I hate taking pills. Wished it wasn’t your standard big chalky pills. Not sure if it did anything for me. Going back to the more expensive ISDIN only because pills are small and easier to swallow. Can’t tell if either made a difference medically.
Amazon Customer –
I had these a few years ago and made my skin look good but the bottle I received is literally not even half way filled up. They put a big ass cotton ball inside it’s at least 1/4 filled for $24 . Bffr😒
Jasmine –
My dermatologist recommended this product for me. I tend to get burned easily in the sun, and since I started taking SunStopper, I have noticed that its taking a lot longer to feel the effects of getting burned. I am using it with sunscreen and its also helping me in the areas that I miss or cannot reach. I frequently hike and I notice the sweat always rubs off the sunscreen. I hate reapplying sunscreen. I wish I knew about this product earlier. I take it with my multivitamin every morning.
Terry –
I have suffered from PMLE since I was 12. I love the sun and the summer, but anything more than minor exposures leads to painful rashes and horrible itching. Usually when I go to the lake for a week in summer I am able to enjoy the first day or two at most before I am in too much pain to do anything followed by weeks of miserable recovery. I still had to wear sunscreen, and I still had the rash and itching, but the reaction was much more minor this time around and for the first time in 40 years I was able to enjoy a full week in the sun and in the water. That was a wonderful gift. I started taking this in late May. I took one Summer Ready and one Summer Ready Advanced every day and it has enabled me to enjoy summer again. Thank you!
Amazon Customer –
Sunstopper has provided incredible results! I will continue to use it regularly because it provides a layer of protection I can’t get elsewhere. I’ve been using it for a month and have noticed a big difference on my skin. I tend to hyper-pigment and easily get sun damage, but since I started using it I have noticed that my skin hasn’t been reacting to the sun. I spent 6 hours at the pool without reapplying sunblock; afterwards, my skin showed no signs of sun damage. On the contrary, my skin was fresh and glowing as if I hadn’t been out in the sun in days.
Daniel –
I suffer from melasma and it’s been a struggle to find a product to treat it, melasma is very stubborn and living in the tropics I’m constantly exposed to UV radiation. I started to use this product in January 2019 and my melasma is getting much lighter. I just finished my second bottle. For the first time, I’m able to enjoy outdoors without fearing that my melasma would get darker. I’ve been using it with sunscreen. I highly recommend this product!
Angelina Salazar –
I’m of Mexican and Italian descent and have olive toned skin. I grew up spending summers outside in the sun and always prided myself in not needing sunblock. Well, those days are over. The older I get, the more and more sensitive my skin is. It’s to the point where I can only stand about 15 minutes in direct sunlight before my skin gets red and blotchy. Now it takes days for the redness to go away, it looks like a sunburn even though I’m not. I’ve tried all kinds of sunblock but I still get red and blotchy. In my search for different options I came across Sunstopper and ordered it. I’ve been taking it for a little over a week. It’s currently summer in Seattle, high 80s-90s, and my sun exposure consists of daily hour long walks with my dog and newborn. So far I have noticed a reduction of the skin reaction I was having– I’m not getting red or blotchy like I was before, so I will continue to take it.