- MELHORA A SAÚDE GERAL: O enxofre MSM é essencial para manter uma pele saudável e uma aparência radiante, além de melhorar a flexibilidade, a saúde dos cabelos e unhas, e desintoxicar o corpo; Se você está procurando aumentar naturalmente sua energia, aliviar dores nas articulações e melhorar sua saúde geral, nossas cápsulas de enxofre orgânico em pó podem ser a solução!
- AUMENTA A PRODUÇÃO DE ANTIOXIDANTES: O enxofre e o pó de MSM são conhecidos por auxiliar na produção de glutationa, um importante antioxidante que ajuda a proteger as células contra danos; A ingestão adequada de enxofre também pode ajudar a estimular a produção de tecido conjuntivo que suporta as articulações e combate dores e rigidez nas articulações.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Melhora a saúde da pele e do cabelo: As cápsulas de enxofre orgânico MSM são essenciais para manter uma pele saudável, melhorar a aparência dos cabelos e fortalecer as unhas.
2. Aumenta a energia: Com a ingestão regular de enxofre orgânico, você pode naturalmente aumentar seus níveis de energia e se sentir mais revitalizado ao longo do dia.
3. Alivia dores nas articulações: O enxofre MSM é conhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e pode ajudar a aliviar dores e desconfortos nas articulações, melhorando a mobilidade e a flexibilidade.
4. Desintoxica o corpo: O enxofre é um mineral essencial para o processo de desintoxicação do corpo, ajudando a eliminar toxinas e resíduos prejudiciais.
5. Estimula a produção de antioxidantes: O enxofre e o pó de MSM auxiliam na produção de glutationa, um poderoso antioxidante que protege as células contra danos causados pelos radicais livres.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas de enxofre orgânico MSM por dia, de preferência com as refeições. Este suplemento pode ser tomado continuamente como parte de uma rotina diária de saúde e bem-estar. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
I am you only different –
This stuff is great and the brand is clean. I was achy in my joints and now I’m not. Plus my hair loss was really annoying but I notice that I’m not losing so much.
Stephanie Montague –
Slightly long review…little person.
I experienced (and am still) grieving a loss for 2 years. I wasn’t doing much with my hair….so I opted for goddess twists. So I at least looked decent where my feelings weren’t. I felt that my hair took a loss so I started researching. I remembered msm from years ago but back then I didn’t understand it. I saw lots reviews and found this brand. I wish I would have taken a picture in January 2024 when I started. But you can see what it has done after I took my hair out just the other day!!!! Like OMG!!! The length, the fullness…jaw dropping. This is just a blow out…not flat ironed. I take 6 a day and am on to like my 2nd bottle. I am a believer! I’d be a product spokesperson if asked.!! I am glad I found this when it was most needed in my life.
Added updated growth picture.
Phantazm –
It keeps the mosquitoes off.
My dad related to me an anecdote about his youth (which was sometime between the earth cooling and dinosaurs appearing) and how his dad would drink this ungodly concoction of powdered sulfur and blackstrap molasses, supposedly as a “blood cleanser” but with the added bonus of keeping the mosquitoes away.
Away from him, anyway. They descended on Dad like tourists on a cheap Las Vegas buffet.
While browsing Amazon looking for powdered sulfur, I found these. Since they seemed a far less objectionable option than that ghastly cocktail of Grandpa’s, I ordered them. And since then, not a single bite. I was even out mowing my grass in the afternoon and the gnats that usually swarm around my face didn’t appear.
Your mileage may vary, of course, but if you have a problem with mosquitoes and don’t care for constantly applying repellent before the fact or calamine lotion after the fact, give these a shot. One a day works for me. No stomach upset, no gas, no objectionable breath or body odor…and no bloodsucking little monsters.
I’m calling this a win.
wirc [wish I were where the rooster crows] –
began trying two with a meal and experienced abdominal pain. went with just one to start & no pain. now take two per day with food — no problems. seems you may need to gradually increase dosage to prevent discomfort. (have been taking for over six weeks now.)
[read online sulfur supplementation is at the top of the list for causing body odor to become metallic; that’s what happened to me.]
as for joint comfort, will need to continue taking for another couple months, at increased amount; so far haven’t seen a difference.
update, 8/23/24: not sure what’s going on but, in the last few weeks, noticed the psoriasis or eczema (red, parched & inelastic skin with highly itchy, crimson bumps) on top of my right foot has improved significantly. think this msm could be at least part of the reason for my foot looking much closer to normal now: no itchy bumps at all, no more rough, red patches & texture close to that of the left, normal foot. (also have been, most days, taking three & not two pills with food — and again, no discernable digestive issues.)
Pat K. –
Still alittle early but I believe this works!
Mrs. Caesar –
I have been using this supplement for one month. I see the most dramatic change in my hair. For the last 6 years I’ve had issues with excessive hair shedding. I’ve gone to a dermatologist who couldn’t give me any answers. I did alot of research and finally decided to try this MSM product consistently. I’ve seen my hair shed cut in half, if not more in this month’s time. Wash day no longer entails globs falling out.
I started with one capsule in the morning taken with vitamin c powder mixed with water (vitamin c allows for better absorption of MSM) for the first two weeks. I am now taking 2 capsules in the morning with the water. I initially experienced vivid dreams ( I no longer have them) but no other side effects.
I think this supplement is worth a shot if you’re experiencing troubles with excessive hair shed.
Stephanie Montague –
Hasta ahora no ha surtido ningún efecto en mi. No puedo recomendar algo que aún no me ha funcionado.
Claribel Santiago –
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