Descrição do Produto: VEV Moringa Capsules com Resveratrol 500mg
Descubra o poder da natureza com as cápsulas de Moringa da VEV, enriquecidas com Resveratrol, uma combinação que promete transformar sua saúde e bem-estar. A Moringa, conhecida como a “árvore da vida”, é um superalimento repleto de nutrientes essenciais. Com uma concentração de vitamina C superior à das laranjas, vitamina A maior do que a dos cenouras, potássio mais abundante que o das bananas e ferro que supera o espinafre, essas cápsulas são uma fonte rica de nutrientes que contribuem para a saúde geral do corpo.
As cápsulas de Moringa não apenas oferecem uma explosão de nutrientes, mas também são uma excelente fonte de proteínas vegetais, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de energia ao longo do dia, sem os picos e quedas que muitos experimentam com outros suplementos. Isso as torna ideais para quem busca manter-se ativo e focado, seja no trabalho, nos estudos ou nas atividades diárias.
Além disso, a combinação de Moringa com Resveratrol e Cúrcuma proporciona um suporte adicional para a saúde da pele. A alta concentração de vitamina C da Moringa, aliada aos antioxidantes presentes no Resveratrol e na Cúrcuma, ajuda a promover uma pele saudável e radiante, mantendo a vitalidade e a aparência fresca.
A saúde digestiva também é beneficiada com a Moringa, que contém fibras naturais que auxiliam na digestão e contribuem para um sistema digestivo equilibrado, fazendo você se sentir bem e leve.
Comprometida com a qualidade, a VEV garante que suas cápsulas de Moringa são não-GMO, veganas e livres de glúten, aditivos e enchimentos. Cada lote passa por rigorosos testes de terceiros para assegurar a qualidade e segurança do produto.
– Rico em Nutrientes: A Moringa é uma fonte poderosa de vitaminas e minerais essenciais, promovendo a saúde geral.
– Aumento de Energia: Ajuda a manter níveis de energia estáveis, ideal para quem tem um dia a dia agitado.
– Saúde da Pele: A combinação de Moringa, Resveratrol e Cúrcuma promove uma pele saudável e radiante.
– Saúde Digestiva: As fibras naturais da Moringa auxiliam na digestão e no equilíbrio do sistema digestivo.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produto não-GMO, vegano e rigorosamente testado para segurança e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de VEV Moringa com Resveratrol 500mg diariamente, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção dos nutrientes. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Rev. David A. Smith –
This blend of Moringa, Resveratrol, and Turmeric offers an impressive mix of nutrients and antioxidants in a convenient capsule form. Moringa, known as a superfood, is packed with plant-based protein, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and iron, making it an excellent addition to support overall vitality. Its high concentration of antioxidants, including flavonoids and polyphenols, further supports immune health and sustained energy.
The inclusion of Resveratrol and Turmeric takes the formula up a notch. Resveratrol brings its well-known cardiovascular benefits, supporting circulation and heart health, while Turmeric, rich in curcuminoids, promotes a healthy inflammatory response, benefiting joint and skin health. Together, they make this a versatile supplement for those looking to address multiple aspects of health in one step.
Moringa’s reputation for aiding digestion and maintaining skin elasticity is evident in this formula, too. With its nutrient density, it helps to balance energy levels while supporting flexibility and overall well-being. This product is a non-GMO, vegan-friendly option that avoids fillers and additives, which adds to its appeal for anyone seeking a clean supplement.
For daily use, these capsules make an excellent choice for supporting immune health, energy levels, and even cardiovascular health. It’s a convenient way to incorporate multiple health-promoting ingredients into your routine.
After taking these Moringa capsules for a few weeks, I noticed subtle but positive changes. My energy levels felt steadier throughout the day, and I seemed to bounce back quicker from feeling sluggish. While I can’t definitively say if my immune system has strengthened, I’ve managed to avoid the usual mid-season sniffles so far, which might be a good sign. I also appreciated that the capsules were gentle on my stomach, even when taken in the morning. Though it’s hard to measure some of the long-term benefits like joint or skin health right away, I feel confident that the nutrient-dense formula is supporting my overall well-being. It’s nice knowing I’m getting a clean, filler-free product that aligns with my dietary preferences, and I’m happy to continue using it. Overall, 4 stars.
**As always, results can vary from person to person. Consulting a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement is advisable. Keep well (:
South4Him –
I have had Moringa tea before but didn’t really like the flavor. The capsule is much easier to take.
Thomas Fournier –
Moringa is becoming the newest supplement to watch. The research online is so impressive – check it out. It’s quite densely filled with nutrients (listing states it has plant-based protein, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A) and then they’ve added Resveratrol and Turmeric to round out the formula. Wow!
According to what I’ve read, studies have shown that Moringa may be protective of the heart, may contain natural circulatory stimulants, and may possess anti-tumor, anti-epileptic, anti-ulcer, anti-spasmodic (as in IBS), anti-hypertensive (blood pressure) and anti-diabetic (blood sugar) effects.
Let’s hope this is all true. I’m excited to find out if all this is as beneficial as it’s touted to be. I can use all the help I can get!
The label states this product is from a GMP lab, is non-GMO, gluten-free, soy-free, dairy-free. It also says Organic on the front label under the word Resveratrol, but there’s no other reference to Organic anywhere on the bottle or in this Amazon listing. It is all organic? Or not? Hard to say.
VIP: it is third party tested. This means it is tested for purity and also for being exactly what the label claims. Some suppliers on Amazon include a picture of the test results for the current batch which is awesome.
I’m taking small doses to begin with to make sure I don’t have any bad reactions. I’ll build up to 1 capsule a day which is 400mg. If I see side effects, I’ll be back to let you know.
South4Him –
The most important rating for supplements is how effective they are. This however, takes time, weeks or even months, to evaluate. And, this can be subjective. I can’t rate effectiveness yet.
I take a LOT of supplements, for 40 years, and I’ve extensively researched them regarding the claimed benefits of their active ingredients. I suggest you do the same. I always keep in mind who gains financially for their claim (either pro or con) and/or litigation avoidance posturing – as an indicator of objectivity.
And, I research the NON-active ingredients to see if any are “controversial”. A common reason for NON-active ingredients is they “help” the MANUFACTURING process. ALL ingredients I’ve EVER seen listed on supplement labels are GRAS – Generally Regarded as Safe – by the US-FDA.
But some doctors and researchers don’t always agree. That seems important to me. I evaluate the entire ingredients list, for these Amazon reviews. I avoid controversial ingredients on principle, provided I can find a similar produce without them. Usually I can.
Also, it is possible for supplements to interact with pharmaceuticals. That could be important, pay attention. I don’t take any pharmaceuticals, so I don’t comment on interactions.
This product had 3 active ingredients:
Morenga – Medical News Today lists 14 uses and states is has “few side effects”.
Resveratrol – Healthline mentions 7 benefits and Webmd states “studies have not discovered any severe [side effects]”
Turmeric – Is a spice which had been used medicinally for 1000s of years, WebMD lists 8 benefits, and Harvard Health states “appears to be safe and well tolerated”.
These contain no non-active ingredients considered to be controversial.