Descrição do Produto: Cápsulas de Cúrcuma Curcumin com Extrato de Pimenta Preta (Piperina) – 120 Cápsulas Veganas
Descubra o poder da natureza com as Cápsulas de Cúrcuma Curcumin com Extrato de Pimenta Preta da NuVitality. Cada frasco contém 120 cápsulas veganas, formuladas com 95% de curcuminoides padronizados, garantindo uma potência superior e uma absorção otimizada. A combinação de cúrcuma e pimenta preta não é apenas uma sinergia de sabores, mas uma poderosa aliança que potencializa os benefícios da cúrcuma, um dos ingredientes mais estudados e respeitados na fitoterapia.
- 120 Cápsulas Veganas: Compromisso de 100% de Satisfação – Experimente nossa Cúrcuma Curcumin com Pimenta Preta HOJE e, se não funcionar, você está coberto. 100% Natural com Alta Absorção e Potência.
- Apoio para Costas, Articulações e Joelhos – A curcumina pode ajudar com o suporte para a parte inferior das costas, músculos, joelhos e outras articulações, além de auxiliar na rigidez e apoiar uma resposta saudável à inflamação, devido às suas fortes propriedades antioxidantes.
- Absorção Superior das Cápsulas de Cúrcuma devido ao Extrato de Pimenta Preta – Nossas cápsulas premium de Cúrcuma Curcumin contêm PIPERINA (ou Bioperine), um extrato da pimenta preta, clinicamente comprovado para aumentar naturalmente a absorção, melhorando sua eficácia. A Cúrcuma Curcumin da NuVitality contém todas as propriedades essenciais da cúrcuma e da pimenta preta, tornando-a a combinação perfeita.
- 95% de Curcuminoides Padronizados para Alta Potência – Nossa fórmula de suplemento de cúrcuma padronizada contém mais curcumina (95%) do que o pó da raiz ou a especiaria (cerca de 3%). Fabricadas sob rigorosos padrões de GMP, utilizando os melhores ingredientes. Nossos suplementos de cúrcuma não contêm soja, glúten, leite, ovos, trigo, OGM, crustáceos, corantes artificiais, aglutinantes ou conservantes.
- Outros Benefícios Incríveis para a Saúde – A Cúrcuma Curcumin é conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes que podem apoiar melhorias no humor, memória, função cerebral e saúde geral. Além disso, a cúrcuma com pimenta preta pode ser benéfica para o sistema imunológico, saúde cardiovascular e desintoxicação, entre outros benefícios. Existem mais de 5000 estudos clínicos que colocam a cúrcuma como a erva mais pesquisada.
1. Apoio à Saúde Articular: Alivia dores e rigidez nas articulações, promovendo maior mobilidade.
2. Melhora da Absorção: A presença de piperina aumenta a eficácia da cúrcuma, garantindo que você aproveite ao máximo seus benefícios.
3. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde celular e bem-estar geral.
4. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
5. Saúde Mental e Cognitiva: Pode melhorar o humor e a função cerebral, promovendo uma mente mais clara e focada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Cúrcuma Curcumin com Pimenta Preta diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição que contenha gordura saudável, para maximizar a absorção dos curcuminoides. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Ann Rich –
I have been taking this product for several years. I’m 65 and do cross fit 4 days a week. It has really kept my aches and pains at bay so that I can keep getting stronger. I’ve tried other procts with tumeric and curcumin and they haven’t worked as well as the Nu Vitality. I highly recommend it.
Jane Doe –
I have been taking this for a few months how and noticed over time that I was starting to feel much better with my joints and having fewer problems with inflammation. I had already planned to continue taking this.
Then my stepmom called to tell me my dad was in the hospital and I needed to get there. I initially planned to drive but had a gut feeling that I needed to fly (I’m glad I did).
The unfortunate result of flying out that very day meant that I did not have proper time to pack. I flew in my pajamas…I tossed random clothes into a backpack…and left. I did not take ANY of my supplements with me.
I was away from home for over a week and noticed after a couple days that I was in more and more pain by the day. By the time I came home I resorted to prescription pain meds to take the edge off of how bad it had gotten. I only had them because they were already in my bag from my last trip.
For me, this supplement as well as the glucosamine chondroitin that I take daily means that I can function in my daily life without using prescription pain meds nearly as often. While I do still have some bad pain days…most of the time I do just fine without needing to take anything stronger.
