Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas de Extrato Orgânico de Gotu Kola com Reishi, Cordyceps, Alecrim e Ginkgo Biloba são uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes naturais que promovem o bem-estar e a saúde mental. O Gotu Kola, conhecido por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, ajuda a melhorar a circulação sanguínea e a função cognitiva, enquanto o Reishi e o Cordyceps são fungos medicinais que fortalecem o sistema imunológico e aumentam a energia. O Alecrim é um antioxidante natural que auxilia na digestão e na concentração, e o Ginkgo Biloba é famoso por suas propriedades que melhoram a memória e a clareza mental. Juntas, essas ervas e fungos criam uma sinergia que potencializa os efeitos de cada um, proporcionando um suporte holístico para a saúde física e mental.
1. Aumento da Clareza Mental: Melhora a função cognitiva e a memória, ajudando na concentração e no foco.
2. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Os extratos de Reishi e Cordyceps ajudam a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
3. Melhora da Circulação Sanguínea: O Gotu Kola promove uma melhor circulação, o que pode reduzir a fadiga e aumentar a energia.
4. Ação Antioxidante: O Alecrim e o Ginkgo Biloba combatem os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
5. Redução do Estresse: Os ingredientes adaptogênicos ajudam a equilibrar o corpo em momentos de estresse, promovendo um estado de calma e bem-estar.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, com um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto de forma contínua por pelo menos 30 dias. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Rhonda –
Love this product!!!
My wife just had a dental surgery where she was expected to have a lot of bleeding, so I bought this product to help with purifying her blood to avoid any infections as well as blood vessel overall health.
Her bleeding didn’t last as long as expected and her healing time was shortened. So, I pleased with the results. We will continue to purchase for overall blood health
Desiree –
I waited a month after buying these to make sure I had adequate time to make an assessment. I started by looking for just l-theanine, but found this mix instead and it is fantastic. I wanted to try this instead of other pills for my ADHD and it certainly works. I have more energy, I have more fun, I’m snacking less, and I get the perfect boost to start my day! I tend to sing when I’m happy and my family has noticed “hey, you’re singing again.” 🥹🥰
I have found the perfect stack (for me): 1 Gotu Cola first thing in the morning, then 2 True Focus after breakfast, then 2 5-HTP after dinner. It has been *life changing*!! Side note- I’ve lost 8 pounds in a month without trying! 😀
I am in no way giving medical advice, just sharing what works for me. 😘
Kay Radcliff –
This products does everything as described. The mood balance I got was so powerful, as well as the mental clarity. I think by purifying the blood it cleared all the bad free radicals and mediators of pain. I’m not sure of the mechanism for pain relief, but I’ll tell you this, whenever I take one tablet at night, in addition to a restful sleep, I wakeup with almost no pain in my previously achy joints and my wife had the same experience when she tried it. I’m now recommending to my mom, brother and friends struggling with stress and anxiety. I will advise you talk to your doctor if you are already on other medications (for a chronic disease) and your doctor will guide on how to include to current meds and ensure there are no interactions.
Kay Radcliff –
This supplement is very helpful in feeding the brain. Helps to keep my mind Sharp and promotes a steady flow of positive energy. Life gets busy and brain fog has always been an issue. The once a day support is easy to remember. Thank you for this product.
Happy Customer –
It works and it works fast! Inside of a week. Gotu Kola and Gingko taken together were the key to reversing memory problems. When I was taking Gingko alone it was as bad as taking nothing for memory. Then I remembered I used to take a different product that had the combo. The big dosage and extra ingredients of this one are fantastic!
AmazonFan –
I purchased the product for the brain – clarity and focus. It was a different brand than I purchased before this purchase. I was surprised when I saw it helps with anxiety. Although I have been having some challenges with anxiety, I wasn’t looking for those results and didn’t make a note to pay attention. It caught me by surprise a few days ago, when a situation occurred and I could feel anxiety, but the anxiety didn’t escalate the way it has been. A couple of days later, same thing. I had to say to myself “gotu kola”!!! I am beyond happy and pleased with this brand of this product.
Don Carr –
At 85 yrs old – getting a complete night’s sleep is unusual – using the Gotu Kola with Valarian allows me to continue getting back to sleep after getting up periodically during the night – no morning fogginess either – great product!
Lisa cobbs –
I’ve bought This product over the years,my memory is noticeably better,It Helps me in being more patient.I wouldn’t trade it for anything else.