Descrição do Produto: Amazing Herbs Premium Black Seed Oil Capsules
As cápsulas de óleo de semente negra Amazing Herbs Premium são uma formulação de alta potência que oferece uma maneira prática e eficaz de incorporar os benefícios da Nigella Sativa na sua rotina diária. Cada cápsula é projetada para administração oral, garantindo que você receba uma dose concentrada de óleo natural, rica em ácidos graxos ômega e com cinco vezes mais timoquinona, um dos principais compostos ativos da semente negra.
Utilizando apenas sementes de Nigella Sativa de qualidade superior, cultivadas organicamente e livres de pesticidas, essas cápsulas não contêm conservantes ou produtos químicos sintéticos ocultos, assegurando um produto puro e seguro. O óleo de semente negra é conhecido por suas propriedades que oferecem suporte ao sistema imunológico, auxiliam na saúde digestiva, promovem articulações saudáveis e melhoram a função cerebral, restaurando a vitalidade e a qualidade de vida.
O processo de extração a frio, realizado nos Estados Unidos, utiliza prensas de tipo parafuso que extraem suavemente o óleo das sementes, preservando os antioxidantes e mantendo um nível mais elevado de nutrientes. Com uma história rica como um dos primeiros fabricantes de suplementos de saúde e nutrição à base de semente negra no mundo, a Amazing Herbs se destaca na indústria, oferecendo produtos que realmente fazem a diferença na saúde dos consumidores.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Saúde Digestiva: Melhora a digestão e alivia desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Articulações Saudáveis: Promove a saúde das articulações, reduzindo inflamações e melhorando a mobilidade.
– Função Cerebral Aprimorada: Contribui para a clareza mental e a memória, aumentando a vitalidade cognitiva.
– Produto Natural e Puro: Sem aditivos químicos, garantindo um suplemento seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também maximiza os benefícios do óleo de semente negra. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Dave K. –
I have tried many brands of Black Seed Oil/Nigella Sativa. Amazing Herbs is my favorite company. The capsules are very convenient if traveling, otherwise stick to the liquid it will save you $$$ It takes 4 giant softgels of this product to equal 1 TEASPOON. 1/4 tsp. is not enough IMO to do much of anything… I need at least 4 softgels to get any benefits and ideally I’d be using a tablespoon (12 softgels a day). Liquid is generally a better option but a lot of ripoff artists on here and all over the web so I’d do my research first…
Also you wanna take this stuff consistently for at least a couple of weeks to really notice benefits – that’s when I usually run out of my bottle anyway so I take a break then for a bit and then go to bottle #2. (I bought the softgels because I was planning on traveling).
Combining this product with high quality FULL SPECTRUM HEMP/CBD OIL (especially one that is high in CBG, great for inflammation and combining CBD/CBG with the Nigella S./Black Seed Oil seems to make it stretch a lot further).
Overall: Good product, but the serving size is SMALL making it not an affordable option for me. A normal serving of quality black seed oil is about a TSP a larger dose is closer to a tablespoon.
You do the math… 4-12 GIANT pills! Other than that I would def recommend this if you are traveling or you just wanna try out Black Seed Oil (this is the real deal just not cheap and the cheap stuff sucks ), you may find that you will go through this faster than you thought!
Especially if you are trying to get pain relief and medical benefits but those of you looking for relief and can afford it, def pick this up. Helps with certain withdrawals and PAWS, but that’s gonna be in the higher doses.
Definitely good to have as a back up or if you can’t get anything else but not worth the price- I would give 5 stars if the price was lower.
Erika A Klus –
Black seed oil is known to cure everything but death. This is a smaller dose if you take as the directions suggest (versus a teaspoon three times a day from a liquid bottle). Just be aware if you have trouble with swallowing big pills, and don’t like the taste of the oil, you may wish to use their liquid inside and keep it refrigerated.
shelly koster –
Quality product at a reasonable price.
Jan –
About two months back I had been suffering from a intense and persistent bad coughing with very bad mucus.
I visited my doctor and was given two antibiotics one work and the other didn’t. And I was sent to a ENT specialist and he told me that had severe effect of allergy which I didn’t believe. Before that I was given a tested for bronchitis and pneumonia which I was cleared. Believe me was coughing so much that the muscles in my tummy hurts. The coughing was so bad I thought something was really wrong with me. After the last antibiotic I stop coughing for about two weeks then started all over again and gotten worse. A friend of mind told me about this product. I immediately place an order on Amazon.
The next day I was on my way to Whole Foods and I thought came to me why not ,look in Whole Food if they carry the product and for sure they did and I bought the liquid bottle. The sale lady reassured me it was a good product and she been taking it also for other reasons and it very, very good and within a week I will see results of improvement. and After shopping I got some lunch and took two teaspoons immediately. Let me had this before that I was going to the emergency room because I wasn’t feeling well that morning and that moment.
So this is my testimony about this product 10 Stars
( BLACK SEED OIL) ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
* Within a week I stop coughing and no mucus.
* I started to sleep better after 4 days
* My nails showed signs of improvement
* My appetite decrease
* I used this on my skin especially my heels no more cracks heels and after my shower with my lotion I add a small amount and apply to my body and that dryness is no more.
* No more knee pain
* I could add more to this BUT I’m observing the situation before I make that claims.
* The taste is not great but I use half orange to take away the taste, take first thing before eating.
* Personally I will NEVER stop taking it and I started taking 1 tablespoon night and day after a week I would highly recommend this product. I did some research online and found a site that grade Black Seed Oil and they gave this brand second place. And the number one is KIVA – kivahealthfood it’s organic I differently will be ordering from them to try their product because it’s organic.
Give Black Seed Oil a try it’s better than Prescription.
Yvette H Jackson –
Really helps with giving me energy
Good for my immune health
Jackie –
Me han gustado mucho, son un poco grandes pero no tengo dificultad. Frasco de vidrio oscuro que indica calidad en el empaque. Debo decir que lo principal es que me quito una alergia de piel en un día y no he enfermado cuando a mi alrededor andan gripientos! Lo seguiré comprando porque si es de muy buena calidad!!
Edward C Mackall Jr –
I Have Been Taking These for some Time and Definitely Does what is Supposed to Do.
Ana María Guerrero Rubio –
Llegó el paquete todas las cápsulas pegadas pensé que metiéndose al refrigerador se podrían separar después de mucho intentar decidí romper el frasco ni así se pueden separar.
Noble Holy Girl –