Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas de Feno-grego da Pure Mountain Botanicals são um suplemento de alta qualidade, formulado com 600mg de sementes de feno-grego orgânicas em cada cápsula. Este produto é certificado kosher e vegano, garantindo que atende a rigorosos padrões de pureza e ética. O feno-grego é uma planta amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades benéficas à saúde, sendo utilizado tradicionalmente para apoiar a digestão, promover a saúde hormonal e auxiliar no controle do apetite. As cápsulas são fáceis de ingerir e não contêm aditivos artificiais, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para quem busca um suplemento natural e eficaz.
1. Apoio à Digestão: O feno-grego é conhecido por suas propriedades que ajudam a aliviar desconfortos digestivos e promovem um sistema digestivo saudável.
2. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Este suplemento pode ajudar a regular os níveis hormonais, sendo especialmente benéfico para mulheres durante o ciclo menstrual.
3. Controle do Apetite: O feno-grego pode auxiliar na sensação de saciedade, ajudando no controle do apetite e na gestão do peso.
4. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Rico em antioxidantes, o feno-grego ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
5. Saúde da Pele: O uso regular pode contribuir para a melhoria da saúde da pele, ajudando a tratar condições como acne e inflamações.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de Feno-grego da Pure Mountain Botanicals, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção. Para melhores resultados, consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Janet Humbert –
I love this product. It has a maple syrup smell and so far I’ve noticed increased energy. It also came with a note which was very kind.
jwill207 –
I bought these to possibly help lower my blood sugar. I am not sure if its working as I just started taking them. Other reviewers say they notice a maple smell but to me it smells more like celery. Product came in a brown glass bottle. Pills are a decent size capsules and not difficult to swallow. Pills contain no other ingredients other than the veggie caps and Fenugreek.
bsmbudy –
I felt like it increased my milk supply. I have a very low breastmilk and before this supplement, I triee non alcoholic beer, lactating cookies and other things but nothing worked. Till now, I am satisfied usually it takes me two hours to pump just two ounces within the two breasts, yesterday it was my second day taking the supplement and at night I pumped 2.5 ounces still within the two breasts. Hoping the coming days, it will increase more.
Meanwhile I am drinking at least 3 litters of water per day. I an taking two capsules three times a day.
I hope this will help you like it helped me. At least as a home stay mom for now, I do not have to worry when I have a dentist appointment or doctors.
Thuy M –
I can’t see a difference really from before and after
bsmbudy –
I bought it in order to increase breast size since I read fenugreek does help with that. But I can’t tell you for sure if it did work since my timing is really bad to start. I was planning to wean my kid off of nursing so I had to stop taking it for now because I didn’t want it to give me more milk! But I can tell you one thing, I sure did smelled like MAPLE SYRUP! Why?? So weird :/
jwill207 –
I started taking this product on the second day that my baby was born, and this product is a blessing, I give my daughter breast all the time and she did not have gas problems or bad digestion, she helped me with constipation and I help a lot so that my hair does not shut up, it increases my milk a lot, I love it because it is a kosher product, and I have bought 3 bottles and I can say that I love this product, that’s why 5 stars ledoy I recommend this product 😍❤️❤ ️👌🏼, and when I finish this bottle I will be buying more
Person –
I love these.. My milk supply took a huge hit after I got mastitis so I gave these a try. I began to smell like maple syrup after 12 hours (which isn’t all that unbearable, actually) and started to notice a major increase in my supply starting yesterday (about 4 days later). After breastfeeding, my left side has increased from about an ounce to 1.5 ounces and my right side has increased from unmeasurable drops to half an ounce. I can also tell that my baby seems MUCH more satisfied after nursing. I’m a happy customer!
Elizabeth –
I took 3 capsules a day and my body felt clean and full of natural energy after 2 weeks of consistently using the product, I am purchasing again and probably forever. I lost 10 lbs within a month with using the pills and drinking a gallon of water every day, it cleared out all the toxins and my body overall slimmed up, the most noticeable spots were my tummy and inner thighs. I love it and like I said Im purchasing again!
another thing I love is the company is all organic and they let you know if you are not satisfied they have a guaranteed service so that’s comforting.