Descrição do Produto: ORGANIC INDIA Turmeric Curcumin com Pimenta Preta
Descubra o poder da natureza com o ORGANIC INDIA Turmeric Curcumin com Pimenta Preta, um suplemento orgânico de cúrcuma que combina a sabedoria milenar da medicina ayurvédica com a ciência moderna. Este produto é formulado para oferecer suporte direcionado à saúde das articulações, permitindo que você mantenha a mobilidade e o conforto ao longo do dia. Com ingredientes conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas, este suplemento é ideal para quem busca uma vida ativa e saudável.
Além de promover a saúde das articulações, a cúrcuma também desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde dos órgãos. Nossos suplementos de cúrcuma ajudam a otimizar a função pancreática e hepática, promovendo um bem-estar geral e um estilo de vida equilibrado. A fórmula de absorção aprimorada garante que você experimente a máxima eficácia, utilizando uma mistura de cúrcuma de ervas inteiras e de espectro completo, habilmente combinada com Pimenta Preta, Pimenta Longa e Gengibre, que potencializam a absorção dos nutrientes.
A ação antioxidante da cúrcuma curcumin protege seu corpo contra o estresse oxidativo, promovendo um estado de bem-estar geral. Com uma rica tradição na medicina herbal, a cúrcuma é reverenciada na Ayurveda há milhares de anos. Nós nos orgulhamos de obter a Kandhamal Haldi, uma variedade de cúrcuma de alta potência e qualidade, eticamente cultivada em Kandhamal, na Índia.
– Suporte às articulações: Melhora a mobilidade e o conforto, essencial para um estilo de vida ativo.
– Manutenção da saúde dos órgãos: Promove a função saudável do pâncreas e do fígado, contribuindo para o bem-estar geral.
– Fórmula de absorção aprimorada: A combinação com Pimenta Preta e outras especiarias aumenta a biodisponibilidade dos nutrientes.
– Proteção antioxidante: Combate o estresse oxidativo, ajudando a manter a saúde celular.
– Remédio herbal tradicional: Aprecie os benefícios de uma planta que tem sido utilizada por milênios na medicina ayurvédica.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de ORGANIC INDIA Turmeric Curcumin com Pimenta Preta diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição que contenha gordura saudável para otimizar a absorção. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Marie Rogers –
I have used this product for months now. I initially started taking it for depression, and have continued for all of the other benefits including inflammation and liver health. I will be trying another brand of curcumin to see if it works better. But it has worked well to keep me off Zoloft, in conjunction with a healthy diet and emotional support. I think the people who have sworn off this product as worthless are used to getting the instant results of conventional meds like Advil or Sudafed. I did not get results the first day or even the first week, but a month or so later I realized I was not having the same issues as before. Also, in addition to taking this product 2xs a day, I also add ground turmeric to most of my food, and have begun juicing turmeric into my regular juices. I am a firm believer in the power of turmeric and do enjoy this product.
Alacrity –
I’ve noticed a big difference in my mood after taking this.
I chose this brand because it was the only one that I could find that was Organic AND had a combination of turmeric with turmeric extract (95% curcuminoids). There are a lot of companies that only have pure turmeric which has a really low curcuminoid percentage, so probably doesn’t have a huge effect. However, I also believe that there may be other beneficial aspects to turmeric besides the curcuminoids that have been identified. Thus, I like that it has both types. And the addition of ginger is really good too because ginger has a lot of anti-inflammatory properties as well.
I was kind of surprised by all the negative reviews because I think this product excels compared to competing brands if you care about :
1. an organic product
2. having both pure turmeric and turmeric extract that’s 95% curciminoids
3. additionally having the benefit of organic ginger
I love it, and I feel a huge difference after switching from a 500mg only turmeric brand to this one. I felt so much more positive. I wasn’t taking it for arthritis or joint pain, so I don’t know the effects on those areas. I do know though that it did help contribute to a better mood after some different stress events in my life. This is the first review that I’ve written that wasn’t solicited by the company at all. It’s just that I really want this product to continue to exist. I really hope that the negative reviews don’t put this company out of business, because I really want to continue to use this product.
wren deja –
many many re orders of this one – best out there !
Jeff and Lisa –
Organic and clean.
Robert Byrne –
Works great. Longtime repeat customer. RJB
Kitty –
The Tumeric was very fresh, had a really nice aroma. The Tumeric did take about 1 month to get into my system, but since then, it is like I have never had the pain ever in my knuckles, in my ankles, my rotator cuffs were killing me. I was totally exhausted and nothing would help. I love this Tumeric, what a relief. I just wish it could come faster. I think I will simply order ahead of schedule. It is totally worth the wait, just got to have some one hand. If you have any kind of inflammation it works on whatever it is and I feel great. I never would have ever believed how good I could have felt from Tumeric. Even the Ginger in it for Absorption helps my acid stomach. I sometimes forget to even take my pepcid before I go to bed for GERD, in fact I only use one pill now, I was using two. No wedge neither. The Ginger seems to calm the stomach besides help absorb the Tumeric. I can only tell you how much pain I was in and I’m not a sissy to pain. Just incredible. So glad for this Company and Product. Just remember, it may take a month, maybe two building up in your system, but it is worth the wait and you will feel much better.
B. Pelletier –
part of daily supplement regime
joan l. –
I’ve been using turmeric for years and it does help to ease joint pains