Descrição do Produto: Cápsulas de Raiz de Maca Orgânica 1200 mg – Aumentador de Libido para Mulheres de Ação Rápida
Descubra o poder da natureza com as Cápsulas de Raiz de Maca Orgânica 1200 mg, um suplemento projetado para revitalizar sua energia e aumentar sua libido de forma rápida e eficaz. Cada cápsula contém uma dose potente de 1200 mg do mais puro pó de maca, uma planta nativa das montanhas dos Andes no Peru, conhecida por suas propriedades energéticas e afrodisíacas. A maca é reverenciada por sua capacidade de promover vigor, foco e equilíbrio hormonal, além de proporcionar um impulso significativo no desempenho físico e sexual.
As cápsulas de maca são um verdadeiro aliado tanto para mulheres quanto para homens, sendo tradicionalmente utilizadas para apoiar o bem-estar sexual, aumentar a energia, a resistência e a resistência física. Com a adição de extrato de pimenta-do-reino orgânica, garantimos uma absorção otimizada, permitindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios dessa raiz poderosa. Estudos científicos respaldam a eficácia da maca como um potenciador natural, capaz de reavivar a paixão, estimular o desejo e promover um desempenho robusto.
Além de aumentar a libido, a maca também é conhecida por ajudar a reduzir a fadiga e melhorar o desempenho atlético, contribuindo para a regulação do humor e o equilíbrio hormonal. Com um compromisso com a saúde e o bem-estar, a Happy Healthy Hippie se orgulha de oferecer um produto que é simples, natural e cuidadosamente elaborado, proporcionando aos nossos clientes uma verdadeira experiência de bem-estar vinda da terra.
– Aumento da Libido: Potencializa o desejo sexual em mulheres e homens, promovendo uma vida sexual mais satisfatória.
– Aumento de Energia: Combate a fadiga e melhora a disposição, ideal para quem busca mais vitalidade no dia a dia.
– Melhora do Desempenho Atlântico: Auxilia na resistência e no desempenho físico, sendo um excelente complemento para atletas.
– Equilíbrio Hormonal: Contribui para a regulação hormonal, ajudando a aliviar sintomas relacionados ao ciclo menstrual e à menopausa.
– Apoio ao Humor: Promove uma melhor regulação do humor, contribuindo para o bem-estar emocional e mental.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Raiz de Maca Orgânica 1200 mg diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água durante uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Ponce Family –
I have bought this product twice. Great supplement to add to intake.
Caitlin C –
I specifically got this to help with libido; I am 41 female and over the last year my libido has really decreased. I wanted something to help boost it.
I’ve been taking it for almost 2 months now and seen a difference. It hasn’t been a massive shift, but enough that I am more interested and even seek it out sometimes. It took a good 3 weeks to notice a change.
It’s helped enough that it’s become a staple in my vitamin box.
Sarah –
So if you do your research, maca typically takes about 8-12 weeks of daily usage to see an increase in your libido. That’s what I bought these for. I’ve been taking them every day for about 3 weeks now, and while I haven’t seen any change in libido yet, what I have experienced is a BIG increase in energy.
I’ve got a 2.5 month old so I’m up 2-3 times at night and I’m not tired during the day anymore! I still have the energy to even go outside and do yard work.
I’ve read comments about an increase in milk production too, although I’ve yet to experience that in these first few weeks.
I will be buying them again to at least make it those 8-12 weeks! The price is well worth it for the amount you get.
Nina –
Bueno me tomaré mi tiempo para recomendarte este producto.
Soy mamá de 3 niños y casada tengo 36 años y mi lívido estaba 0 pregunte a barios doc.sobre esto de una forma no profunda y me dijeron que no era normal que me atendiera, investigando sobre esto encontré información sobre la maca y su eficacia en este asunto así que decidí probar solo por curiosidad, los primeros 3 o 4 días no note ningún cambio lo que me desánimo un poco aun así seguí tomandolo, así pasaron bario días hasta que se llego el momento en el que debía de poner a prueba sus efectos y 😱 😱 no me decepcionó todo revivió y mi esposo fue el más feliz😄 desde entonces las compro ya es como 4 o la 5 ves que las compro, ojo no las tomo adiario por que su efecto dura más de tres días por eso tomo 2 cápsulas 2 días de por medio igual sus ingredientes son naturales eso fue lo que termino por convencerme de comprarlas. Así que si estas pasando por una situación similar pruevalas puede que te funcionen a ti también. Y termines salvando tu matrimonio.
