Nature’s Answer Mullein Leaf Capsules 90 – Sem Álcool, Vegetariano, Vegano, Sem Glúten
As cápsulas de folha de mullein da Nature’s Answer são uma escolha excepcional para quem busca um suporte natural e eficaz para a saúde respiratória. Com uma formulação livre de álcool, essas cápsulas garantem um suplemento puro e limpo, permitindo que você experimente os benefícios do extrato de mullein, conhecido por suas propriedades que favorecem a função pulmonar e a saúde dos pulmões, de forma natural e sem aditivos indesejados.
Feitas com ingredientes adequados para vegetarianos, essas cápsulas de extrato de folha de mullein oferecem uma opção vegana e sem glúten para o suporte diário dos pulmões. A confiança na Nature’s Answer se traduz em um suplemento saudável e à base de plantas, ideal para quem busca alternativas naturais em sua rotina de bem-estar.
As cápsulas de mullein são uma excelente escolha para aqueles que desejam apoiar sua função respiratória. O extrato de folha de mullein orgânico tem sido tradicionalmente utilizado para promover a saúde pulmonar e aliviar problemas respiratórios, tornando-se um aliado valioso para quem enfrenta desafios nessa área.
Incorporar as cápsulas de folha de mullein em sua rotina diária proporciona um suporte consistente para os pulmões e a saúde respiratória geral. As cápsulas de mullein da Nature’s Answer oferecem uma solução natural e confiável para o bem-estar diário, ajudando a manter a vitalidade e a saúde respiratória.
Além disso, as cápsulas são isentas de glúten, tornando-as adequadas para aqueles com restrições alimentares. Desfrute dos benefícios da erva de mullein, que apoia a função pulmonar e a saúde respiratória, sem comprometer suas necessidades dietéticas.
– Suporte Respiratório Eficaz: Promove a saúde dos pulmões e alivia desconfortos respiratórios.
– Fórmula Sem Álcool: Garante um suplemento puro e limpo, ideal para quem busca evitar aditivos.
– Opção Vegana e Sem Glúten: Adequado para dietas restritivas, sem comprometer a qualidade.
– Uso Diário: Facilita a incorporação na rotina, proporcionando benefícios contínuos.
– Baseado em Plantas: Confiança em um produto natural, alinhado com a filosofia de saúde holística.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de folha de mullein da Nature’s Answer diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água, durante as refeições. Essa prática não apenas maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também integra o suplemento de forma harmoniosa à sua rotina alimentar. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Janel MH –
I have been taking one capsule a day for the past few days and it does seem like I struggle less when my breathing issues come on.
I was diagnosed with mild reactive airway disease, allergic asthma. But I believe having recent troubles with my acid reflux returning and learning about the acid reflux diet I could also have or have instead, respiratory reflux. Seems my breathing comes on with triggers like foods that make too much mucous and lint/dust allergy triggers.
Today I felt I could get those extra breaths in and can normally breathe. And seems like it helps keep the mucous away although I do not have dairy mostly anymore and cut down sugar out of my diet.
I’m hoping I found something because I tried Quercetin with bromelain and that was what was making my acid reflux come back. So I went off of that supplement. And tried mullein in a breathe easy tea and felt that helped some. But also didn’t want to be on prescriptions like Symbicort or singulair because of the long term effects.
Amazon Customer –
Excellent product to cure bronchitis. Product came in good condition. Highly recommend this.
RushAnders –
About 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with adult asthma. It’s so new and confusing and honestly, scary. I did as any uninformed person would do: I went to the doctor. I was prescribed inhalers (preventative and emergency). The side effects from them (bad tremors that prevented me from writing, shivers, and unable to regulate body temps) pushed me hard enough to look for other aides.
Good ole google showed that mullein was pretty much the answer. I ended up ordering it online, because I got fed up of idiots in the pharmacies telling that they never heard of such a thing.
Stress triggers my asthma. The past few weeks have been pretty much crisis mode with me. deadlines from different managers, administrative duties, and customer issues. I have been able to mitigate some potential detrimental attacks in work – I would take 2 as soon as I know that crap is brewing in work, and I wouldn’t feeling feel anything acting up. I was starting to get an attack (I stupidly should have prepped better that week, as I hadn’t taken any, and we were getting reviewed). I was trying to ignore the little symptoms and then I had the chokey coughs. I went in my bag and took three. In ten minutes, I was ok.
I totally recommend this for asthma. And the clear lungs (from ridgecrest, the red bottle). Remember to communicate with those close to you that you have asthma, so that if and when it happens, you’ll lessen panic from both sides. I have flash cards in work, (sometimes, i cant talk when its happening), and my supervisor is aware of my asthma. Try to understand what triggers your asthma, and what are the initial signals you’ll get when your lungs are starting to act up. Best wishes!
ann –
Amazon Customer –
Very good product. Very good brand. Very good price considering a lot of herbal supplements can be priced very high. I believe it helps my allergies and helps my Sinus Congestion.
Mullein is traditionally used for its ability to promote the discharge of mucus and to soothe mucous membranes. Mullein is classified in the herbal literature as both an expectorant, to promote the discharge of mucus, and a demulcent, to soothe and protect mucous membranes. Mullein is a perfect remedy for addressing the symptoms of allergies. It is a gentle herb that has the strength to heal a host of respiratory tract infections that arise due to the invasion of allergens. It works effectively at reducing chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough, asthma, and bronchitis. Mullein is also good for earaches.
Anil kumar –
Good !
Kevin B. Mullins –
great product highly recommend
Kindle Customer –
I take this everyday to help reverse the effects of 30 years of smoking. Seems to be helping. Good value. Great brand.
esther –
I had problem with mucus in my chest and my throat area constantly. I was coughing all the time and spitting out mucus every 10 minutes. I couldn’t sleep through out the night because when I sleep to the left side, I start coughing. It was very strange but I think when I lay down to my side I maybe pressuring my lung and this was making me caugh due to mucus coming up to my throat.
Anyway I read about mullein and decided to try right away because I was suffering so much and I don’t want to go see doctor because they just say it’s allergy and gives me allergy medicine.
As soon as I got the capsule. I took one that day. Strange thing happened. Seems like my mucus became harden and it became very thick. I spit it out and after that I stop caughing. No more mucus right after that.
That night I slept left side and no more caughing. I started taking one every day from that day. So far very good. I do get mucus some but when I take this pill it goes away.
I have acid fluid so I think this is continually make white mucus to my lungs
So I even took acid reduce medicine but caugh didn’t stop. But this definatly did.
I give 4 stars because seems like I have to continually take one or 2 a day to continue the cure. Not sure how long I have to take but I will write the review again after I’m done with a bottle.
I recommended to someone who is caughing and white bubbly mucus and can’t sleep due to this reason. It helped me tremendously. I sleep very well now.
I hope this helps!
Stanley Hroszowy –
The product arrived, with two jars of the Mullen Leif capsules, but one was smashed, the container was broken on arrival, with the capsules dumped, among broken bottle parts.