Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas de sementes de Mimosa Pudica da Double Wood são uma solução poderosa e natural para quem busca suporte digestivo e bem-estar geral. Com 180 cápsulas em cada frasco, cada dose contém 1000mg de sementes de Mimosa Pudica, proporcionando um suprimento para três meses de uso contínuo. Este produto é especialmente formulado para atuar como um limpador intestinal eficaz, ajudando a purificar o trato digestivo e promovendo uma saúde intestinal ideal.
- GELS IN WATER, POWERFUL GUT CLEANSER: As sementes de Mimosa Pudica têm a capacidade de formar um gel em contato com a água, o que as torna um poderoso limpador do intestino, ajudando a eliminar toxinas e resíduos acumulados.
- DIGESTIVE SUPPORT: A Mimosa Pudica pode atuar como um suporte digestivo, auxiliando na digestão e promovendo um trânsito intestinal saudável.
- SUPPORTS IMMUNE HEALTH: Ao limpar o intestino e melhorar a saúde digestiva, as sementes de Mimosa Pudica ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, proporcionando uma defesa natural contra doenças.
- POWERFUL ANTIOXIDANT: A planta Mimosa Pudica é rica em antioxidantes, que ajudam a prevenir danos celulares causados por radicais livres, promovendo uma saúde celular robusta.
- Manufactured in the USA from Globally Sourced Ingredients: As cápsulas de sementes de Mimosa Pudica da Double Wood são fabricadas nos EUA com ingredientes de origem global, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
1. Suporte Digestivo Eficaz: Melhora a digestão e alivia desconfortos intestinais.
2. Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico através da limpeza intestinal.
3. Ação Antioxidante: Protege as células contra danos oxidativos, promovendo a saúde geral.
4. Fácil de Usar: Cápsulas práticas que se integram facilmente à rotina diária.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Produto fabricado nos EUA com ingredientes de alta qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de Mimosa Pudica Seed diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água, para maximizar a formação do gel e a eficácia do produto. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância do organismo. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
WendySacha –
Great value , purest ingredients , highly recommended
Nadeem akhtar –
Very helpful for deworming
Gabriela –
i used this in conjunction with many other of my existing regimens to get my gut health back on track. i have used it every other day for about a month and it has definitely seemed to help my body to make use of the other remedies i have been using with only minimal results. this and milk thistle supplements or a tea with milk thistle in it have been well paired.
the first day i took the pudica, i took two capsules in the morning and washed them down wit some celery freshly juiced. i waited over an hour to eat solid foods because it suggested an empty stomach. by the afternoon i had completely forgotten about the new addition to my routine. amusingly, i began to notice what i call a “head shift” or a complete shift in my mood and felt rather in tune with my body. it was a feeling i have not had in a long time, so i noticed it even though it was quite subtle. it was a welcomed change in my mood as well, and i almost felt a bi like i was in a dream. it was a pleasant experience and felt very natural, but the only thing i can really compare it to was like being in a relaxed state such as the post-thanksgiving meal. not being any kind of an expert on the topic, i assume it may be as simple as the pudica interacting with the “second brain” of my gut, which produces many of our important nuerotransmitters such as serotonin.
it has brought my thinking to an even more holistic and respectful treatment of my digestive system, since this reminder of the many ways it is vital to health, and mental health, are just so minimally understood from a western clinical perspective. this supplement was perfect, and i have had no issues with interactions as of yet. it seems to be harmonious enough with my body that it does not tax any system in particular, but may be even aiding all the systems it is absorbed into. give it a try!
claire de lune –
I got these pills because I haven’t felt normal digestion-wise in awhile. I wanted to try something natural and this fit the bill. I know this stuff doesn’t have the same effect on everybody, but for me it literally took 2 hours to do the job. I don’t know how it worked so fast, but it did. After taking 2 pills on an empty stomach I started to feel a weird lump feeling in bottom of my stomach forming after about 30 minutes. I didn’t like how it felt so I ate a little. From there the lump feeling started to move down and worked it’s way very obviously through my gut. I could practically trace the path it took. Weird noises, rumbling, and a lot of small rapid spasms in there for the next hour or so while I was watching a movie. Then I felt it reach the end of the line and I knew it was time to head to the bathroom.
I will not go into detail, but there was a ton and it came out FAST. I felt like I was possessed, like I no longer had control of my body. I was in there for a good hour as I rode out many aftershocks that came through after. Once I was done expelling the demon I seriously felt lighter on my feet and my shirt felt loose on me. My tummy was flatter than it had been in like months and I didn’t weigh myself before, but I definitely looked like I lost a bunch of weight. It then hit me that I was carrying all that around with me for who knows how long, and how gross that is. Going to keep taking it for 10 days even though I feel a lot better and cleaner already. I just want to make sure I get anything that might still be lingering in there as well. Highly recommend people try this stuff if they have digestion issues or bloating because you will feel so much better if you can get it all out
Gabriela –
I currently have chronic fatigue from contaminated water at my former workplace for 4 years now. I have done parasite cleanses in the past and had many come out, but nothing like this time!!😱 I have been using Paraguard by Zahler for 2-3 weeks now and didn’t see, or feel anything. Then I watched a YouTube video and this herbalist highly recommended Mimosa Pudica in conjunction with Paraguard and he really saw things. Well I received the package on Saturday afternoon and took 2 capsules that evening on an empty stomach, 30 mins before dinner. The next morning I had a floating, curled up poo in my toilet. I investigated it and found out it was a very long parasite worm!! A few hours later I passed another 3 medium worms. It is now Monday, starting my 3rd day on Mimosa, and I took 2 capsules right after I woke up on empty stomach, then 1 hour later took 6 gel caps of Castor Oil and passed another long worm! (Picture being held up by fork) I read that when the worm gets the Mimosa they will die after that and get excreted. So by taking in the morning, they are waiting for their food, your breakfast, and instead get killed by the Mimosa. I am going to be taking this at 2 capsules 2x/day, morning and before dinner, and just keep going and see how I feel! Hopefully this will alleviate a lot of my fatigue problems!🙏 If you are killing parasites this NEEDS to be in your protocol! I have tried SO many herbs in the last 4 years, but trust me on this …It will not be a waste of your money and you will be so glad you gave Mimosa a shot!💪
Customer 41279hff –
I just started these last week. I have had no adverse effects, and it sure seems like my digestion has been better. As another has stated, I think it has also somehow also improved my mental state. In any event, I took apart 2 capsules and applied water – it definitely turns it into on giant gel structure… Will definitely buy again.
Blobcat –
Capsules contain a very fine powder that does not act like Mimosa Pudica Seed (I have had Microbe Formulas before). It does not gel up or do anything when put in water, almost disappears.
M –
Did a parasite cleanse last week and there was die-off, but not much “clearance”. These tablets arrived yesterday and I have taken 8 since then and have been amazed by the results. I will continue for a week at current dose then will move to a maintenance dose long term as like the idea of my insides being nicely cleared out. I really like this brand I’m also using another supplement of theirs for liver support.