Dinh –
Excellent Quality, fast delivery AAA+++ Service
Sarah B –
I’m middle aged and this supplement works very well! I take it once a day in the morning only a few times per week. My libido is seemingly boosted and I can’t complain. The quality and quantity is noteworthy.
Like many people, I was very sceptical of fake ad’s and fake reviews. However, after reading many genuine reviews, I came to the conclusion that this product works for most people. I purchased one to try along with the Panax Ginseng from USA and it works wonders. Higher energy. Natural erections at night time. Not as powerful as viagra but works half as good. I take 2 tablets in the morning with breakfast and 1 tablet in the evening with dinner. It gives me sustained energy levels and higher concentration. I can attend boring meetings without falling asleep. Love how it’s natural. I have tried other brands from chemist which don’t seem to work! You should feel the effect of this product after one day.
Anonymous –
Let me preface my review by saying that I work as a medical editor for a pharmaceutical company, and I grew up with 2 parents who (mistakenly) thought vitamins would solve all of their health problems. Essentially, I am a skeptic. I believe in good nutrition through healthy eating and tend to only take multivitamins, antioxidants, and omega fatty acids. All that being said, I should take better care of my physical and mental health. I’m 53, and my husband recently told me that we needed to make some changes because he needed sex more often than once every 3 months (no exaggeration). But honestly, I haven’t had it in me – I’ve been tired and disinterested. After fertility treatments to conceive our son, followed by a bad experience with a hormone-releasing IUD that led to a 30-lb weight gain, pain during sex, and horrific PMS, I wanted to be there for my husband but felt completely depleted. Throw in perimenopausal hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and a pandemic that wiped every date night off my calendar, and I was done. But with renewed urgency, I started doing some reading and decided to investigate women’s health natural remedies – kept seeing that maca and fenugreek were being recommended. So last week, I purchased this product and, and I began taking both about 5 days ago. Since I started them at the same time, I can’t pinpoint which benefits I can ascribe to which supplement or if it’s a snowball effect, but WOW. I take both of these supplements around dinner time, and even if I’m feeling tired by bedtime, by the time we’re both in bed, the intensity of my desire for sex overtakes my fatigue. And unlike how I’ve felt for the last 10 years, I’m not eager for it to be over. The past two nights, after about 45 minutes of, um, satisfying mutual activity, I’ve gone on for another half hour of self gratification. All of this is not a rush like you’d get from an energy drink so it doesn’t feel like a caffeine stimulant – the feeling is more reminiscent of my natural urges in my 20s and 30s. Over the past 5 days, I’ve also noticed increased natural lubrication that gives me a psychological boost, and the overall experience has helped me sleep better and stay motivated to stick with my diet and exercise plan. I feel like I’ve been given a gift of 20 years shaved off my age and a new spark for my marriage. Needless to say, I’ll be adding this product to my subscription orders!
Dominique T –
The effect of this supplement does work. Every time I’ve taken it, I always have this burst of energy that gets me through the day and yes, it did help with libido . HOWEVER (for me personally) I had to stop taking it. I believe the “extra strength” is way too potent for me. I tend to get bad stomach aches with nausea hence the 3 stars.
Nina –
I took these pills for about 3 weeks. At first I could tell a big difference in the intimacy department but on the second weeks I began to notice my stomach was hurting a lot. I had diarrhea, nausea, massive stomach pain. It got so bad I went to the ER. We all thought I had a virus but when the symptoms continued after 5 days, I began to think it was due to the combination of my morning medications. I decided to stop taking these pills but continued with my morning meds. I was literally back to my old self the very next day; no pain whatsoever. Then I decided I will not take my meds and will only take 1 instead of 2 to figure out if these pills were the culprit. Well that day the terrible stomach pains returned with a vengeance. I was back to eating soups, crackers and teas just to try to ease the pain. My stomach is so irritated I’m afraid to try another pill like this not to mention the ridiculous ER bill I now have due to these pills. Who knows what sort of damage these pills caused my system.