As cápsulas de enzimas de serrapeptase são um suplemento enzimático de alta potência que oferece suporte à saúde sinusal, alívio de alergias e saúde celular e tecidual. Esta fórmula exclusiva combina a enzima Serrapeptase, também conhecida como Serratiopeptidase, com uma mistura de Proteases e vitaminas e minerais que potencializam a ação das enzimas. As cápsulas são veganas e feitas à base de pinho, facilitando a incorporação deste suplemento em sua rotina diária.
Os benefícios do Serrapeptase vão além do suporte ao sistema circulatório e do equilíbrio do tecido saudável. Esta poderosa mistura de enzimas também auxilia na saúde celular, tecidual e sistêmica, promovendo uma atividade imunológica saudável e ajudando o corpo a manter o equilíbrio microbiano normal.
Com uma complexa combinação de enzimas, cada cápsula contém 120.000 unidades de Serrapeptase SPU. Essa enzima, conhecida como “super enzima”, tem sido estudada por sua capacidade de afetar o movimento das células imunológicas. A mistura de Proteases trabalha na desintoxicação celular normal, digerindo eficientemente todos os tipos de proteínas. A adição de vitaminas e minerais cofatores ajuda o corpo a utilizar as enzimas de forma mais rápida e eficiente.
Este suplemento foi formulado para ser absorvido sistemicamente, não digestivamente. É recomendado tomar em jejum, permitindo que as enzimas apoiem o corpo em vez de digerir os alimentos. Adultos devem tomar uma cápsula até duas vezes ao dia, ou conforme recomendado por um médico ou profissional de saúde. Para obter melhores resultados, tome com um copo grande de água 30-60 minutos antes ou 2 horas após uma refeição.
Os Serrapeptase Enzymes Capsules da MaryRuth são adequados para a maioria dos estilos de vida, pois são livres de OGM e veganos. Eles não contêm laticínios, nozes, glúten, trigo, soja, solanáceas ou açúcar. Este produto contém maltodextrina derivada de milho.
- Suporte à saúde sinusal, aliviando a congestão e promovendo a respiração saudável.
- Alívio de alergias, reduzindo os sintomas como espirros e coceira.
- Promove a saúde celular e tecidual, contribuindo para a regeneração e manutenção dos tecidos.
- Atividade imunológica saudável, fortalecendo as defesas naturais do corpo.
- Ajuda a manter o equilíbrio microbiano normal, promovendo uma flora intestinal saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome uma cápsula até duas vezes ao dia, conforme recomendado por um médico ou profissional de saúde. É ideal tomar em jejum, com um copo grande de água, 30-60 minutos antes ou 2 horas após uma refeição, para maximizar a absorção e eficácia das enzimas no organismo.
Héctor –
Nauseas y malestar 🙁
Amanda –
To be fair I gave it three stars because I don’t know if it is the brand or just the choice of medicine itself that was ineffective. I was using serrapeptase for clearing fallopian tubes, a treatment that has anecdotal success with some people so I thought I would give it a try. While using the serrapeptase, I had a blocked tube actually get worse and develop into hydrosalpinx, I now need to have it surgically removed (would have happened anyways, the serrapeptase did not cause it, it only did not prevent it as I hoped it would). So unfortunately serrapeptase did not help me for that specific use of unblocking fallopian tubes.
Exelente producto –
Lo compré por cuestiones del intestino y cuando lo tomé me lo lastimó terriblemente las tabletas son muy duras
Lucy Foster –
I have ovarian pain and this definitely helps. I started off with one a day, on an empty stomach and I wait about 1 hour before eating. Did that for a week, and now I set an alarm to take one at 6am and then go back to bed, and when I get up at 10am, I will take another one before eating breakfast. Going to come back after 3 months and post an update.
