Cápsulas de d-Limoneno de Alta Potência 1000mg, 120 Cápsulas – Extrato de Casca de Laranja para Saúde Digestiva, Azia, Refluxo Ácido, Desintoxicação
As cápsulas de d-Limoneno de alta potência são um suplemento nutricional premium, formulado para oferecer suporte à saúde digestiva e promover o bem-estar geral. Cada cápsula contém 1000mg de d-Limoneno, um óleo natural extraído da casca de laranja, conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas no alívio de desconfortos estomacais, como azia e refluxo ácido. Com um total de 120 cápsulas, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para melhorar a função intestinal e desintoxicar o organismo.
O d-Limoneno é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades calmantes e nutritivas, que ajudam a proteger o esôfago e a promover a saúde do trato gastrointestinal. Ele atua na eliminação do acúmulo de gordura no fígado e na vesícula biliar, facilitando a digestão e melhorando o movimento de bile e gorduras. A extração a frio do d-Limoneno garante a pureza e a eficácia do produto, livre de solventes e substâncias indesejadas.
A Wellness Resources, fabricante deste suplemento, é conhecida por sua dedicação à qualidade e à segurança. Todos os produtos são fabricados em laboratórios registrados pela FDA e passam por rigorosos testes de pureza e potência. Além disso, as cápsulas são isentas de soja, glúten e organismos geneticamente modificados, tornando-as uma escolha segura para diversas dietas.
A Vitaminer Shop recomenda as Cápsulas de d-Limoneno de Alta Potência 1000mg por diversos motivos:
- Óleo de Laranja Natural: O d-Limoneno é um óleo natural que auxilia no alívio do refluxo ácido e da azia, além de promover uma digestão saudável e o funcionamento intestinal adequado.
- Suporte à Saúde do Esôfago: Nutre o esôfago e ajuda a eliminar o acúmulo de gordura na vesícula biliar e no fígado, aliviando desconfortos no trato gastrointestinal.
- Maior Pureza: Extraído da casca de laranja por um processo de extração a frio, garantindo um produto livre de solventes e com alta pureza.
- Qualidade desde 1985: A Wellness Resources tem mais de 35 anos de experiência na formulação de suplementos nutricionais de qualidade superior, baseados em ciência.
- Melhor Preço em Comparação com a Concorrência: Com 1000mg por cápsula e 120 cápsulas por frasco, este produto oferece um suprimento para quatro meses a um preço acessível.
1. Alívio eficaz de azia e refluxo ácido, proporcionando conforto digestivo.
2. Melhora da função intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável.
3. Propriedades desintoxicantes que ajudam a eliminar toxinas do organismo.
4. Suporte à saúde do esôfago, reduzindo desconfortos gastrointestinais.
5. Produto de alta qualidade, livre de aditivos indesejados e com garantia de pureza.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do High Potency d-Limonene Capsules 1000mg por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Amy S –
I have chronic heartburn, GERD & acid reflux. I also have a hiatal hernia. When I say chronic- I mean regardless of avoiding triggers, taking all my meds, raising my the head of my bed 7 inches…all the things-every single day I had some degree of heartburn. Most days were moderate, many severe & few were mild. I wanted off the harsh prescriptions with horrible long term side effects & have been trying different remedies lately.
It has only been a week, but I noticed this starting to work within a day or 2 & now am nearly heartburn free. This has worked 1000 times better than any prescription I’ve taken to calm my heartburn & acidity. I still get some reflux due to the hernia but the lower acidity is so much appreciated!
The first couple days I did notice a little bloating & burping more but it’s definitely subsiding. All worth it for the relief…I highly recommend this!
Linda S. Wright –
Can’t comment on effectiveness because the gel-like capsules are just too big for me to swallow – I tried them the first 2 days after they arrived.
First time it was uncomfortable going down, 2nd day it felt kind of stuck until I drank a lot of water. It scared me enough so I stopped taking them and ordered Orange Burps that are round and small. I ordered these specifically because they were cheaper than Orange Burps and appeared to be the same ingredients but, whew, they’re BIG and Orange Burps are small.
I’ll give ‘em to a friend of mine who’s a big guy; they shouldn’t give him any trouble going down.
Amazon Customer –
Jury is still out on whether this will be effective but they are easy to take and a good value.
Cyril Blakeman –
I don’t take it any more. Hard to get.
