Descrição do Produto: Bobica Premium European Organic Lavender Capsules
As cápsulas de Lavanda Orgânica Premium da Bobica são a escolha ideal para quem busca um alívio natural do estresse e uma sensação de calma ao longo do dia. Cada cápsula contém 250 mg de pó de lavanda seca, cuidadosamente colhido no auge da temporada, quando as flores estão repletas de óleos essenciais. Este produto é 100% vegano, adequado para vegetarianos e veganos, e é certificado como orgânico, livre de OGM e glúten. As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir, tornando a experiência de consumo prática e agradável.
Produzidas na União Europeia, as cápsulas de lavanda da Bobica são fabricadas em instalações de última geração, que seguem rigorosos padrões de Boas Práticas de Fabricação. Isso garante que cada cápsula mantenha a pureza e a eficácia dos ingredientes naturais, proporcionando um suporte ideal para aqueles que frequentemente se sentem sobrecarregados ou ansiosos. A lavanda é conhecida por suas propriedades relaxantes, sendo uma excelente opção para quem deseja preparar o corpo e a mente para um descanso reparador ao final do dia.
- POWDER de lavanda seca orgânica em cápsulas, fácil de engolir.
- VEGAN adequado para vegetarianos e veganos | 100% Certificado Orgânico | Sem OGM. Sem glúten. Cru.
- COLHIDO no auge da temporada, quando estão ricos em óleos essenciais.
- BASEADO EM PLANTAS perfeito para quem frequentemente não está pronto para descansar no final do dia.
- FABRICADO NA UE Todos os nossos produtos são fabricados na União Europeia, certificados como orgânicos e inspecionados por uma instalação de ponta, com estrita adesão às atuais Boas Práticas de Fabricação.
1. Redução do Estresse: A lavanda é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, ajudando a aliviar a tensão e o estresse acumulado ao longo do dia.
2. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes 100% naturais e orgânicos, você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo um produto livre de aditivos químicos e conservantes.
3. Facilidade de Uso: As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir, tornando a suplementação uma tarefa simples e prática, ideal para a rotina diária.
4. Apoio ao Sono: A lavanda é conhecida por promover um sono mais tranquilo e reparador, ajudando a preparar o corpo para um descanso adequado.
5. Adequado para Todos: Sendo vegano e livre de glúten, este produto é acessível para uma ampla gama de dietas e estilos de vida.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de Lavanda Orgânica Premium da Bobica, preferencialmente 30 minutos antes de dormir ou em momentos de estresse elevado. As cápsulas devem ser consumidas com um copo de água, facilitando a deglutição e a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Mari –
I found these when I was complaining to a friend about how much difficulty I had getting up in the morning, and how groggy I felt every day. She sent me home with a baggie of these to try, and holy crap, are they amazing.
I have no freaking idea why or how they work, it sounds like imaginary hippie tree hugger MLM crap, but I take two before I go to bed, and I wake up before my alarm every freaking time. the minute my eyes pop open, my brain is *ON*.  I’m not groggy, and I frankly get bored laying in bed after a little bit.
I’ve rarely missed a day since I was introduced. The few times I have, I notice a huge difference with grogginess and my desire to just curl up under the sheets.
after having used these for so long, I don’t seem to have any tolerance built up. The same two pills are just as effective now as they were when I first started.
I would tell anyone to give these a try. If worse comes to worse and they’re not your thing, Amazon offers free returns.
Avid reader –
I bought this mainly to help prevent recurrence of anti-fungal infection and it seems to be working so far as it helps prevent sweating. It’s soft, easy to use, gentle, smells fine without much frgrance (and not really perfumey). Good value. Handy, light little bottle; once you open it, easy to use open and closure for application by just moving the lid slightly to expose or close the holes from which the powder comes out. Good value. I’ll probably buy it again.
Jocelyne Zavala –
I bought these for stress and insomnia of which it helped but not as much as expected for better sleep. I never tried it but I think the lavender oil soft gels are probably stronger than these capsules. Overall a great product for those who want a softer version of the soft gels. This one does not cause heartburn.
NailGuy –
I thought my psychiatrist was on crack when she told me to try taking lavender capsules along with my other meds to help with my anxiety. I’m intolerant to many drugs, and also cannot take medications that are sedating, so I was left with very few options during my most current bout of super-high anxiety.
I was completely shocked to find that after about 30 minutes of taking the capsule, I just mellowed out completely. I didn’t feel euphoric, drowsy, or ‘out of it’ like you would on a benzo, which is a good thing. My heart rate and blood pressure dropped very noticeably, my muscles loosened, my breathing went back to normal, and I felt like I just hit a reset button on my body’s fight or flight response. It’s not as effective for mental anxiety for me, but it did still somewhat calm the racing anxious thoughts I get on a regular basis.
I wish I had known about these sooner! But now that I do, I’m definitely keeping a few in my work bag to take when I’m feeling anxiety coming on. I don’t feel the need to take them every day, but just as needed when it gets bad.
Susan Marchand –
I was trying to test them out to get out of taking prescription pills mostly for my sleep. But unfortunately, I still kept waking up. (Interrupted sleep) So I was looking forward to retuning them so that I can go ahead and get a refill for my prescription pills. Very disappointed for the price. Make sure you are 100% aware of the return policy before ordering. I wish I had paid more attention.
Lavender –
I needed something to help me with mood swings, which resulted as a side effect of hormone therapy. But I needed something natural that wouldn’t negatively affect my liver, which had already been diagnosed with non-alcoholic liver disease.
This product has exceeded my expectations. For me, it begins to work within the first 15-20 minutes, & I just feel incredibly at peace & relaxed. And unlike with other “natural supplements”, thankfully I haven’t experienced any side pain / liver pain, whatsoever, like at all***** answered prayer : )
I do notice that if I take 2, I feel a bit sleepy, & it does help me sleep well, but to avoid any potential drowsiness, I personally find that 1 capsule works for me. I can understand its different for everybody, best wishes to your health, whether that’s your mental, emotional or physical Health; *** many blessings
Giovanni –
Good product, oh well you can continue with your sales and quality. And don’t do like other companies that, because they want to cover a lot, push too little, that is, they lose quality by generating more or simply by the fact that it comes out.
Nan Otero –
Took first capsule at 10pm. Could not wake up until 1:15pm the next day. Won’t take again!