As cápsulas de Semente de Cominho Preto Orgânico da Simple Life Nutrition são uma verdadeira joia da natureza, projetadas para oferecer suporte ao sistema cardiovascular e respiratório. Com a extração a frio da Nigella sativa, essas cápsulas são ricas em timoquinona, um poderoso antioxidante que combate os radicais livres, promovendo uma defesa eficaz contra os danos celulares. Cada cápsula é feita com sementes de alta qualidade, cultivadas organicamente, garantindo que você receba todos os benefícios sem aditivos químicos, glúten ou organismos geneticamente modificados.
- FONTE NATURAL DE ANTIOXIDANTES: A Simple Life Nutrition utiliza sementes de cominho preto de qualidade superior, que contêm ingredientes ativos. Com suas propriedades antioxidantes, oferece defesa contra os efeitos nocivos dos radicais livres. Nossas cápsulas são livres de glúten, não contêm OGM, soja, e não possuem produtos químicos ou conservantes ocultos.
- SUPORTE IMUNOLÓGICO E RESPIRATÓRIO: Nossas sementes de cominho preto contêm ingredientes naturais, orgânicos e veganos que fornecem ao corpo nutrientes vitais para manter um sistema imunológico forte e um sistema respiratório saudável. As cápsulas de sementes de cominho preto são utilizadas por pessoas em todo o mundo para melhorar a saúde respiratória e muito mais.
- SUPORTE À SAÚDE DIGESTIVA E DAS ARTICULAÇÕES: As sementes de cominho preto promovem o conforto e a mobilidade das articulações. Elas também ajudam a aliviar desconfortos estomacais, cólicas e a saúde digestiva geral. As cápsulas de óleo de semente de cominho contêm suplementos poderosos para melhorar as funções cerebrais e a saúde das articulações.
- CÁPSULAS SEM SABOR AMARGO: Algumas pessoas acham o sabor forte da Nigella Sativa repulsivo. Com um sabor suave e sem amargor, essas cápsulas orgânicas oferecem acesso a todas as vantagens dos componentes naturais contidos na semente de cominho. Nossos suplementos de semente de cominho de super qualidade são fáceis de tomar, palatáveis e a melhor escolha.
- MELHOR PARA A SAÚDE GERAL: As sementes de cominho têm sido utilizadas por gerações devido aos seus extraordinários benefícios à saúde. Elas são uma das melhores fontes veganas de minerais, vitaminas e ácidos graxos essenciais. As sementes de cominho oferecem uma variedade de benefícios terapêuticos e podem melhorar sua saúde geral.
1. Ação Antioxidante: Protege as células contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres.
2. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Contribui para uma defesa natural mais robusta contra doenças.
3. Saúde Respiratória: Melhora a função respiratória, aliviando sintomas de desconforto.
4. Conforto Articular: Promove a mobilidade e alivia dores nas articulações.
5. Saúde Digestiva: Auxilia na digestão e alivia desconfortos estomacais.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante beber um copo de água ao tomar as cápsulas, garantindo que elas sejam facilmente digeridas. Para melhores resultados, mantenha uma rotina regular de uso e combine com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
Lisa C. –
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I recently read that Black Seed Cumin Oil has anti-inflammatory properties which may help soothe eczema symptoms. I have eczema on the palm of my right hand and I would like to rid of the symptoms using natural remedies. This is the reason for my Simple Life’s Nutrition Organic Black Cumin Seed Capsules purchase.
Along with these Black Seed Cumin Oil Capsules, I’m using two other topical remedies for eczema relief also purchased on Amazon; Manuka Honey Cream (search on Amazon for item number: B09RYZ9PPD) and DR.ATO Apple Cider Vinegar Wash (search on Amazon for item number: B08DFPMQHF).
For one week now, I’ve been taking one BSO capsule per day (even though the recommended dosage is for 2 capsules per day) along with washing my hands with Dr. Ato’s ACV Wash and using the Manuka Honey Cream afterward, a regime that I began 2 weeks ago. Since using all three products combined, I have been experiencing an improvement in the condition of my eczema ridden hand.
I may raise the dosage of the BSO capsules to the recommended 2 capsule/day amount to see if that will help things further along but I’m a little apprehensive about doing so mainly because these BSO capsules do make me burp quite a bit. I do find the scent of them (and my burps) to be rather unpleasant too but nothing overly offensive that it prohibits me from taking them. Other than that, I haven’t had any negative side effects and will continue to take them for the eczema and other health benefits.
ZbornakAttack –
I am not all familiar with black cumin seed oil, and expected something smelling similar to ground or whole cumin seeds. There was no indication from the smell of the capsule that it is from cumin seeds. However, that said, the oil was not an unpleasant taste or smell. The product touts immune system support which is why I ordered it. It also promises skin and joint health, as well as cardiovascular health. I am giving it a try for first time, so will see, in due course what I learn from this product.
WordAfinity3t –
you can smell the bitterness but it works.
Valerie Wesby –
There is nothing on the bottle which says this supplement is organic but on the product page it suggests that something is organic, I’m not sure whether that is the capsule or the actual oil. We could use some clarification there.
Otherwise, I’m taking these to strengthen my joints and bones and it also seems to help me sleep better. I am a big fan of black cumin seed oil and will continue to take it daily. I believe if everyone took this each day, the world would be a healthier place for all. Good stuff all around.
pmb –
Black seed oil is a really good supplement to have on hand. These are easy to swallow and no stomach upset. GreenMedInfo has indexed salient research, available to view on their Black Seed (Nigella Sativa) page, on well over 40 health conditions that may be benefited from the use of the herb, including over 20 distinct pharmacological actions it expresses, such as:
Analgesic (Pain-Killing)
Gluconeogenesis Inhibitor (Anti-Diabetic)
Hepatoprotective (Liver Protecting)
Insulin Sensitising
Interferon Inducer
Leukotriene Antagonist
Renoprotective (Kidney Protecting)
Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha Inhibitor
Lisa C. –
To me, capsule form is the only way to take a black seed oil supplement, because it tastes awful in liquid form. These have no unpleasant smell or taste, and do not seem to negatively impact my digestive system in any way. I take them mostly for the cardiovascular benefits and for possibly helping to lower blood sugar levels (and although I am not diabetic, this supplement should not be counted on for that) and not so much for immune system support, as I have always had a very strong immune system.
They’re a mid-size capsule, and easy to swallow, but that’s the odd thing; these are not gel caps or soft gels like others I’ve used, but actual two-part hard-shell capsules of the type that are usually used for powdered forms of medications. I’ve never seen that before for a liquid, and I suppose because of the way they need to be filled, each capsule contains a significant air bubble. The same amount of oil could have easily been supplied in a significantly smaller soft gel. I don’t suppose it matters much, but it is strange.
The price on these seems to be about average for products of this variety, and they are packaged in a well-sealed bottle with excess space and a chunk of cotton stuffing to keep them from rattling around. Luckily, between the extra air space and the cotton in the bottle, when my bottle got badly crushed in its plastic shipping envelope, it did not break any of the capsules or cause them to leak, or the entire bottle would have been a loss. I know Amazon ships in flimsy plastic envelopes to save material and shipping costs, but wow, a lot of stuff must be getting destroyed!
CJ –
I like this softgel form way more than the raw cumin oil, easier to take and seems to work faster.
💚TosaT💚 –
Not as beneficial as needed