Today is Oct 28th. And I stopped taking this product. It did help, but it’s a little pricy to keep buying. What I did do, is I got rid of all my skin products, hair products, perfumes, detergents and stopped using chemicals and began bathing in ACV (apple cider vinegar). That has helped tremendously, more than any supplement I’ve taken. So if you see this, stop using lotions, shampoos, detergents, bad cleaning chemicals and use ACV. It is a life changer for sure!
Donna Gail Broussard –
I just got these in and they’ve already helped with mucus and sinus drainage. My poor sinuses were dripping huge amounts of mucus, and it was collecting in my lungs, and I was coughing it up. I felt overwhelmed with mucus. It dried it right up. Nothing else changed, so it has to be this that did it!
I’ve ordered these once before – but my sinuses weren’t draining badly at that time, so I didn’t notice any mucus effect.
What I noticed last time was that I suddenly had this onslaught of yeast infection symptoms. I think I probably had lots of yeast encased in biofilm and the serrepeptase ate through alot of it and set it loose in my system. I needed to have something to take to destroy the yeast once it was vulnerable. But I’m guessing my immune system eventually cleared it up and I felt so much better! I started taking really powerful probiotics, and now I’m not troubled with chronic yeast infections anymore.
But the sinus effect this time is an added bonus! I was miserable with so much mucus, then suddenly it was just gone. And I’m just taking one a day.
Kasey F. –
Systemic enzymes are my new best friend. I’ve been using this brand for over a month and I’m thrilled with how quickly it has been working to tackle old injuries (knee pain and back pain). I’ve never once experienced nausea, thankfully. A couple of things I’ve heard were to make sure you have a healthy gut and to take away from food. So I’ve always taken these on an empty stomach, with a lot of water, and I take probiotics daily as well as drink ACV to keep my digestion running smoothly.
One thing to note: These enzymes done fix inflammation from joints that are currently being stressed or abused. For instance, I started running again and now I have hip pain because I haven’t been doing the proper conditioning. The enzymes have been helping manage the pain, but Physical therapy has been what’s going to get rid of the pain. They’re a dynamic duo.
Love the Mary Ruth’s brand! Would definitely recommend!
jbee –
I purchased this Serrapeptase after researching it helps with internal scar tissue. I was hesitant in purchasing after reading multiple reviews on people getting a stomach upset. I followed the directions on the bottle and this supplement worked just fine for me. I did not get any stomach upset. Not sure if it is benefiting me in any way but I am testing two bottles (4 months) to see. I guess I won’t know unless I have internal problems again or from an ultrasound.
Charles –
Seems to be very beneficial
Dana –
I read reviews on products that seem scary, misrepresent the product and discourage healing. I started my canidida healing process with CANDEX. It worked immediately. I felt some flu like discomforts but I had more energy and some brain fog started lifting. I started using this after finishing the CANDEX bottle, it was suttle. In comparison, it was a lot less aggressive but it works. I felt my body taking deep inhalations thru my nose. I did have some headaches, slight naseua, and indigestion, but these are normal in the healing process. I recommended this to my father who has peripheral artery disease. I also like that co- enzymes, B vitamins are included. I have taken biology and anatomy classes and understand the importance of the pairing.
Violet Delirium –
Serrapeptase enzymes are new to me. I came across them while searching for Fall allergy help for stuffy sinuses.
After many alarming reports about the long term effects of allergy medications, I decided no more!
So what to do about my seasonal allergies? I mostly suffer from stuffy sinuses, which get so bad they eventually lead to 1 or 2 sinus infections a year. I read serrapeptase could help to this sinus mucus.
After 2 weeks, I seem to be having okay results. I take 1 pill a morning on an empty stomach with a big glass of water and an hour or so later my sinuses are clearer. If it’s a bad day I take one again in the afternoon.
Overall, the product seems to be helping enough for me. I live in the middle of farm land and fall weeds/dust/harvests usually reek havoc on me.
So far so good. Will update if my review changes. Only downside is the product is expensive, but it is good quality.