Descrição do Produto: Best Naturals Beet Root Powder 500 Mg Capsules, 180 Count
O Best Naturals Beet Root Powder é um suplemento em cápsulas que oferece uma maneira prática e eficaz de incorporar os benefícios da beterraba na sua rotina diária. Cada cápsula contém 500 mg de pó de beterraba, proporcionando uma dose concentrada de nutrientes essenciais. A beterraba é conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, além de ser uma excelente fonte de nitratos naturais, que podem ajudar a melhorar a circulação sanguínea e a saúde cardiovascular. Com 180 cápsulas por frasco, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma solução conveniente para aumentar a energia, melhorar o desempenho físico e apoiar a saúde geral.
1. Aumento da Energia: Os nitratos presentes na beterraba podem ajudar a melhorar a eficiência do oxigênio durante o exercício, resultando em maior resistência e energia.
2. Saúde Cardiovascular: O consumo regular de beterraba pode contribuir para a redução da pressão arterial e melhorar a saúde do coração.
3. Apoio à Função Cognitiva: Os nitratos também podem aumentar o fluxo sanguíneo para o cérebro, potencialmente melhorando a função cognitiva e a memória.
4. Propriedades Antioxidantes: A beterraba é rica em antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres e a reduzir o estresse oxidativo no organismo.
5. Facilidade de Uso: As cápsulas são uma alternativa prática ao pó de beterraba, permitindo que você obtenha os benefícios sem a necessidade de preparar sucos ou smoothies.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Best Naturals Beet Root Powder diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água, antes ou após as refeições. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa regular de exercícios físicos. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas pré-existentes ou estiver grávida.
flyboy –
Before taking these tabs my BP on average was 157/93 and 168/99. After two weeks of taking these my BP is now average between 131/87 and 136/88. What more can I say? They brought my BP down quickly, so I’m definitely going to keep reordering
Tinkerbell –
I started taking these 2 weeks ago and noticed an increase in energy after just a couple of days. My skin looks healthy and glowing. My systolic BP has dropped from the 80s to the 60s! I have good mental clarity and wake up feeling alert. The most significant change is the numbness and tingling in my hands at night is about 80% gone! This beet product has definitely improved my circulation!
A. Technican –
Excellent at lowering blood pressure.
Lowered my BP, 10mm across the board
within 3 days. These are as effective as
any of the popular Dr’s medications,
and I feel a whole lot better.
viewer –
Magnesium can induce stomach and gut reactions..this one did for me and I tried 1 tablet daily rather then 8 suggested. In 2 days I saw the side effects, didn’t like, stopped. Went back to just eating beets
Beverley Rafayko –
My husband has used these for years for his gall bladder. He is very happy with the results of Best Naturals
brand both for quality and price.
Just what I need!
C. Hager –
I regularly give double red cells at the Red Cross and three times before starting with this product I was refused because my blood pressure was too high. Since taking it as directed I’ve not been turned down with my blood pressure averaging around 120/80 over the past 4 years. If it’s not due to taking this beet root then it’s awfully coincidental since I’ve done nothing else to lower it. I’ve read research papers that indicate it helps the body with the production of nictric oxide which is a vascular dilator. It’s also supposed to be a source of antioxidants and nutrients and I’ve found this product to be well worth the money (it’s far less expensive than Super Beets!).
Jeanette Taylor –
Beet root has been found to help keep blood pressure within decent limits, without RX medications. I’d suggested it to some (being a holistic practitioner) but for my own heart (and it’s excessive issues) it was a really bad idea. I tried it for 2 days in place of my blood pressure medicine. My blood pressure was so out of control I actually had to take a nitro on the second day d/t chest pain. So use with caution. It definitely works for some, but not for all.
Joan M. Leaver –
I have taken this product every morning with my other supplements. I have noticed that I have more energy and focus during the hours after I take it. Is sit a magic potion? NO. However, I do not eat the best diet in the world and I figure this inexpensive capsule can only help my energy and immunity. SO far, I am satisfied.
Tommy –
At 70 y/o this is my “go to” for extra energy. No negative side effects. I can walk longer and do physical exercise longer. It has helped with my headaches.