Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas líquidas de enzimas sistêmicas proteolíticas com Serrapeptase da Vitalzym são uma revolução no cuidado da saúde, oferecendo suporte imune e articular, alívio natural da dor e um suplemento de fertilidade em uma fórmula de alta potência. Com 360 cápsulas, este produto é projetado para atender às necessidades de quem busca uma vida mais saudável e equilibrada.
- Método de Entrega Avançado com Revestimento Entérico: As cápsulas gelatinosas de alta potência da Vitalzym são diferentes de qualquer produto de enzima em forma de comprimido ou pó disponível no mercado. Nossa fórmula não contém glúten, levedura ou laticínios e é projetada para garantir a máxima absorção na corrente sanguínea, onde é então dispersa pelo sistema circulatório em todo o corpo.
- Ingredientes: As cápsulas de gel Vitalzym Extra Strength são o complexo de múltiplas enzimas 100% natural e vegetariano original. Vitalzym foi desenvolvido utilizando um processo de pesquisa científica para identificar os ingredientes milagrosos da natureza, que incluem Serrapeptase, Bromelina, Papaína, Rutina, Amilase, Protease, Lipase e Extrato de Amla.
- Proteja Sua Saúde: Viver bem nos tempos modernos pode ser estressante e, por vezes, uma fonte de dor. Vitalzym contém a mistura de enzimas veganas purificadas mais eficazes para promover a cura, as funções corporais humanas e deixá-lo se sentindo claro e revigorado.
- Cápsulas Gelatinosas Pequenas e Fáceis de Engolir: Nossas encapsulações avançadas oferecem resultados confiáveis que proporcionam enzimas puras e potentes com consistência confiável e taxas de absorção incomparáveis. Devido à alta taxa de entrega, a maioria das pessoas precisa de uma dosagem menor e de menos doses por dia.
- Fabricado no Japão: Criado por uma equipe de cientistas internacionais, Vitalzym funciona melhor quando combinado com exercícios, ingestão adequada de líquidos e uma dieta saudável. É importante estar atento a todos os aspectos da sua saúde. Quando usado corretamente, Vitalzym pode auxiliar na resposta cardiovascular, pulmonar e imunológica, além de fornecer suporte para articulações, inflamações e muito mais.
1. Alívio Natural da Dor: A combinação de enzimas ajuda a reduzir a dor e a inflamação, promovendo um alívio eficaz sem o uso de medicamentos sintéticos.
2. Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções e doenças.
3. Melhora na Saúde Articular: Contribui para a saúde das articulações, promovendo mobilidade e reduzindo o desconforto.
4. Apoio à Fertilidade: Os ingredientes naturais podem auxiliar na saúde reprodutiva, beneficiando aqueles que buscam aumentar a fertilidade.
5. Fácil de Usar: As cápsulas pequenas e fáceis de engolir tornam a suplementação prática e conveniente para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas gelatinosas de Vitalzym por dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com uma quantidade adequada de água e manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine o uso do produto com exercícios regulares e uma hidratação adequada.
james konakowitz –
vitalzym has been around since early 2000s it is a great product helps with a lot of health issues. I am not a doctor I am a person who has been takibg it for years. FDA discourges you from purchasing this. no research only opinion this product sells a lot. read world health vitalzym Google read there disclaimer about this product what has been proven to do. then read FDA warning not researched information. this product is safe found the amounts per day for your health issues don’t go over.
Rachel –
My husband and I have been taking Vitalzyme since the end of July 2022. We take 2 capsules each day in the morning on an empty stomach. Mid August I had an allergic reaction to mango. An itchy rash developed on both arms below the elbows. I tried everything to get rid of it. Then realized one morning that I felt better in the morning after taking the Vitalzyme. So I took 2 more before lunch for two days. The rash disappeared! My nails are super strong now. They have always been brittle and weak. I also have noticed short hairs growing along my forehead and neckline. I’ve also had more energy. Yay!!! We will continue to take this product and see what else it will help. Thank you so much for creating something that works!!
