Descrição do Produto: Cápsulas de Musgo do Mar Orgânico – Bladderwrack com Raiz de Bardana
Descubra o poder das Cápsulas de Musgo do Mar Orgânico da Wixar Naturals, uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais que trazem benefícios extraordinários para a sua saúde. Cada cápsula é uma fonte concentrada de vitalidade, formulada com 600mg de musgo irlandês, 500mg de bladderwrack e 400mg de raiz de bardana, resultando em um suplemento que oferece 102 vitaminas e minerais essenciais para o seu corpo e mente. Ao contrário de outros produtos no mercado, nossas cápsulas são livres de aditivos, conservantes e corantes, garantindo que você receba apenas o que há de melhor da natureza.
As cápsulas de musgo irlandês são ricas em nutrientes como ferro, magnésio, zinco e fósforo, que desempenham um papel crucial no fortalecimento do sistema imunológico. A combinação de bladderwrack e raiz de bardana é especialmente rica em antioxidantes, que ajudam a neutralizar os radicais livres no organismo. Usuários relatam melhorias significativas na força das articulações, saúde digestiva e clareza mental, tornando este suplemento uma escolha ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
Sourced diretamente do mar caribenho, nosso musgo do mar é colhido de forma sustentável e testado por terceiros para garantir pureza e segurança. Com um foco inabalável na qualidade, cada cápsula é uma promessa de bem-estar, oferecendo suporte essencial para a saúde da tireoide e do coração. Com uma combinação poderosa de iodo, cálcio, potássio, ferro e sílica, nossas cápsulas superam o gel de musgo irlandês em eficácia, proporcionando uma fonte natural de selênio, manganês e vitaminas do complexo B, além das vitaminas A, C, E, G e K.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Nutrientes essenciais que ajudam a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Saúde Digestiva: Melhora na digestão e alívio de desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Aumento da Clareza Mental: Contribui para a saúde cognitiva e melhora a concentração.
– Suporte à Saúde da Tireoide: Nutrientes que promovem o funcionamento adequado da tireoide.
– Ação Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e garante que seu corpo receba todos os benefícios das cápsulas de musgo do mar. Mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Chase –
This sea moss is an amazing product. It gives your body so many needed minerals plus it contains bladdarwack and burdock that help with inflammation and other health issues. Since I’ve started taking this I feel better
L.Dee –
It’s my own fault. I have Celiac DERMATITIS HERPETIFORMIS which results in blisters on my skin. Although, this product does not contain gluten, high amounts of iodine cause flare ups. I had heard such great things from friends about sea moss I wanted to try not thinking it would cause a flare up. The first morning after I had taken it the day prior I woke up with itching and mild flare up which wasn’t too bad. I kept taking it for three days and by the fourth morning it was evident I was having an acute flare up and discontinued use. I also experienced stomach discomfort while taking but am not 100% sure it was caused by the sea moss. I really wanted this to work for me. I will give the bottle to a friend.
ForeverGardening01 –
After started taking these organic sea moss capsules in to my diet only in a few days I noticed these improvements in the following areas:
1. Sleep
2. thyroid hormones balance
3. Energy level
4. Anxiety
5. Bowel Movements( I don’t really need help in this area, If don’t eat too much bs and stay hydrated)
6. Mental Clarity
I have always been a bit careful on my diet style, since I have went through some long hard time losing my weight. So now I do care about what I send into my body than most people I know.
After I found out the great results people getting by using the combination of wild crafted sea moss bladderwrack and burdock root. I did some very good research and finally found out this brand is the best out of the ones online. When I consume a product that’s really good, it shows on me. This will be my number one stable product for maintain a healthy life style…Also For those who are transitioning to green diet with less consumption of meat , dairy products , sugar, processed carbs can benefit too. It will definitely help you while you’re detoxing. Drink a lot of water with it. These Wixar Naturals Sea moss capsules works great for KETO detox and cleansing. it’s a perfect appetite suppressant. Also I have more energy, and clarity since I’ve been taking them. Looking forward to use these pills continuously. Thanks for this amazing product !
Chase –
I usually don’t spend more time in writing a review but this time I feel like doing it.
Initially I’ve been taking dried wildcrafted Sea Moss and burdock root and bladderwrack powder separately manually make my own mix and consume to help my weight loss diet and I must say it has given me good results but the process is a little time consuming so I tend to forget or skip taking them.
As per Dr Sebi, the trio combination of Sea Moss, bladderwrack & burdock root will provide the 102 minerals a healthy alkaline body needs every day. So I was on a search for a product that has all 3 ingredients together. So 4 weeks back I was watching TV and this Wixar Naturals Sea moss Capsule was advertised and was surprised to see all 3 components combined in this product. Right away I came to amazon and bought it.
This product makes my life easier. I don’t have to get the dried sea moss rinse it and mix it with the right amount of bladderwrack and burdock root anymore. It saves my time. Since it’s a capsule it’s easy to take. I wish I found these way before. After taking these capsules I noticed a significant improvement in my diet : ) .. Finally something that works and easy to consume… like for real. I’m now motivated to continue my diet lifestyle. Also something that I did not expect happened my skin started to become more clearer. I’m just loving this stuff.I will recommend this brand to anyone. Sea moss life style is king guys..
Jan Young –
Hey if youre wondering if these pills are just as sufficient as taking regular sea moss from a jar, then yes. They give you the same overall well being, more energy, weight loss, etc. I been using these for some time now, at first i was using the gummies but switched to these, and they both work well. I just dont prefer the sweetness of the gummies. This is a wonderful product. Try it out for yourself, you wont regret it.
Vlada –
I bought the Sea Moss capsules because I’ve read about the great benefits of this algae. Sea moss is low in calories and fat, and it contains a small amount of protein. It offers a variety of vitamins and minerals and is a good source of iodine and antioxidants. After breastfeeding my son for a little over 2 years, I decided to get my body back in shape and this product helped me tremendously to regulate my thyroid and lose some of the excess weight.
shashacam –
Easy to swallow, for me anyway. No taste issue to mention. I will post an update after a little more time.
Kindle Customer –
During my holistic training, I learned how to correctly make my own Sea Moss Gel and add the necessary supplements to ensure I received the required vitamins and minerals the body needs. After making and taking my own supplements for years, life happened unexpectedly! Time was not on my side and I noticed a severe decline in my overall health. Fast forward 1½ yr later, when my lab results came in, everything I was scared of was confirmed. All my levels were deficient and borderline chronic in some areas. Hair Loss, Iron, Vision issues, just to name a few. I didn’t have a plan B and I still didn’t have time to dedicate in making what I needed, life was still happening. That’s when I found Wixar. I was skeptical at first but it took less than a week to feel the difference. Under Dr. guidance, I started taking these 4x per daily for 6mths. My bloodwork showed a drastic improvement and I began to take 3x per day, till my results came to ‘normalcy’.
Currently, I take 1x per day and my levels remain steady. My skin has cleared completely, my energy is back to where it was when I was making my own supplement, my vision has been restored and other signs of a healthy life is present. I’m confident that my health is optimal and balanced by taking this powerful mixture (Sea Moss, Bladderwrack and Burdock Root) which provides 102+ vitamins and minerals. Now, life can continue to happen!