Descrição do Produto: Toniiq Ultra High Purity Quercetin Capsules
As cápsulas de Quercetina Toniiq são a escolha ideal para quem busca um suplemento de alta qualidade e pureza. Cada porção contém 1000mg de quercetina em sua forma mais pura, com 95% de pureza padronizada, superando a maioria dos outros extratos disponíveis no mercado, que frequentemente apresentam níveis de pureza de 70% ou menos. A quercetina, um flavonoide conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, é um ingrediente ativo essencial que pode trazer uma série de benefícios à saúde. No entanto, a pureza sempre foi um desafio para este composto, e a Toniiq se destaca ao oferecer um extrato que não só é altamente purificado, mas também bio disponível, garantindo que seu corpo possa absorver e utilizar efetivamente os nutrientes.
A Toniiq estabelece um novo padrão de pureza, testando cada lote durante e após o processo de fabricação para garantir que você receba um produto da mais alta qualidade. Produzidos em uma instalação de fabricação de última geração, certificada pela GMP nos EUA, os produtos Toniiq são sinônimo de qualidade e confiabilidade. Cada lote é testado tanto internamente quanto por um laboratório independente de terceiros, assegurando que os ingredientes contenham os níveis padronizados corretos de pureza e ingredientes ativos. Além disso, realizamos testes rigorosos para detectar possíveis aditivos, contaminantes e impurezas, garantindo que você receba apenas o melhor.
– Alta Pureza: Com 95% de pureza, as cápsulas de quercetina Toniiq oferecem um dos extratos mais potentes disponíveis, maximizando os benefícios para a saúde.
– Apoio Antioxidante: A quercetina é conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes, ajudando a combater os radicais livres e a proteger as células do corpo.
– Redução da Inflamação: Este suplemento pode ajudar a reduzir a inflamação, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida após exercícios físicos intensos.
– Melhora da Imunidade: A quercetina pode fortalecer o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a se defender contra infecções e doenças.
– Facilidade de Uso: Com 120 cápsulas por frasco, o suplemento é prático e fácil de incorporar à rotina diária, proporcionando uma solução eficaz para a saúde.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Quercetina Toniiq por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção do suplemento, mas também maximiza seus efeitos benéficos. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
W.A.Towns –
An important supplement to have
Marc coppa –
I’ve been using Quercerin on and off for years as an antioxidant and it also helped with my allergies. In 2018 I found out that i have heart disease. In a Pub Med study quercetin has positive health benefits, especially on the heart. Flavonoids have been proven to be active against hypertension, inflammation, diabetes and vascular diseases. Quercetin exhibits significant heart related benefits as inhibition of LDL oxidation, endothelium-independent vasodilator effects, reduction of adhesion molecules and other inflammatory markers, the protective effect on nitric oxide and endothelial function under conditions of oxidative stress, prevention of neuronal oxidative and inflammatory damage and platelet antiaggregant effects. Due to these findings and also it’s purity and 95% standardization is the highest quality I could find! I decided to take Quercerin again on a regular basis. Thanks Toniiq
Marc Coppa.
Leong –
I am 63 years old and have multiple health issues. Quercetin helps to reduce inflammation and pain in my body. I also feel more energetic and increase my exercise and mobility. I am also taking Quercetin to improve my heart issues and sleep abnea.
Courtney Taylor –
I got this because I read that quercetin can help regulate mast cell release of histamine, which can calm down excessive seasonal/pollen allergies, which I have always had a terrible time with. This particular product looked very pure and potent, and I like how it’s an extract of a plant, rather than a synthesized version (if that’s even possible). Literally within the first day, a major allergic fit I was having calmed to almost nothing. Over the next few days, I had a little bit of allergies, but nothing compared to before I started taking this. It’s been a few weeks now and any allergies I have had have been fairly mild and manageable, and sometimes nothing at all. I will keep taking this all throughout pollen season in North Texas!
Amazonian –
I only take 500 mg per day, which is one capsule. I am planning to increase to 1,000 mg soon. I have only been taking it for a little less than 2 weeks. I am hoping that at the 1,000 mg dose I will see decreased inflammation and pain. I hope to boost my immune system in preparation for fall, which in Florida means allergies for me. I am also hoping to get the cardio protective benefits I have read about in articles. The capsules are super easy to swallow. They are somewhat large, but I have no problem swallowing them. I chose this specific brand because it is 95% Quercetin and it is third party tested, with no soy. Excellent purity according to the jar.
Rocco –
Still waiting to see 30 day results but product looks good and seems to be good quality. No upset stomach or odd symptoms with or without food.
Raymond Bradshaw –
After having suffered with Fibromyalgia for the last 40 or so yrs I had begun to believe there was nothing that would get thru the brain fog and sludge let alone give me some energy. The inability to focus and keep more than 2 thoughts in a row was more than challenging it was impossible. Then I decided to try this product. I was greatly surprised by the results… I know there is nothing that will give me back the past… but these sure come close. The fog lifts …I can think… I can function… I have energy to do things that I have not had in a long time. I am pleasantly surprised by the results… One capsule in the morning (5:00am) and I get thru till about afternoon (12:30-1:00pm). My work load does not seem as overwhelming as it used to and the project go by faster, with less aggravation. And there is something left of me when I go home so instead of dropping life a rock when I hit the door I have some energy left to do housework, laundry, cooking or log in a play a video game. At 67 I NOT getting any younger, but these capsules certainly slow the effects of aging. I have not noticed any side effect… NO bad aftertaste, NO upset stomach… nothing…I HAVE notice in INCREASE in the overall feeling of well-being and relief in the pain and fog and loss of energy I have suffered with for years. Thank you for creating something that works… at least for me and my husband.
S.R. –
Excellent quality, decent value in larger size.
Robert W. –
Jan 2019 I ended up in the hospital with herniated L2 & L3 discs. Dr. says I need surgery to correct it. Now I’m not very keen on the idea of surgery so I searched for a natural inflammatory and found Quercetin. OK I thought, I’ll try it. Within a few days my nagging back pain went away with only taking 1 pill a day. After a month I stopped and within a week here is the pain again. So back to taking Quercetin and after a few days the pain is completely gone. For a year now 1 pill a day is all I need. I have forgotten from time to time to take it and every time it is the same result. Pain comes, stays constant till I start taking Quercetin again. One day I may have to have the issue medically taken care of but until then Quercetin allows me to lead a pretty normal back pain free life. This is by no means a paid for review. I was not given anything for this review except for a product that I paid for and it works for me. Not all products are going to work for everyone out there but this is worth trying.
beachspirit –
Meu médico recomendou este tipo de suplemento para o horrendo pólen de sementes de grama que cobre esta parte do país por meses. Eu pensei que tinha alguma doença terrível. Já comprei esta marca antes e decidi continuar com ela. Muito eficaz e tornou meu verão muito mais fácil. Obrigado, Toniiq.