Kindle Customer –
Let me start by saying I really like Vitälzym. I’ve used it at various points in my life and has never failed to deliver in its intended function of anti-inflammatory benefits. I especially like that it contains serrapeptase/serrapeptidase. Yes, you can buy that separately and take it on the side but if I can combine supplements into one pill and get the benefits of enteric coatings/gastric survivability, great.
But… a few BIG howevers:
1. You have no idea how much you are getting of each enzyme which is very disappointing.
2 & 3. I would bet most of the people that are buying this are concerned about natural living, natural healthcare and in general tend toward sustainability. In that vein, I have no idea why it is necessary for the manufacturer to have the excessive packaging, plasticized confetti and a DVD in the package! That in and of itself tells me that the product doesn’t anticipate being able to stand on its merits but instead requires artificially created excitement.
You know what you can do Vitälzym?
1. Scrap the unnecessary, unwanted and environmentally unconscious and potentially damaging packaging.
2. Scrap the unnecessary, unwanted and environmentally damaging included DVD
3. List the amounts of each enzyme on your packaging like your competitor Wobenzym does.
For these reasons, I’m contemplating switching to another enzyme product even if that means taking more capsules because at least I will know exactly what I’m getting and how much of everything.
james konakowitz –
I’ve been taking Vitalzym 360 for 5 months because I “had” two extremely large fibroid tumors and multiple smaller ones. My doctor was little too excited about performing a hysterectomy; but I didn’t and still do not want any kind of surgery. I researched and found Vitalzym 360. I started taking 20 a day (10 in the morning and 10 at night). I noticed many health improvements. I am an African American and the first thing I noticed was my hair. My hair is grey and I dye my hair to cover the grey. I noticed that I had 1/8″ of grey 1 week after dying it. My hair now grows 1/8″ a week. My hair is super strong with almost no shedding despite the relaxers and dyes. I am almost 50 and have had acne since I was 9. My skin has cleared and many have commented on how beautiful my skin is and that I now have a glow.
My tummy has gone down tremendously. I no longer look pregnant and tumors have shrank. My general doctor told me that whatever I was doing keep doing and my gynecologist who was a little too excited about performing a hysterectomy is not speaking to me (and I don’t care – this my body.) As the tumors were shrinking and dissolving, I did have some residual effects. I noticed little spasms and the tiny pieces came out. It was kinda scary but I saw reviews in which other people experienced the fleshy pieces as well.
I continue to take the Vitalzym 360. But I am mindful of my health. I no longer eat meat nor consume dairy. And I also take Vitamin D. It shall be interesting to see how my health continues to improve. Good luck. 🙂
Daniel –
I am 80 years old and suffered a major knee injury 6 weeks ago. 5 weeks ago my quad was re-attached after a 97% tear. Vitalzym was recommended by a friend who knows a couple of NFL players who told her this product is widely used because of so many injuries sustained in the league. My first post-op with the surgeon was at three weeks and he was amazed by the lack of swelling and bruising. My pain from the procedure has been gone for some time and now my re-hab is going great. I just drove 1300 miles to get to warm weather without any problems. I’ve been dosing with 5 capsules in the morning and 5 at night always on an emply stomach. I’ve deciided that after i return to normal Vitalzym will be a part of my dialy
Dianna Lindquist –
Ate four bottles of these already since end of March 2021 until now end of April 2022 to cure my myoma of 16.9 cm. I am taking 1 cap 3x a day every day. I don’t increase as I know my body cannot handle too many enzymes. It really works. From looking pregnant until finally looking normal. I used to use a total of 21 pads for my whole cycle (5-7days). Just this month April 2022, I use total of 10 pads only. Heavy bleeding is way way lesser. I stop taking vitalzym when i got my period. Stop for 10 days. Start taking it again on the 11th day until cycle begins. This way, nonstop bleeding is eliminated. It was a trial and error and I found out what works for me! Feel so great! I also take 1/4 cap of multivitamins, add’l zinc, copper, DHA every two to three days as I know my body cannot handle too much vitamins. I eat a balance diet, of course.