I have tried other brands and prefer this one. Other brands I typically ended up with at least one burst capsule that peppered all of the pills in the bottle and left them staining my skin and tasting much worse. This brand has yet to send a bottle with a damaged capsule…which I view as a win. These ones don’t taste quite so bad when I take them…because as it turns out, I do NOT like turmeric.
*Please note that most of this review is copied to the review for the glucosamine chondroitin that I take as well due to having the same thing to say about both products.
Rockster –
I’m another one of those old guys that is trying to hold on to as much good health as I can without becoming some kind of vitamin or testosterone freak. I have had a very serious case of pancreatitis, and I am also a prostate cancer survivor. These things were taken care of by medical science and a few hospital stays, so I am still kicking. Sometime ago I realized that I needed to start taking a probiotic to help with digestion, and I am doing that now. I have a good friend who is from India and for years he has encouraged me to start taking a Turmeric supplement. I hesitated because throughout my life when I tried taking supplements or vitamins I always broke out in rashes on my chest and neck. So I did not take the decision to buy this product lightly. Also, with the help of my wife who is in the medical profession, I thoroughly researched Turmeric and what should be taken with it to enhance its effects. This one works well for me. I have never felt better. Even the arthritis in my pelvis is being relieved.
Sue –
I am an old guy who has hit the exalted age of 70. I still have all my teeth and hair. I don’t take any drugs and still my cholesterol levels are well below 200 and my blood pressure is consistently in the 110/70 range. I wear a pedometer and average 14,000 steps per day. I like to think that my good health results from staying away from junk food, eating organic foods – much of what I grow in my own gardens, and taking the right kind of supplements to make sure I am getting the maximum benefits from leading a healthy lifestyle.
In terms of supplements, I have a regular regimen of things that sit beside my coffee cup in the morning. I take specific supplements for various benefits for long term health not because I expect A, B, or C happening after using something for X amount of days. You won’t find me saying a supplement gives me lots of energy, or that my skin is soft and smooth after taking “Z” for only 20 days, etc. No, I take these supplements for long term benefits. One of my favorite supplements is curcumin which I have been using for several years. I started looking into curcumin because of some health issues I developed in the past. I am a survivor of colon cancer and I have had an issue with blood clots in one leg. The docs couldn’t find any reason for the way my blood clots as I am very healthy and active, but they wanted to put me on blood thinners which present their own set of problems. Plus, my joints are starting to get a little creaky and cause me some pain now and then. I saw several articles on curcumin and it seems the stated benefits addressed some of my health issues. So, when I did my own research on curcumin, I found a lot of interesting facts.
– Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color.
– Turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb.
– Turmeric is on top of the list as one of the most frequently mentioned medicinal herbs in all of science and the next most popular studied herbs include garlic, cinnamon, ginseng, ginger and milk thistle.
– Turmeric contain compounds with medicinal properties. These compounds are called curcuminoids, the most important of which is curcumin.
– Of the 6000+ studies referencing curcumin, the most interesting finding is that when turmeric is compared to conventional medicine its benefits equal that of many pharmaceutical medications.
Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant. However, the curcumin content of turmeric is not that high… it’s around 3%, by weight.
Most of the studies I could find on this herb are using turmeric extracts that contain mostly curcumin itself, with dosages usually exceeding 1 gram per day. It would be very difficult to reach these levels just using the turmeric spice in your foods. Therefore, it looked like if I wanted to experience the full effects, then I needed to take an extract that contains significant amounts of curcumin.
I am not going to go into all the study findings, etc. I just wanted to state why I started taking curcumin and why it is part of my daily regimen. As I already stated, I am pretty healthy now. My colon cancer has not returned. I have not been having issues now with my joints, and I feel really good. Hopefully it is because I take supplements, like curcumin, that I can’t get in the strengths that I need just from eating food.
I like this brand because it does not contain junk ingredients, like stearates or titanium dioxide and other worthless fillers, and because it is reasonably priced and made in the USA.
Jane Doe –
I purchased it in hopes that it would help control the neuropathic pain in my arm, which isn’t it’s main selling point, I don’t think. But after nearly five years, I’ll try anything that appears reasonable. I also have IBS-D, and I think this product has helped somewhat to ease those problems On the very definite upside, I purchased one for myself and one for my sister-in-law, who has arthritis, and she reports that it has provided her a lot of pain relief. And considering its anti-oxidative properties and that this seems to be an overall good product, I plan to continue.