Wendy Flores –
Got the name of these from a dietitian.. for heartburn. She highly recommend
them…said they are really good quality. They did work and easy to swallow…. I couldn’t handle the orange flavor. I thought oh that won’t be so bad , but it was and gets to you.
Andrew Schmidt –
These are great. Taking for digestive/reflux purposes, but has the unintended consequence of making any and all gas from my stomach smell like oranges. I see there’s complaints about that, but idk who wouldn’t want their burps to smell like citrus fruit. Try fish oil and get back to me on which you’d rather have.
Srubek –
Nothing beats Jarrow D-Limonene — I have used it for 7 years 3x/day, no missed doses, once with each meal. It has profoundly ideal effects.
It is now increasingly becoming hard to find, likely due to the supply chain backups these days.
So I had to find an alternative.
First, I tried Orange Burps, and it didn’t take very long before I developed new worrisome symptoms within the area of my liver (lower right back — pain so deep I couldn’t even go to work — or the grocery store, for that matter). Correspondingly, tossed it, accordingly. As any sane individual would do.
This one, however, is comparable to Jarrow. Only difference is I don’t ever burp with Jarrow, as it is ideally astringent by nature. This one sometimes leads me to burp, which is unpleasant, since my indication for which I find it constantly applicable, is acid reflux.
Nonetheless, for health benefits overall, this is undeniably the closest one can get to Jarrow brand D-Limonene, for the thousands of others who, like me, now have to find an alternative.
Hope this helps my fellow D-Limonene Jarrow brand fanatics! Much love to all.
B. Hayes –
After reading many reviews and on many other brands of d-limonene I found that it might help, might not. I’ve been wanting to get off Nexium which I have depended on for years to keep my sanity and heartburn acid reflux in check. It didn’t matter how pure I ate, I would suffer terrible if not on Nexium. I’ve learned of the impact Nexium can have on your liver and nutritional absorption, and the whole bacterial imbalance etc. I found myself zeroing in on D-Limonene. I was skeptical because I thought a citrus oil that strong could clean my counter tops, wouldn’t it actually create heartburn or a reflux episode. And the stories I’ve heard from some who refluxed the Limonene up into their esophagus and the “burn of 100 suns” they had to deal with. But I also found it’s HOW you take it that’s important. I got the product in the mail and before reading up further and discovering the ladder. I took one the next morning after a protein shake, and skipped the Nexium the previous day. It was my B-day so I was heading to my son’s house to hang out with them and grill. I notice a slight burn in the pit of my stomach. Something that you would feel if you realize your heartburn was coming back because you haven’t been taking the PPI. I stopped by and picked up some tums just in case there needed to be an adjustment period.
At my son’s house he poured me a fine bourbon from a gift. I thought, mmmmmm. This might back fire. I sipped the bourbon and it momentarily slightly burned going down. I popped a tums because I didn’t want to panic if it came full on. We much on guac appetizer and grilled bacon wrapped jalapeno!
Nothing else happened. We went on and had more cocktails, then grilled filet mignon with asparagus. All was fine. I got home early evening. Snacked later on a few chips. All was quiet within. Interesting I thought, I’ve never gone a full day without being punished for skipping the Nexium. Next morning, felt fine. I walked across the street to the Crown Plaza hotel and ordered breakfast on the deck alongside the beach. Scrambled, hash browns, wheat toast and jam, bacon. No butter. It was great. Took a Limonene when I got home with a whole bottled water. Later had a few burps, no reflux with that. Went ahead and took my other scripts.
It’s been three days now, still closely monitoring. I’ve never gone this long without taking my nexium and not been in major agony.
I’m walking around, scratching my head, what the heck just happened. I’ve been through all kinds of meds to address this prescription and otc, tums couldn’t even touch it, zantac barely did. Now suddenly…crickets? What the heck.
Some have reported that over time they were able to completely able to come off Limonene as well, nothing at all, cured. Huh!?
Sorry so long, I thought I was at a loss for words. I hope you have the same results as I. Cheers!
Dave hughes –
First of all these are huge capsules to swallow and then about 15 minutes after i took one i started having orange burps. The orange flavor went up my nose and caused my nose to run. I bought these hoping they could replace my Omeprazole but i certainly cannot do this. And this product isn’t eligible for return. Wasted money.