Descrição do Produto:
As cápsulas de extrato de açafrão Horbäach são um verdadeiro tesouro da natureza, oferecendo uma forma prática e eficaz de incorporar este superalimento milenar na sua rotina diária. Conhecido como a “Especiaria Dourada”, o açafrão é extraído da flor do Crocus Sativus, uma planta que tem sido valorizada por suas propriedades benéficas ao longo da história. Cada porção das cápsulas contém 177 mg de extrato de açafrão, garantindo uma dose ideal para quem busca os benefícios dessa especiaria poderosa.
A fórmula das cápsulas Horbäach é elaborada com um compromisso inabalável com a pureza e a potência, resultando em um suplemento que é cuidadosamente testado em laboratório. Os ingredientes são de confiança e a qualidade é superior, com uma garantia de 100% de satisfação. Além disso, este produto é naturalmente livre de glúten, trigo, levedura, leite, lactose, soja, corantes e aromatizantes artificiais, e é não-OGM, tornando-o uma escolha segura e saudável para todos.
– Apoio ao Bem-Estar Emocional: O açafrão é conhecido por suas propriedades que podem ajudar a melhorar o humor e reduzir os sintomas de ansiedade.
– Propriedades Antioxidantes: O extrato de açafrão contém compostos que combatem os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
– Saúde Digestiva: Pode auxiliar na digestão e contribuir para um sistema digestivo saudável.
– Apoio à Saúde da Pele: Os antioxidantes presentes no açafrão podem ajudar a melhorar a aparência da pele e combater sinais de envelhecimento.
– Fácil de Incorporar na Rotina: As cápsulas são uma forma conveniente de adicionar os benefícios do açafrão à sua dieta diária, sem a necessidade de preparar a especiaria.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de extrato de açafrão Horbäach por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também maximiza os benefícios do suplemento. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Cliente de Amazon –
A mí me hizo mucho bien. Con posible TDAH, sin diagnóstico por un especialista. Desde el inicio comencé a recordar muchas cosas, dejé de tartamudear al hablar y las palabras me fluyen más fácilmente. Puedo concentrarme y disminuyeron mis pensamientos obsesivos.
Amazon KReader –
I had been having problems with my heartbeat and b.p. for about 5 years. My b.p meds had stopped helping me as much as it use to and I was afraid I was going to have to up my medicine. I was getting readings as high as 191/110 117bpm (resting) right before it was time to take it for the day. As soon as these came it, I started taking 5 pills (440 mg) and started running every other day (I don’t run) Anyway, after about 6 days I started notice a change. It’s been about 3 weeks and my b.p. has been mostly in the normal range, with some of them on the lower side. My resting heartbeat is much lower. It is now consistently below 100 bpm, sometimes falling on the 80. Not bad, considering for the last 5 years, it’s never been below 100. (I have a heart condition I was born with. The bottom beats faster than the top and there was nothing they said they could do about it. The doc said, other than that my heart looks good and I could run a marathon, or die tomorrow. Isn’t that all of us though? Anyway, this is a lifesaver. Literally, for me. I highly recommend this product!
Lacey –
I have only been taking this a week, if this stops working I’ll update the review.
In my first week of taking this extract –
I have reduced emotional eating, I have less cravings, I feel more positive in general, I am more productive at work and in personal life, I also have less body aches probably due to the fact I’m not overeating and am being more active!
I feel so much more present and happy with how my body is looking (again, probably just due to decreased chip consumption lol)
This is so helpful to decrease those emotional eating cravings and increase your positive energies. I didn’t feel anything the first day, then second and third day it started to kick in and now it feels like it’s just in my system and another supplement to take 🙂 I take it with my morning yogurt.
Will M –
For me! Unlike many supplements! Quality appears fine! I was looking for something, if just a little, to help alleviate some stress! This actually helped! Not sure how long is safe to use saffron, I used it regularly about a week or two, then sporadically afterwards. Still seemed to help. Less stress is a good thing, but we can’t really on supplements, meds, or other things long term! I would recommend giving this product a try!
Gabriella DeMartino –
although this product has done a tremendous number on my mental health (works great as a natural anti depressant!!!), i’ve noticed that the dosage is way too high. i have been getting dizziness, extreme fatigue, muscular pain, back pain, headache, confusion. these are all symptoms of saffron poisoning. if you do a simple google search it says saffron should only be consumed 20-30 mg a day with breaks in between. this bottle’s dosage is 177mg!!!??
susan –
Amps up your sex drive!! At least for me it did!
Sarah P. –
I like that I can take this in the evening and not feel the urge to eat anything before bed. I can hardly believe this does nothing for some people because I have been using it for years without any negative effects. I will say it does not work if I take it with food, or if I take it soon after eating, it doesn’t help either. However if I wait at least an hour or 2 it works well. The dose calls for 2 capsules but I usually just need one. Occasionally I will take a second if there’s some cheesecake nearby ☺️ I also take it during the work day if I know I am not going to be able to eat lunch until much later than my usual time. It prevents me from getting hangry during a prolonged meeting.
Connie C. Allen –
As Described
Rosalina –
Dos cápsulas al día tienen un efecto muy notable en la energía y el ánimo.
Tengo una larga historia con medicamentos siquiátricos y no me atrevo a decir que esto puede sustituirlo, pero sí es uno de los suplementos que realmente me ha sorprendido. Vale muchísimo la pena, sin efectos secundarios.
Debbie W –
Was told from a friend that this product will help you get out of a FUNK Mood. I’ve been feeling down and not myself for a while now. Taking her suggestion I ordered and within a week I felt almost like my happy self again. Now I have been taking it for almost 3 weeks daily and feel AMAZING